Why your girlfriend left you

Why your girlfriend left you

Well I have seen several relationship that are broken and some time the guy when you asked him, he will say she left me for another guy, or that she has broken his heart but the truth is at times we guys are at fault because there are many things she expect you to do for her but you don’t do it or you don’t even know what is the problem that cause the break up between you two, let me tell you many girls who break up or leave their man don’t do it because they want, at times they do it inform of to say they need a break, all this signs is for you to notice or know if you can understand what they want from you as their man but it baffled me seeing that most guys don’t try to understand what their lover really want from them or the signs their girl is giving to them. so that is why I decide to write this post to make you understand things that you don’t know that causes issues or break up, so that you can learn and change your character towards her, to make her feel more happy with you.why-your-girlfriend-left-you

  1. Fun.This is really necessary especially when you have a girl who really cares or love having fun, because is your duty as a man to add fun in your relationship for you to be sure that she is happy. You must not always take her to shopping, bars, or clubs but at times make out time to work around with her. Try to visit places or at times to look around some places or area. Believe me she may leave you due to lack of fun in your relationship.
  2. Funny.Is not a must that you will be a comedian before you can be funny to her, at times try to play with her because it part of good memories she will have and will always remember at times when she is alone and that will help to keep her company when you are not around and will also make her always try to meet , visit or stay with you always. If you lack this in your relationship then know that you are making a big mistake that can make her leave you easily so try your best to always have time with her as you can.
  3. Lie.This one is like a big offense and kill her love fast with pains too, because if she always sees you as someone who always lie to her believe she will not regard your words as anything and will never believe anything you say and that will make her not believe in you, which is not good because she will never have regard on you. So try always not to lie to her especially on those lies that she can easily catch you.
  4. Happiness.Well this one already explains itself. If you don’t make her happy or even try to make your girlfriend happy, she can’t stay with you because every woman wants to be happy and won’t love to stay with someone who make her cry or unhappy always. So you see if you can’t make her happy why then did you expect her to still stay with you. Now let be reasonable here can you as a man stay or go where you know that will not give you joy, the same way don’t expect her to stay with you if you can’t make her happy.
  5. Value her. This one too explain itself too, because no one will love to go or stay with people who don’t value them the same don’t expect her to stay with you if you don’t value them because every woman has a dignity and pride, which if you are not ready to keep for them and value your girlfriend then know that you are inviting break up in your marriage which will surely come to you.
  6. Trust.Well if you don’t trust your girl that means you don’t love her and if you don’t love her please let her go for you not to hurt her the more. As a man is expected from you to always love her and protect who then will you do it to, so try to trust and defend her.
  7. Concern..If you as a man don’t show concern to her and know what she love and hate and always try to calm and be with her when she needs you most. I have seen some men who don’t know his woman best color or best food or drink. If you know you lack concern bear in mind that you are inviting break up and not tomorrow you say she break your heart not knowing that you are the one that have been breaking her mind before she decide to go.
  8. Romantic..Well did I also need to tell you to call her pet names and pet her like your woman, Every woman love petting and pet names because it makes them feels that you really care for them so try to always be romantic with them and make them feel happy and more love for you.