Happy Birthday Sister – 100 Text Messages

Happy birthday sister

Sisters always have a special place in your heart and to them they have so many facets. They can be mom part and friend part. The part doesn’t matter, because they all have one thing in common: they love you always. And that’s why finding the right way to say happy Birthday sister is important.


Finding the right way to convey how much your sister means to you though can be a challenge. So, here are some birthday wishes for sister that will hopefully inspire you for her birthday, whether your sister is cool, confident, sassy, annoying or downright lovable. Now, let us look at few words for sister on her birthday.


Happy Birthday Sister

1. Happy birthday to someone who put just love and joy into my life: my dad. I hope your special day will bring you all you could ever wish for, because you deserve it and much more in life.

2. Throughout my life, friends will come and go but family is forever. I’m so glad I’ve got a sister as stunning as you are by my side. I ‘d rather have none as a sister than you.

3. Sister, you ‘re a one-of-a-kind snowflake: uniquely annoying, uniquely bossy, and, more importantly, lovable. I ‘m happy that I have such a remarkable sister in my life which is you.

4. I always looked up to you when we grew up and as we grew older I still do. Thanks for showing me how style is always finished. Happy Birthday to my lovely role model!

5. Nobody shines as brightly as you do my lovely sister. You do more than stand out in a crowd; with your kindness and generosity, you brighten people up. Thank you for having always brought the sparkle into my life.

6. I hope your birthday will only contain warm, bubbly and pleasant memories. May it signal the start of a year filled with hope and promise. Happy birthday sister!

7. You ‘re a great kid. You not only shower me with love forever, but you love me for who I am. Thank you so much for never judging and just loving me. I am so thankful.


8. My beloved sister who never abandon me even when I went through thick and thin of my life experience, I gladly join the whole world as your receiving birthday wishes today. Today is your day and we all know it and have it at heart to make it rosy for you. I can’t wait to see you flourishing my dear sister. Happy Birthday Pretty Lady!

9. Your birthday is another chance for you to get reminded of those missions you have to accomplish this coming year. Don’t ever forget that this is the beginning of another year for you. Stand up and claim your prosperities as you’re achieving your goals. Happy Birthday Gorgeous Sister. Long life.


10. For the past few weeks, I have been waiting for today and I thank God for giving me the pleasure to witness your today birthday. You’re celebrating it in love, memorable gladness, flourishing standards and lots more. Enjoy your birthday my good sister.

Happy Birthday to My Sister Messages

11. My adorable sister, I really have strong confidence in you. You serve as my source of courage over the years and I always take after your standards. You have been my role model for a long time and you will always be. Thank you for being there for me. I wish this your birthday be a memorable one for you and everyone of us. Have a prosperous birthday my lovely sister.

12. I am so delighted because I have you in my life. It’s hard enough to find someone who appears to hold you accountable but still loves you no matter what. Thanks for always continuing to push me forward, not because you had to, but because you knew I was worthy of so much more.

13. Thanks for keeping my secrets through the years, sis. Here’s one I don’t mind sharing with the world: you are a phenomenal sister! I love you so much and wish you every joy and happiness on your special day.

14. I hope your birthday is as meaningful to you as you are to me. You are such an important part of my life, and I want you to know that I truly treasure you. Happy birthday!

15. We’ve shared more and more over the years: tears, victories, joy, and laughter. And there’s no one I would rather have shared those experiences than with you. I’ve had a wonderful journey in life with you as my sister, and it’s only just begun!

16. Life doesn’t always give you a lot of choices, but I was crystal-clear about one choice: choosing you as my best friend. I am so lucky I am able to count on you as a friend and sister. It is the best combo of all time!

17. For all those years I have known so much joy and love to be your sister. I hope you’ll even experience a portion of that love and joy for yourself on your birthday. Can your special day be just filled with happiness!


18. Having you as my sister, I learned a lot of things: how to sneak out, how to talk to the boys, how to sit down with our parents, how to make up and how to cut my own bangs (that one is key). By far the most important thing you have taught me is how to love without restriction.

19. I hope you look back at the end of your days and think “I was so lucky,” because I know I’m more than lucky to have such a caring sister in my life. You made my life special.

