List Of 31 Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend

Do you want to spice up your relationship? Have a few fun bets with your boyfriend every once in a while. It’s exciting and fun, with a reward at the end of every round.

31 different bets that you can make with your boyfriend. They are categorized by their flavour. Here are some funny, flirty, and harmless bets that you can make together via text.

These bets are fun and you can check them out. Surprise him with a bet. He’ll love it!

List Of 31 Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend

9 Funny Bets to Make with Your Boyfriend

Table of Contents

These are great fun bets because they can always be a good laugh, no matter who wins.

You have a greater chance of your relationship being successful if you can have fun together. These are some ideas:

1. The loser must sing a song. The winner will choose the song.

Simple, right? The winner of the bet gets to sing any song they choose. Take a video of your performance with you to make it more enjoyable. The more silly the song, the better!

This is a great bet for when you are both at a bar that offers karaoke. You can make the loser perform karaoke before an enthusiastic audience. This will make an interesting memory.

This one is perfect for couples who are just starting to get to know each other’s deeper, darker and dirtier side.

Even if you lose, it’s a good thing. You’ll build a stronger relationship with your boyfriend. Let’s just hope you win, and that you learn more about him instead!

3. The loser cannot use their phone for the rest of the day.

This bet is for you if you are both willing to handle withdrawal symptoms.

All of us can agree to reduce our use of our phones. The winner gets an exercise in self-control.

You never know what might happen. They may rekindle a hobby, learn to read maps or do some other activity.

4. The loser must drink the winning choice.

This one is for you and your boyfriend who don’t mind playing drinking games.

You can make a wager, lose it and then drink the beverage your partner chooses. This is a great way to have fun at bars or parties where there are many drinks on tap. You can be as creative as your heart desires.

Be responsible, and don’t let him drink more than he can.

5. The winner will choose the outfit that the loser will wear to our next date.

Have you ever wanted to be with a clown? This is your chance. This bet could backfire and you may end up with a clown nose on your next date.

You can be bold if you want, but it’s best to agree with your boyfriend about what the loser can wear.

6. The loser must wash the winner’s vehicle this weekend

This bet is only valid if both of you own your cars. This one is much easier, right?

You can make the bet and, if you lose it, you just wash your car. No need to do clown makeup. However, he might force you to wear a swimsuit.

7. The loser must drive the winner around town one day per week.

This is another hilarious bet if you’re interested in owning your car. The loser must schedule a date when they will be their partner’s designated driver.

It’s amazing how even minor inconveniences can lead to some very special memories.

8. The winner is exempt from all chores today

If we have ever heard of one, this is a tempting bet. There’s a 50-50 chance that you will get a day without chores.

You can make the bet and everyone will be happy. Except that you can make the loser do all the chores.

9. The loser must buy the winner a week of snacks.

This is a simple, fun bet. The winner will make a list of the snacks they eat in a week and the loser must buy them immediately.

This shouldn’t matter if you love your partner deeply.

Each of these bets is enjoyable for both the winner and the loser. It’s also a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Remember, it’s just a game. If things get heated or competitive, you can always call off your bet.

List Of 31 Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend

6 Flirty Betting Ideas

If you are looking to spice up your relationship, flirty can be a great option.

These six bets are fantastic because they open up new avenues for wild, fun, and sometimes even sexy, entertainment. If you lose, just make sure that you are up to the challenge.

1. The winner gets three wishes and the loser the genie

These wish-making guidelines are applicable. It is not possible to wish to kill, love, or bring back someone from the dead.

The winner has it and the genie should be happy to give their pleasure. To be exact, there are three of them.

You can increase the number to five if you feel daring. If you are not feeling adventurous, you can reduce it to one wish. It is entirely up to you.

2. The loser must plan his next romantic date night.

You and your boyfriend may have different ideas about what makes a romantic date night.

This bet gives you and your partner a 50-50 chance of achieving the perfect romantic date night. So why not give it another shot?

To make a bet worthwhile, plan a surprise date. Tell your boyfriend not to tell him about the plans you made that night.

3. The winner will choose what to do in their bedroom tonight

You’ll likely have different ideas and tastes when it comes to bedroom kinks.

What are they? You might be surprised or even amazed by the outcome of this wager. You win in either case.

4. The loser must write the top 10 things that they like most about the winner.

This can be funny, sweet, or naughty depending on the comments made by the loser about the winner.

You can also learn more about one another and strengthen your relationship.

5. The loser bids for the remainder of the day.

This is a variation of the genie-and-three-wishes bet (#10), where the loser simply does whatever the winner tells them for the rest of the day.

You might consider placing this bet in the evening or afternoon if you are looking to hedge your bets.

6. The loser gets the winner a massage.

This should be enjoyable. This should be fun.

You can give your boyfriend an unforgettable massage if you lose the bet. You win the bet, you can get yours.

Simple, right? These six flirty, sexy bets will add some spice to your relationship.

These can be used whenever you and your boyfriend feel the need for excitement.

List Of 245 Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

8 Great Bets to Make with Your Boyfriend

Your bets do not have to be naughty or overly amusing. Sometimes they can be harmless, loving gestures.

These 8 bets are a great way to show appreciation for each other regardless of who wins.

1. The loser makes breakfast for the winner tomorrow.

This bet is simple, sweet, and not too demanding. If you are in love, you should happily accept the consequences of the chance.

You don’t have to be a great cook. This bet can be modified to allow you to order in.

