List Of 20+ Good Character Traits List To Live A Happy Life

His conscience was his strongest attribute. His affections are warm and tender. He was sincere and pure.

These good qualities are written about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.

Lincoln was an example of integrity and honesty.

He gives us many examples to show good character traits.

The good qualities that he possessed remained with him through the trials and tribulations he faced as a leader of a nation during one of its worst periods in history.

Lincoln was President during the 19th Century when the character was highly regarded.

What is good character and how can you tell?

Character traits that are important to good character include loyalty, honesty and courage.

A person of good moral character will do what is right if they believe it to be the right thing to do.

Some positive character traits are less moral but still define character.

Being tenacious and creative are excellent qualities, but they do not have to be moral imperatives.

A person’s good character is displayed through their words and actions.

The traits they display are not restricted to one value. They can be seen in their “good” and “bad” decisions.

List Of 20+ Good Character Traits List To Live A Happy Life

The 40+ Character traits that will make you happier

You can choose one good quality to work on from the list below.

1. Integrity

Integrity is the personal trait of having strong moral principles, and core values and living your life according to them.

If you are a person of integrity, you will adhere to your principles whether other people are around or not.

2. Honesty

Honesty goes beyond just telling the truth. It is living the truth.

Being honest means being trustworthy and straightforward in your relationships, thoughts, and interactions. To be honest, you must have self-honesty.

Lao Tzu: “Watch your thoughts; they become words; watch the words you speak; they become actions; watch the actions, they turn into habits; watch the habits that become your character.”

3. Loyalty

Loyalty can be defined as a trait of loyalty and dedication to loved ones, friends and anyone else with whom you share a relationship.

Loyalty can be extended to your employer, to the organizations to which you belong, to your community and your country.

4. Respectfulness

This character trait means that you are civil, courteous, respectful, dignified, and deferential to yourself and others.

As a symbol of your respect for all people, and your willingness to accept their flaws, you show basic respect.

5. Responsibility

This quality is exceptional because it accepts obligations in the areas of personal relationships, career, community and society, even when they can be difficult or uncomfortable.

This trait is responsible for completing commitments and accepting or creating accountability.

6. Humility

You are modest and confident about your self-importance.

You do not consider yourself “too good for” other people or situations.

This trait is a sign of a growth-oriented mindset, and the desire and ability to be grateful for what you already have.

7. Compassion

This example of a character trait shows that you feel deep sympathy for others’ suffering. You want to help them.

8. Fairness

This character trait uses discernment, compassion and integrity to make decisions, and take action, based on the outcome or course of action you believe is best for everyone involved.

9. Forgiveness

You decide consciously and intentionally to let go of resentment or anger towards someone who has done you wrong, whether the offender is seeking forgiveness or not.

Pardoning, reconciliation, or restoration may or may not be included in forgiveness. Forgiveness is extended to both others and oneself.

10. Authenticity

This virtue allows you to be yourself, authentically, without pretence, falseness, or posturing.

You can show appropriate vulnerability and self-awareness.

11. Courageousness

Despite fear, it is important to have the mental strength and courage to continue with a plan, commitment or decision.

12. Generosity

This quality means that you are willing to give your time, effort, feelings or words without expecting anything in return.

The character trait that offers them freely and joyfully.

13. Perseverance

Perseverance can be defined as a trait of character that is the steadfast determination and persistence to persist with a particular course of action, belief or purpose even when it is difficult or uncomfortable, to achieve a greater goal or outcome.

14. Politeness

This character trait is a person who knows basic good manners and common courtesies. They are also willing to use them with everyone they meet.

To improve your self-esteem and relationships, you want to develop the skills of politeness.

15. Kindness

Kindness is being helpful, considerate and benevolent towards others.

This virtue is motivated by a positive attitude and a desire for pleasant and warm interactions.

16. Love

The ability to love those you care for means that you can show them how much you care through your actions, words, and expressions.

This includes being open and vulnerable.

17. Optimism

Optimism can be a virtue that shows a feeling of optimism and confidence in the future.

It is a mental attitude that interprets life’s events, people and situations positively.

