How To Have Shower Sex (Best Way To Enjoy It)

How To Have Shower Sex

Shower sex is another wonderful way of spicing your relationship. While considering having shower sex with your partner, you must also consider getting rid of anything that will cause slippering in the bathroom because that is the riskiest part that makes some people not enjoy it. But I bet you, when you get rid of … Read more

How To Swallow Cum In A Simple Way

How To Swallow Cum In A Simple Way

Learn to swallow cum with the simple method! The act of swallowing your man’s cum might be something he did not want you to do before. It does not suggest that he isn’t interested in the idea. Most men will have to discuss this topic with their girlfriends at least once, but they will not … Read more

How To Use A Dildos

How To Use A Dildos

Welcome to Our topic today is how to use dildos. First of all, let us know what dildos are all about. Dildos are sex equipment that can be use to satisfy oneself, or other person(s). Dildos serves as a sex tool which can be used by anyone who are willing to. A dildo looks … Read more

Female Orgasm: All You Need To Know

Female Orgasm: All You Need To Know

Female orgasm and all you need to know about it is what I explained in detail in this article. So relax while we go through it in a step by step way to make you have more understanding of everything you need to know. After reading this try to also read how many inches can … Read more

Things To Try In Bed And Sex Ideas To Try In Bed

Things To Try In Bed And Sex Ideas To Try In Bed

If your sex life needs some excitement, there are plenty of new ideas to experiment with in bed. You’ll be bringing the spark back to your relationship within a matter of minutes! You’ve likely tried many activities with your spouse before however, it’s never an unwise idea to experiment with new things together. The most … Read more

How To Masturbate: For Best Satisfaction

How To Masterbating

How to masturbating or ways to masturbate is what we are going to talk about today. We will talk about both methods for boys and methods for girls. So relax and take your time to read and understand. The steps to follow for the boy: 1. The first thing to be aware of is masturbation is … Read more

How To Ride Your Man Easily

How To Ride Your Man

Love making is sweet and it more sweet when both of you work together Inorder to achieve a better excitement. There are ways in which you can ride your man to make him ask for more. How To Ride Your Man 1. Carefully make yourself comfortable on top of him. 2. Please yourself first before … Read more

List Of 245 Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

List Of 245 Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

When dating, it’s essential to keep your relationship exciting and fresh. Good sex begins with good conversations, and it is essential to get to know your partner’s needs and preferences. Sometimes, it comes down to asking the right questions. Keeping things lighthearted and flirty will keep it fun and exciting. This will help you learn … Read more