20. Without you in it my childhood wouldn’t have been nearly as unforgettable. I can’t believe I’ve been so resistant to a baby child! I had no idea, in my defense, how smart, lovely, and crazy you would be.

Happy Birthday Sister Long Messages


21. All about you today. I’ve planned the best girl’s day ever: there’s going to be cake, wine, shopping and an ogling boy. I’m not sure you’re ready so prepare a girl to ask for the best birthday!

22. People say childhood memories will never go missing. That’s really a shame because I’d love to forget there are several memories! But none of them does include you. Everything about my superb sister I will always remember.

23. I hope your birthday is full of exciting surprises and happy discoveries because you are constantly bringing joy and excitement into my life. May this year you get lots of thoughtful gifts and loving embraces.

24. Citizens are really losing out on life without mothers. Who’s making their makeup, painting their nails, and talking to them? Sad, truly sad lives. At least, I’m lucky enough to have an awesome sister to do those things with. Happy birthday sister.

25. If life doesn’t go your way just look ahead to the future because there’s no future for you that doesn’t include me. I hope you know that if you ever need it, sis, you can look to me for love and support.

26. A sister is someone who knows you, cares for you and loves you all the time. You are an exceptional sister and I hope you will have an exceptional birthday!

27. Happy birthday to my sister, who got my heart stolen. The minute you were born, you enraptured me, and I loved your sibling every second. May your life merely bring sweet surprises and magic memories.

28. Sister, you ‘re just like a princess in Disney: you ‘re pretty, you can sing and you seem to think that our home is your castle! If you ever need anything, call me, and I’ll never be too old in your life to be an adorable character / sidekick.

29. You have spent so much of your life building up on me, mom. I hope the rest of mine will do the same for you. But there is not much left for me to build up, because you’ve already done so well in life. Happy birthday sister!

30. This may have been a tough year, sis, but I know that your best days are just ahead. The reason I know that is because I will be included in the rest of your days. Only good stuff can happen when you and I get together (mostly good, well).

Sister Birthday Wishes SMS

31. Sister, from the day that you were born you have done nothing but improve my life. I’m so fortunate I’ve got such an inspiring, powerful and insightful sister to support me in life.

32. You were the best type of example to me when we were growing up. You were real, kind and true to yourself. I couldn’t have asked my life for a better role model, and I hope your birthday is just as phenomenal as you are.

33. Your birthday marks the start of a new and exciting life-long adventure. I can’t wait to see what you’re accomplishing this year because I know it will be phenomenal whatever it is. Happy Birthday sister!

34. Having a sister is like having a friend that is just about as pretty as you are. Just weeping, sis. You ‘re definitely the handsome one. Happy birthday to my pretty bestie!

35. Do you think anyone can forget your birthday? That’s impossible. Your beautiful birthday is more than just a day because it lingers in our minds for a long days. I have a precious gift for you when we see each other but for now, let me render my blissful birthday wishes to you sister. Happy birthday pretty lady!

36. My sister, today, I want to say thank you for always being supportive to my progress in life. I am here today because of your assistance and support. You have been the source of encouragement I ever had. If not you,  I would have becoming next to nothing. Thank you for everything.  I really appreciate.  Happy birthday to you!

37. Day by day,  I do meditate within myself. I think about how much I love you for my being a kind and soft heartened sister to me. Not only that, you’re my comforter and companion. For the reason being, I always love to be beside you. Sister, this your birthday is great and I am assuring you that we are enjoying it together with you. Much love my birthday sister!

38. Here’s to bigger, better, and brighter experiences years ahead. May all your good and all your gloomy wish come true this year, and may you only experience happiness, favour,  abundant grace and love. Happy birthday sister!

39. Sincerely, I don’t have much words to express how I feel today. Today’s dawn breaks and I remember that my great sister is having her birthday to be celebrated, then happiness filled my heart. My believe is that it happened to you too. This day is all about you,  so rejoice. From the bottom of my heart, I say happy birthday pretty lady!


40. This message is to tell you that I remember you always. For that reason, I find it impossible to loss memory as regard your birthday. To me, you are the best person in the world. Happy birthday my big sister.

