The Easiest Ways To Properly Get Rid Of An Old TV

Our lifestyles as consumers have changed quite a bit in the last few years, particularly regarding electronic devices. Because of the speed with which technology advances, it’s not unusual for people to want to continually upgrade their electronics and other gadgets such as TVs, even if it requires removing a fully functional old model.

However, disposing of an old TV is more complex than just placing it in the yard in your garbage bin. First of all, many garbage hauliers don’t take away TVs that have been discarded as well as some cities, towns, counties and states also have regulations against the use of televisions.

If it’s not possible to dispose of a television away with your normal garbage disposal, you might think about whether that practicality is worth the negative environmental cost of digital waste (aka “e-waste”) which is currently accumulating in landfills. According to a report issued by the United Nations Environmental Program about 50 million tons of electronic waste is generated across the globe every year, and only around 20% of it gets officially recycled.

Personal and regional needs aside Here are a few of the most efficient methods to get rid of the TV.

The Easiest Ways To Properly Get Rid Of An Old TV

Donate it

If your TV is still working you can donate it to charity as an alternative. There are many thrift stores and charities that have different regulations, but check out donation guidelines for the ones that are in your neighbourhood to determine whether they will accept TVs. If they do, you should find out whether they offer a pickup service. This is among the most convenient ways of disposing of a TV because you don’t have anyone else (literally) performing all the lifting.

It can be sold or given away to others for free

Make use of Facebook, social media sites, the community’s buy-nothing Facebook group, the Facebook marketplace and a mass email blast to family and friends in your area or any other method you choose to inform people that your television is up for auction or grab. To make the process as simple as you can make sure that the buyer or recipient is required to pick up the TV at your residence (or the location that is most comfortable for you).

The Easiest Ways To Properly Get Rid Of An Old TV

The retailer should recycle it.

If you’re not sure where you bought your new television There is the option of recycling the old one. Ask the retailer for specifics on recycling options, such as whether the service includes picking up the old TV.

However, regardless of the place you bought the new television (or whether you purchased any new TV at all), it is possible to benefit from Best Buy’s recycling program for electronics. Based on the information provided by Best Buy, each of Best Buy’s retail stores within the United States and Puerto Rico can accept used, unopened or unwanted electronic devices for recycling, regardless of the place they purchased them–up to three pieces per family every day.

Although in the majority of cases, the recycling program provided by Best Buy is free, they charge a fee for recycling certain products. If you’ve bought a brand new TV at Best Buy and are having it delivered by them, they’ll remove the old model for $29.99.

Let the manufacturer reuse it.

In certain instances, TV makers offer recycling programs. You can determine which one made your TV is recycling by researching their policies on the internet or by using the chart compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bring it to an electronic waste recycling facility

A quick internet search for electronic disposal guidelines for your area will point you to an e-waste facility nearby that allows you to drop off televisions and other electronics to be recycled. If there’s no such facility within your town or county you should check out the nearby areas with such facilities to find out whether they will accept goods that are donated by non-residents.

You can bring it in for an event to dispose of electronics in your local community

If there’s no e-waste facility in your region There may be certain times (sometimes several times per year) that allow residents to drop their electronic devices (including televisions) at local police or fire stations, or at other establishments in the community to be recycled. Also, examine neighbouring areas that have e-waste recycling day and, if they do it is possible for non-residents to avail of the same.