Although you may have to get up earlier to place the order, the smile on your boyfriend’s face when he wakes will be worth it.

2. The baby is watching the loser tonight.

This bet is only for couples who have a baby. Watching the tiny bub can become exhausting. The bet can help you express your love and give each other much-needed rest.

The best part? The best part? You’ll be loved by him for it.

3. The loser gets the groceries next week.

Another way to show your love is by doing this. It can be exhausting to get groceries, so if one of your hands is willing to take it off the other, this is a great wager.

4. The loser does all of the chores for the day.

This bet is excellent if you and your boyfriend share roughly equal chores.

You get to take a break, while the other gets busier.

Keep in mind that if chores are already overwhelming you, this bet might not work for you. Instead, try the next one.

5. The winner plans the next date.

This bet is much more enjoyable, especially because there are no additional chores for the loser.

The winner gets to choose the date. They could choose a place or event they have always wanted to go to.

It doesn’t matter how it turns, this bet guarantees a date and opens up the possibility to experience something completely new.

6. The loser must pay the winner a certain amount.

This is the most basic type of bet. The loser pays the winner a specific amount of money. “I’ll wager $5 on …” or “I’ll wager $10 on …”. You get the idea.

If you and your boyfriend have a bank account, this bet will not make sense.

You can change the amount by purchasing a gift certificate from the winner’s favourite shop, mall, or restaurant. The winner can use this opportunity to purchase something for the win.

7. The loser makes tonight’s dinner tonight.

This is an easy variation on #16. This will allow you to make dinner the next day instead of making or buying breakfast the next day.

It shouldn’t pose a problem for the loser, and it gives you the chance to get something that you love.

You can take the loser out to dinner if you wish to broaden each other’s options.

8. The loser must eat something spicy and hot.

…or very pungent, or extremely sour–you have a lot of options.

Have you ever tried a new type of exotic food? If you win, you might be able to convince your boyfriend to try it.

Let’s now switch gears. What about if your boyfriend is far away? If this is the case, you will need to place your wagers via text or online.

List Of 31 Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend

8 Bets You Can Make with Your Boyfriend Using Text

It’s smart to push for the next face–to–face meeting when you are in a long-distance relationship.

The more you met, the greater your chances of it working over the long term.

Try these bets with your boyfriend, and subliminally tell him that will see each other again soon.

1. The winner determines what we do this weekend.

It doesn’t matters if the bet is lost. It doesn’t matter if you lose the bet, you’ll still meet him this weekend. That’s a win for both of your parties.

This makes it the best bet to make over text with your boyfriend–if you can meet up every weekend that’s a great sign.

2. The loser must bake something for the winner.

This is a great bet for long-distance relationships. The winner of the bet will share some baked goods with the loser when they meet again, which is likely to be soon.

3. The winner chooses our next vacation destination.

I hope you are seeing the trend. You should focus your efforts on the next date if you are in a distant relationship.

Few things are better than a vacation destination where you can spend multiple days together.

4. The loser must send a nude for the winner.

Even if you lose it, your boyfriend will still be motivated to see you soon.

Send your photo with a caption such as “Come and Get Me” Trust me, he will.

You wine then enjoy the view!

5. The loser must make a Tiktok video dance.

The bet is simple: the loser chooses any Tiktok video and sends it off to the winner.

To make it more exciting, the winner can choose which template to use. It’s great fun, even if neither of you is a skilled dancer.

6. The loser must buy coffee for the winner

This bet invites him for coffee soon. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, you’ll still end up scheduling a date. That’s a win for both of you.

7. The winner decides what movie to watch h next night.

This bet is for those who are unable to meet up in person. You can watch a movie online together, and the winner will get to choose which one.

8. The loser will go shopping with the winner.

You can also offer to go shopping together on a bet. Although it can be expensive, the opportunity to spend quality time with your partner is well worth the cost.

These are 31 fun things you can do with your boyfriend. You can find at least one for each occasion so get creative.

It will make your relationship stronger.

What are the Best Things to Bet on?

Let’s wrap it up. What should you place your bets on? There are many options. You can make fun of your boyfriend by identifying which categories are most relevant to him.

What does it cost?

Let’s suppose your boyfriend and you see a fancy-looking watch, car or hotel on television.

Then you place a wager on the cost of it. The winner is the one who guesses the cost closer to what it costs (you can probably Google it).

Who wins in a game? (Video, board or cards)

You can make your relationship more fun by playing games with your boyfriend. You will win more if you have healthy competition.

In a sporting game, who wins?

Do you and your partner enjoy sports? You might consider betting on certain outcomes or guessing the final score. The winner gets a sweet bonus.

This is a great option for those who want to follow the same sport, but are interested in different clubs. You can block off your time for each club meeting in the evening.

Who can eat/drink most of anything?

This should be fun if you are both foodies. You can pick a food or drink to challenge your partner and see who can eat it or drink the most. The bet is won by the last person standing or sitting.

What happens when a movie ends

You and your boyfriend are going to watch a movie together. You can make a friendly wager at the end of the movie. The winner is the one who guesses the closest.

These bets should be avoided in a cinema where there is supposed to be silence. Keep it safe for watching movies at home.

Which event was the first?

If you are talking about history with your boyfriend, and one of you is confused about which event occurred, make a quick bet with him. Then check Google for the answer.

How a mutual friend will behave.

Talk about a friend you share and make a wager with your boyfriend about what they will do.