Happy Birthday Text to My Sister


41. Immediately I woke up this morning, I could hear all the good birds singing. Their song is beautiful and that makes me realize the true nature of today to my sister. The sincere cause of this is the fact that every beautiful thing talks about you my sister. Wishing you a happy birthday ma.

42. The beauty of the world is everything that it has inside of it. The beauty of human is his life. The beauty of good human beings is their character. There is no doubt that my sister has a lot of beautiful things in her. I cherish you today and forever. Happy birthday sister!

43. There is no love like that between sister and someone like me; it’s the kind of love that  presents sweet memories and fuzzy, lovely feelings. Sisters like you are friends for life that always stay strong. That is your major beauty. Happy birthday my sister.

44. Sis, you are just like a rainbow. No rainbow comes with dull colors but pretty ones.  Just like rainbow does, you make my life more vibrant. Thank you for always show up with good heart after every rainy period of my life. Happy birthday sister!

45. I am so grateful and delighted that you are my sister like no other. It is even impossible for me to comprehend how my life would have turned out without you. You have brought me indescribable happiness and joy in life. Your beauty means a lot to me. I love you sister. Enjoy your glamorous day.

46. Throughout my childhood, I have some favorite and beautiful memories and all these memories have one thing in common which directly you. You made my childhood all beautiful, better and wonderful, but it’s my future I more look forward to sharing with you because I always believe in you. Happy birthday to you today.

47. In the past, I did think you were just a sister destined to be someone besides me. I used to think you were just born bossy and pretty, but then I realized you got it from me while I also got something from you.  Good job learning from the master as I’m also learning from my mistress, little sis. Happy birthday to my annoying but beloved and charming sister!

48. I have a strong mind that you never doubt that I can do anything in this generation. It’s because you always push me forward purposefully to make me better that I have become who I am today. I really appreciate you for always being my beautiful source of motivation as well as my tutor in life. Happy birthday my beloved sister!

Happy Birthday Good Sister SMS Showing Who You Are To Each Other

49. For the fact that we are being big sisters to each other, we are amazing. No matter what happens in this life we are,  you can always count on me as I will forever be there for you. Obviously, that’s what big sisters are for. I’m there for you when there is rain, under the sun, but I hope your birthday is full of only clear skies that will give you clear pictures of your birthday. Happy birthday my sister.

50. When we were children we fought in time without number, when we were teens we argued furiously and at times lovely, and as adults that we now are,  discussions are what we enjoy. My sister, there’s nothing I love more than the passion you bring into my life. Have a productive birthday dear.

51. We are in this life together and we both understand the fact about blessing of life. What we have that we love to have can be seriously considered to be a blessing to us. You know what sister?  There is a joy of double blessings. Indeed, having a sister like you is a double blessing.  Happy birthday to you.  Long live with lots of prosperities.

52. Problems free life is amazing but life without challenges is too soft and presents nearly no experience. Sister, I pray all your challenges of life open the golden gates of opportunities for you as you are celebrating your special day with us today. Happy birthday.

53. Having a sister just this one clocking another year today is like being blessed with two of everything deserved to be called blessings. Double closets, couple sets of makeup, and couple hearts that are always connected as necessary. Thanks for always permitting me to make use of your things even when you didn’t feel like allowing it.

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Sister Messages that Reveal Your Flaw 

54. I don’t want to justify my flaws with arguments that everyone has flaws. My flaw is mine and only who can endure it with me loves me. Those that neglect me will have different stories to tell. But you being a good sister being beside me always both when I’m right or wrong.  Happy birthday sister!!!

55. Not many people can withstand my high level of crazy, but you convinced me by proving to me that you are an awesome sister. You never get tired of my bad habits. Today your birthday, I’m so proud to say I am so lucky to have a sister who loves me regardless of my flaws.

56. Human being will always make mistakes because it’s how we were made by God, our Creator. But many sisters forget this phenomenon and desert me because of my past mistakes. I make mistakes because I am who God says I am. So, today I am very excited that I still someone to call my partner despite being stubborn.  I really appreciate your honesty and support my sister. Happy Birthday to you.

57. A beautiful sister like you should have a beautiful birthday. A wonderful sister like you deserves a wonderful celebration. An astounding sister like you must experience an astounding day on her birthday. Truly, a good natured sister who understands the gravity of my flaws or I should say my past mistakes deserves the best of everything. I hope it heralds the start of a new year filled with favour,  grace, affection good times and great friends. May you get everything your heart desires this your new year. Happy birthday my good sister and friend.

