When A Guy Kisses Your Forehead & What It Really Means

Sometimes guys are not given the credit they deserve. Then again, it is about how caring and sweet they can be. You can’t deny the adorable forehead kisses he gives that will melt your heart.

What does it mean for guys to show affection? Continue reading to discover 15 meanings for a guy kissing your forehead.

There are many explanations for why a guy kisses your forehead.

These are some of the most popular:

When A Guy Kisses Your Forehead

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead?

1. He cares about you

For guys, forehead kisses are a sign that he is caring about you. It doesn’t have to be romantic, however. You may get forehead kisses from your brother, uncle, father, or coworker.

2. He Sympathizes With You

Sympathy is another reason why guys kiss their foreheads. If a man feels truly sympathetic towards you or towards something that you are going through, forehead kisses can be a great move. These forehead kisses are not always romantic. These kisses could also come from friends or family. Don’t jump to conclusions if someone in your life kisses you on the forehead.

3. He loves you

A kiss on the forehead can be a powerful sign of true love and affection for many guys. There are high chances that a man will make it a habit to kiss your forehead, especially if he holds your head in his hands while doing it.

4. He respects you

Similar to reason 3, if a guy has genuine respect for your feelings, there’s a good chance he will give you a few forehead kisses. This is because forehead kisses can come from any number of people, including a father, brother, friend or coworker. It is not a sign of love but symbolic of respect.

5. He is expressing a deep connection

Sometimes, a forehead kiss is the best way for a man to express his deep feelings of love and connection with you. However, it is important to consider the type of connection that he is expressing with his forehead kiss. It will determine if it is romantic or just platonic.

6. He will bless you

Sometimes, guys will kiss your forehead to bless you, whether it’s your husband, boyfriend, or priest. It doesn’t matter if it’s a holiday or birthday if you have just done your first favour for Godfather or any other occasion, it is quite common for guys to give you forehead kisses and heartfelt blessings.

7. He is trying to comfort you

When you are feeling upset, a forehead kiss can be used to comfort you. These forehead kisses can be very genuine and are a great move for players. Be careful with men who only kiss your forehead when you are in distress.

8. He wants to protect you

It is a common instinct for men to want to help the damsel in need. Sometimes, he will kiss you on the forehead to show some kind of protection. It could be a gesture to indicate that his knight in shining armour is there for your safety, ready to sail the oceans, climb thousand-meter cliffsides and slay dragons.

When A Guy Kisses Your Forehead

9. He thinks you’re cute

If guys find you attractive and want to get to know each other better, they will try to sneak in a few forehead kisses. Then, they will dive in for full-on lip-locking.

10. He wants to express tenderness

Let’s face the truth, some of the most handsome men out there are a little lacking in compassion and affection. When he puts a wet kiss on your well-hydrated forehead and puckers up, he is likely trying to show some tenderness. However, depending on your response (either flirting or in a naughty manner), his tenderness could turn into an unbridled, passionate savaging session rather than him singing “Love Me Tender”.

11. He is trying to be cute

Number 9 is when he thinks that you are appealing. When girls give them forehead kisses, they are sweet. They must think that they are equally adorable when they kiss your forehead.

12. He is angry

But forehead kisses don’t always signify undying love or the willingness to fight with dragons for your affection. Sometimes, a man will give you forehead kisses because he is angry. Yep, that’s right. If some guys get mad at you, they won’t kiss your lips, avoid eye-to-eye contact and instead lay their smooches on your forehead.

13. He’s trying to keep things simple

If a man is trying to keep things simple (aka, he only wants sex with you and you have just had sex and don’t want to be bothered by any other expectations), he might resort to forehead kissing to distract him from the situation.

14. He wants to make his escape

Many things are not always sunny and perfect for a picnic at the beach or roses and butterflies. Your guy may try to flee by kissing you on the forehead, but avoiding your lips. He will likely return, but it all depends on who he is to you and why he fled.

15. He is uncomfortable kissing your lips

Sometimes guys won’t kiss your lips because they are mad at you, don’t know enough about you, or have a lack of confidence. In these cases, if they do want to kiss you deep down inside, they’re likely to give you a peck on the forehead as a sign of their affection/intentions.

When A Guy Kisses Your Forehead

Forehead Kiss Meaning Breakdown

The 15 meanings of forehead kisses demonstrate that they are not just for guys. We will explain what the most common forehead kisses are in the next section.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead after having a good time?

If a man kisses your forehead after sex, it can usually mean one of two things. Either he is deeply in love with you and is satisfied or he just wants the sex. You can tell if he goes to bed or stays in bed.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead on a first date?

On the first date, a guy may kiss you on your forehead to show respect or attraction. Sometimes, he might be afraid to kiss your lips.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead while you sleep?

If a man kisses you while you sleep, it is a sign that he truly cares about you. This could also indicate his love and devotion to you.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead during sex?

If a man kisses you on your forehead while you are having sex, it can mean one of two things. If he kisses you on the forehead while you’re having sex, it could be that he is enjoying the sex or is trying to show you how much he loves and cares for you.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your hand and forehead?

It is a sign that a man loves you and will kiss your forehead and hand. It may be repeated often and he might drop to one knee, make a box of his own, and ask you a question.

What does it mean when a guy friend kisses your forehead?

Guy friends might kiss you on the forehead to show that they care about you. You may also get comfort and compassion from them. He may not always want to kiss your forehead or bend over to give you comfort, but it does not mean he is trying to make things easier for you.

What does it mean when he kisses your forehead?

A guy kissing your forehead can signify a lot of things. He may be trying to comfort and show you that he cares.

Are Forehead Kisses Intimate?

Intimacy is often expressed through forehead kisses. They are a sign that a man cares about you and respects you. Sometimes forehead kisses don’t mean anything romantic or intimate but are more like a respectful gesture such as a hug or handshake.

Do Forehead Kisses Mean He Loves You?

There is a good chance your man will give you many forehead kisses. Many men claimed that forehead kisses were a way to show their love and respect for her.