How To Eat A Girl Out: The Secrets To Make Her Scream And Squirt

This guide will show you how to make a girl scream.

Most guys don’t know how to eat a girl until she tells them what to do.

Most guys think that eating out with a girl is a waste of time. You don’t have to please her with your tongue when you can use your dick. To others, just going down on a girl for a moment is another way to get her wet enough to penetrate. Going down on a girl does not have to be an optional part of foreplay.

You can make a girl’s day by going down on her. Do you want to please and satisfy her?

How to make a girl scream!

It might seem as though eating out with a girl is a simple task. Just go down and let her have fun. You will probably get almost no response. She might even make you stop.

It takes more to eat a girl out than you might think. You must practice and have the skills and time to make her love you. You won’t please her if you don’t do the hard work.

Benefits of eating out with a girl

You may be rolling your eyes at the thought of eating a girl out. It’s not worth it. You may not please her as much if you get down to business.

Foreplay is essential for girls. They are more patient than men and need foreplay to get things moving.

The most common mistake men make when dining out with a girl is eating the wrong food.

It’s a long-held belief that if you don’t know how to eat a girl, all you need to do is recite the alphabet A to Z and roll your tongue the same way you would when eating a boy.

This advice is not bad, but most men take it too seriously. Many men view this part of sex as a chore and not something to be proud of. Are you correct in saying “D”? Am I stuttering my tongue when I say ‘F?!

What was meant to be an incredible turn-on turns into a complete mood killer for both of you!

How To Eat A Girl Out: The Secrets To Make Her Scream And Squirt

How to have fun with a girl and enjoy her company

Let’s start by stating the basics. You must enjoy pleading with your girl down there if you want her to enjoy your tongue work.

Do not just stick your tongue in. Instead, slide your torso up to her face and smile. You can get down to her level, place your face between her thighs and wrap your arms around her butt or legs, and then you can start working your magic. Oral sex is not something you have to do to get her attention, but a part of sex that she should enjoy, like undressing her and touching her breasts or sliding down her pants.

You’ll find that oral sex is a great way to have fun with your girl. Every. Single. Time.

What length should you wait to eat a girl out for?

Every guy wants to know this. However, most men and women can agree on a time limit —15 minutes. Even though 15 minutes may seem long, it’s not too much, and your tongue could get irritated.

If you can stay down on a girl more extended than that, you’re a star. If a girl keeps pushing her head down on you for over 15 minutes, it’s probably greedy.

What length of time have you had sex? It’s subjective. Oral sex is also personal. Some girls love it when a man goes down on them. Penetrative sex is a better option for some girls. Watch her face as you get down on her. Go with the flow if she is wildly exaggerating. Use the tips below if she is staring blankly at the ceiling.

How to make a girl scream and how to get her to laugh—these are the tips that every man should follow.

As I mentioned, eating a girl out can be a skill that not all people have. This skill can be learned, and you will soon make your girl scream with practice.

How To Eat A Girl Out: The Secrets To Make Her Scream And Squirt

These tips will help you please your girl like never before.

1. Get the foundation right

Create anticipation. Nothing is more exciting than receiving a text message from a man stating that he will please you like never before. It doesn’t matter where you are, whether at work or the gym. You’ll be in the right mood when you receive that text.

You can build anticipation before you give it. You’ll be amazed at how excited she will be to hear what you have for her.

2. Enjoy her body

It would be best if you heated things in other areas first. Do not skip to the lady bits. Before you end your journey, ensure she is on the edge of her entire body. You can kiss her affectionately, touch her neck, and tell her you are about to start working.

3. It is coming, but it is not yet

Slowly work your way down, and don’t rush. This helps build anticipation. It’s essential to make her as happy as possible. Slowly move, kissing and licking until you get to her.

4. Do you know what the magic button is?

By “magic button,” I mean her clit. This is more than your inability to give her an oral. Locate the clit on a diagram of a female and focus your attention there. It is all about the clit.

5. The right flick

Girls love vibrating in this region. This is because of the repetitive movement of the clit. Try replicating that motion using your tongue to move it up and down. This will make her crazy!

6. Use pressure

Ladies also require pressure to get off the ground. Don’t just move your tongue; press down on your lady’s clit with your powerful tongue and move it as fast as possible. This will create that powerful vibration girls love.

7. Use your lips

You can also use your tongue to charm a girl. You can make her scream if you want.

Kiss the area. Pull her clit with your lips. Use your mouth to express yourself. You can make her finish by using your lips, but don’t forget about your tongue.

8. Make sure you have the correct type of suction

You can use your lips to apply pressure that girls don’t know how to feel: suction! Pull on her clit, and watch her go wild for you.

9. Multitasking is a great way to make her love it even more

You don’t have to eat her out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use other tools while you’re there. You can stimulate her G-spot with your fingers and hands. You can slip a finger in while you go to town and watch as her back arches and her moans escape.

10. You can take a break to talk about small things.

Do not be afraid to ask her questions and break off. If you do everything that we have told you to, she should be struggling to breathe and not be able to answer.

This will allow you to take a breather and help you adjust your approach to please her precisely as you want it.

How To Eat A Girl Out: The Secrets To Make Her Scream And Squirt

11. You have hands

Do not just focus on the below. You have hands and can reach them wherever you need. Play a little with her boobs, or get around her butt.

You can please her in many ways by stimulating different areas. You will make her feel overwhelmed by the pleasures and sensations you offer.

12. Are you open to trying something new?

There are many places you can eat out with her. You don’t have to limit yourself to one position. Different positions may feel very different to her. You can try them all and find the one that gives you the most feedback.

13. Go fast, go slow

Do not just eat her out all the time. You can change your pace by slowing down and then speeding up. Apply a little pressure and then increase it before you ease back up. It would be best if you were flexible to get her off.

14. It’s better to have dessert than it is, right?

Although this is not something most guys think about, it can make a big difference. It’s not uncommon for girls to be insecure about their men eating them out.

It’s a good idea to tell her how much pleasure it is to please and how much fun she is having. This will help her relax and allow her to enjoy the experience rather than feel anxious.

15. 20 questions about her pussy

Ask her if you are unsure of what she likes or doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to ask! You can make this a very sexy gesture if you lean in closer and whisper, “Tell Me What You Want.” She will then open up to you and reveal exactly what she wants. This will help you focus on what matters to you so you can enjoy your meal like a professional.

16. Just a moment longer, stay down

If your girlfriend is a good friend, you might feel her grab your head and push you back at some point. She knows you are probably tired and awkward. You can stay there longer instead of getting up and returning to work. Tell her you enjoy the experience so much and won’t mind if she gets up. It will make her feel good, and she will be able to enjoy your tongue even if it isn’t.

It’s not easy to learn how to eat a girl out. Although it will take some practice, once you know these tips, your girl will be screamin’ with delight.