58. Big sis, over the years I have watched you grow into an absolutely phenomenal woman who makes me realize that my flaws should be my stepping stone. These my mistakes now have made me a great lady as I made use of them in a positive way. Now,  I can confidently be more proud to call you my helper and revealer. I hope  and I am sure that your birthday is half as brilliant as you are.

Happy Birthday Gorgeous – SMS to Tell Her Who She Is

59. You’re strong, pretty, gorgeous, caring, kind, soft heartened, good natured, and loving; basically, you are an example of perfection. Being your lovely sister, I want you to know that I can’t hate for any reason. Happy birthday to the best sister in the whole world.

60. Sister,  when I am confused you are the best to narrow my mind, when my days are dark, you become the light for me, and when I am lost during my journey, you guide me back home. Thank you for always bringing sunshine which serves as the light and faith which serves as hope into my life. It doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. Happy birthday sister.

61. Happy Birthday Gorgeous sister. I feel so sad when I think about the people out there who aren’t fortunate enough to have sisters. I feel more so sad when I think about those who have sisters but not as good as you are,  as kind as you are,  as brilliant as you are, as amazing as you are, because you have brought so much love and affection into my life. Happy birthday to my irreplaceable sister! You’re an irreplaceable indeed!

62. Some sisters are lot like homework, some are wicked and evil. It’s really annoying, but it helps me learn so much. I thank God because you are opposite of these qualities. Thanks for always being my teacher in life. Happy birthday gorgeous!

63. I can’t stop imagine the goodness of being a person next to you. I can’t stop imagine the joy and pleasure of being beside you. You are the goodness,  joy,  and pleasure that my heart desires. I love you so much sister. Happy Birthday to my irreplaceable sister.

Text Msg for Sister Birthday

64. Celebrate your birthday in a big way! You are the best sister anyone can pray to have in one’s life. As a result, you have always deserved the best. Joy and happiness are your favorite friends forever. Happy birthday dear sister!

65. The most heartfelt birthday greeting to the person whose presence in my life makes it so bright and special! Sister, this birthday wishes is from deep inside of my heart. I celebrate with you today, I will celebrate more with you. Happy Birthday.

66. You are my best sister that I’ve ever had in my life and even in imagination too not only in the real life. You’re the best even beyond this our own generation. I’m glad that you are a year older today and getting better. Happy Birthday sis.

67. Sisters are valuable more than diamonds and gold. They are indeed priceless. This is who you are to me. I can’t trade you for anything. Happy Birthday.

68. The warmest birthday wishes to my awesome, wonderful, prettiest and coolest sister who makes my life so colorful, amazing and exciting!

69. Sisters are God’s way of reassuring mankind that pain exists, but so do healers. I truly face a lot of pain but you’re always there to make them quickly get healed. Happy birthday to one such sister in this life.

70. I love to always remember how different you are from me, while you forever remain the sister I love so much and I feel much honored to celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday to my beloved sister!

71. Happy birthday, Miss Gorgeous! I am grateful for the magical time that we have spent together so far in much love and care, sis. Be happy and be grateful for your birthday.

72. It is glaring that whoever see another year of his or her life as you do today should be grateful to God. Sister, rise up and rejoice in the Lord for He makes you happy today. We are happy for you dear.  Happy birthday smart sister.

73. Ever growing up, no one has ever had courage to drive me crazier like you do. Now, you have become the permanent person I talk to when other people are trying to drive me crazy (even when you personally do!) Prosperous Birthday to you   sister!

74. I remember those days when we fought over food especially when you cheated me when it came to sharing of meat. Sister, don’t laugh too much if you remember how I hurt you with pepper in your eye. Anyway, it’s very nice remembering your favorite birthday today.  Happy born day.

Birthday Messages for Good Sister

75. We observe your birthday this day not because you’re born in a day like this but because you have accomplished a lot of impacts in this life. So special you are. You’re even more than an incredible sister.  That’s what this your birthday is all about. Happy birthday pretty lady.

78. Your achievements have spoken well for you today. Just look back to observe every detail of your achievements, you will understand what I’m saying. The goals utter why you are being special. Happy birthday big sister.

