Side Effects Of Eno That You Must Know

Side effects of Eno

Eno is an over-the-counter anti-antacid that provides relief from heartburn and gastric acidity. You don’t need a prescription to use it. What about the side effects of Eno? Before you consume the antacid, it is important to be aware of them.

These are the most common side effects associated with eno powder.

1. Blood pressure increases

Hypertension or high blood pressure are two of the most common side effects of consuming Eno daily. Eno can raise blood pressure. The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Diseases recommends that people with high blood pressure avoid sodium bicarbonate, which can increase blood pressure. Additionally, excessive bicarbonate can disrupt the body’s normal pH.

2. Allergic Reactions

Another side effect of eno is the possibility of allergic reactions. Research shows that antacids can cause or aggravate allergic reactions in your body. An antacid can reduce your immune system. It can increase the risk of allergic reactions and bacterial infections. Another animal study shows that suppressing gastric energy may cause allergic reactions. Research suggests that children can also be allergic to the antacid medication. Eno can cause allergic reactions in the body because it is a strong anti-antacid.

3. Kidney Diseases

Kidney issues are another side effect of eno. In extreme cases, antacids such as eno may also cause kidney failure. Research shows that small amounts of antacids may have minor side effects if taken only occasionally. Long-term use of antacids may lead to renal failure or other chronic conditions.

4. Alkalosis

This is a medical condition where body fluids become alkaline. Alkalosis can lead to nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, and other metabolic disorders. Research indicates that sodium bicarbonate may also cause side effects such as heart failure, muscle spasms, and low calcium levels. Research also shows that sodium bicarbonate may impact body metabolism and muscle biology.

6. Heart Diseases

Antacids may also be harmful to heart health. Research shows that antacids that contain sodium carbonate or bicarbonate may increase blood pressure. This can increase the chance of having a heart attack.

Is it a good idea to take Eno daily?

Eno is an effective antacid, but it cannot be used to treat acidity or heartburn. Side effects of antacids such as eno can be severe, so it is best to avoid taking eno daily. If you are experiencing acidity or other issues with your stomach, it is best to see a doctor.

According to the National Health Service UK, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use antacid medications. You should consult your doctor before using eno daily to avoid side effects.

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