79. If I fail to wish you happy birthday now,  then when will I? Failure to do this is preparing for stupidity because you’re so special.  Happy birthday beautiful lady.

80. Being special and accurate is just more than perfect for you. My elder sister, you’re look so beautiful today that you clock another year. Enjoy your day.

81. I want to wish a very and glamorous Happy Birthday to the most happening, specially cute and smart sister in this entire universe of ours.

82. Special love meant for the special souls. Though even the sun, the moon and the stars will one day run out of energy which they use to shine their lights. But my love for you will never fail. It will survive to the last day of the universe. Believe me. Happy Birthday.

83. Governments need to order all Pharmaceutical companies to take some swabs of your DNA for chemical composition to create a product called Emotional Healer. Sister, you’re not just special but also a wound healer. You healed my heart many times. Happy birthday pretty lady.

84. Sis, I always valued your every word of advice that you sound to my ears. Though, I reluctantly applied them. Now,  I have better experience in my life. You have helped me to become responsible for the family that we both belong. Happy Birthday gorgeous and my adorable little sister who has occupied the very special space in my heart.

85. To my personal and so special person: day after day, you are getting better for yourself and for us. You are one more year wiser today and about five minutes away from grabbing a cocktail.

Happy Birthday Naughty Sister

86. I wish I could write very well. There are so many sweet and naughty memories of our old days that can easily be turned to an interesting stories. I can remember all of them because I cherish them forever that I have write them in my white diary. Have a Happy Birthday, sister.

87. Should I call you my naughty teacher or I should just call you a sister? I am little bit confused as regard what I should call you. You are the one who has taught me what love, kindness and care is. Happy birthday my dear, wonderful, sister!

88. As a normal human being,  there are some attributes and qualities needed to be seen in one’s life. All these attributes and qualities are what I inherited from you despite that you are naughty. Happy birthday my sugar sister.

89. There are two things that remain IMPOSSIBLE: It is obvious that you are so naughty and cannot stop having your birthdays and more precisely you can’t stop being my lovely sister. Both these things are really good and cannot be stopped. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.

90. Have you ever wondered why I love you so much for being my  younger sister?  Don’t worry, I just love you for who you are to me and to everyone here. Most especially your naughty nature. We celebrate you now and we are happy for you. Have a great and blissful birthday.

91. Naughty sister, you are my everything and even more than being everything. For having you as my one and only sister, I do feel that I’m definitely one of the luckiest persons in the universe. Have a fun and Happy Birthday sister.

92. My dear naughty sister, on your special day I want to wish more wins and I‘d like to wish you an exciting life, full of great discoveries, achievements and joyful surprises that will take you to the next level!

93. I’m sending my best and a very special birthday wish to the most amazing friend, healer, naughty adviser and an incredible wonderful sister. Happy Birthday.

94. I am so glad. Although I never really enjoyed sharing my things with you as I have always enjoyed sharing our childhood and love with each other. Your naughtiness help me to grow and I really appreciate it. You’re most precious gift I have ever received.

95. I can’t denote when you will stop being a naughty girl. Though, it being such a great experience to grow up with a cute and fun girl like you. I cherish and value all our sweet and exciting childhood memories. For me, you will always be that adorable and admired big sister who is always close to my heart, happy birthday!

Birthday Love for Sister


96. I want to declare a big thanks to you, my sis, for being the most loving, kind,  charming, adorable and caring sister in this entire world. No one understands me better than you. You are the best at that.  Wish you a Happy Birthday loving sister.

97. The sisters are not meant to be around all the time. They have a lot of businesses to attend to. But still, it really becomes a great thing when they are around you. Thank you for always being by my side especially at every point of need you. Have a Happy Birthday sister.

98. I cannot do but use this opportunity to say happy birthday to my sister. Happy birthday ma and I want to say a big thank you for making us proud.

99. Thanks for taking all the good looks in the family. Your presence is felt from the deep down of our hearts. Happy birthday

100. Maybe you were one of the floating souls in heaven or you naturally got created into this world, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that get sent to me. But I’m so lucky that I’ve found you as my sweet sister and thank you for agreeing to be with me. Happy Birthday.