18. Reliability

You can rely on this character quality to consistently follow through with your commitments, decisions, and actions. You follow through on what you promise.

19. Conscientiousness

This character trait is a desire to do everything well or to the best of their ability.

You are organized, thorough, diligent, efficient and vigilant, all based on the principles you hold dear.

20. Self-disciplined

This good character trait allows you to overcome your feelings or desires to take the right course of action or to live up to your principles or commitments.

You can control yourself in order to reach your goal.

It can be challenging to develop and maintain these good character traits, but the benefits are numerous.

21. Ambition

You will be ambitious if you want to reach your goals.

Your ambition will drive you to achieve your goals, whether you want to earn more money, start a business or excel in your career.

This is a positive trait, as long as it doesn’t cause you to compromise your other positive traits or overshadow your values.

22. Encouragement

Encouragement is a way to give others hope, strength and positive reinforcement. When you encourage someone, you go the extra mile to show them confidence and support.

This is a great trait, as it shows your ability to care for and understand others in an emotionally intelligent way. Your encouraging nature makes others naturally drawn to you.

23. Giving Thanks

You can forgive yourself as well as others when you have an understanding of the human condition and flaws that are inherent to all of us.

It is possible to let go of grudges, resentment and anger. This will free you and those who may have hurt you.

This is a trait of commitment and courage.

24. Consideration

You can show that you are considerate by showing you care about others as well as for yourself.

You are caring and try to understand what others might be feeling in certain situations. Then you adjust your behaviour.

Being considerate means also being polite, and showing respect to others — even those who are at a higher level of life than you.

25. Thoroughness

You’ll go the extra mile to make sure that everything is done correctly and completely when you are thorough.

You can count on others to deliver your commitments with care and attention to detail.

You can expect to achieve more in both your professional and personal life if you are thorough and consistent with your efforts.

26. Patience

Personal growth is achieved by cultivating patience. This virtue is defined as being able to calmly endure frustrations and delays.

This allows us to exercise self-control and thoughtfully consider situations, rather than reacting rashly when we are faced with challenges.

27. Decisiveness

Decisiveness is the quality of making timely decisions based on a reasonable analysis.

This allows for a determined follow-through but also requires that one trusts their judgment, research options thoroughly, and make sound decisions.

28. Tactfulness

They tactfully use diplomatic diplomacy to communicate, demonstrating their emotional intelligence and consideration. They prefer gentle honesty over blunt honesty and aim to inform or guide without causing undue harm.

To cultivate such nuanced expressions, you must constantly refine your language and find the best moments to discuss sensitive topics.

29. Reasonableness

Reasonableness is characterized by a balanced and rational logic, as well as sound logic.

This trait is developed by challenging assumptions, listening and accepting different viewpoints, and allowing for new information and situations to change established opinions.

30. Observantness

Observant individuals can notice subtle details which reveal deeper truths. They have developed patience and curiosity to avoid making quick judgements.

They can be both empathic partners and insightful leaders when it comes to collaboration.

31. Conviction

It is only when you are zealous and dedicated to your beliefs and principles that you can take passionate, deliberate action towards change.

Openness to alternative perspectives and a clear understanding of core values will help you avoid extreme views.

32. Adventure

Adventurers are always looking for new challenges and experiences that will open their eyes. They venture out of their comfort zones, not afraid to explore new terrain.

If you are flexible and open to taking reasonable risks, they will expand your perspective and reveal hidden talents.

33. Sophistication

They can appreciate cultural excellence in all its forms, be it cuisine, art or intellect. Diverse exposure is what gives them the discernment to see beyond superficiality.

Sophisticates refine their senses and nurture their critical faculties by seeking out the finer stimuli of life. They also help civilization reach its fullest potential by bringing it to the forefront.

34. Individuality

Individuals are true individuals who think and act according to their inner compass, not that of the group. Because they find fitting in boring, they cultivate their unique interests and values.

Standing out is a risky move that can raise eyebrows. But the lifestyle of self-definition pays off with respect for yourself.

35. Attractiveness

Attractive individuals have qualities that attract others and make them feel good about themselves. The way they express themselves creatively is how they project a confident charisma mixed with physical appeal.

Charming behaviours can also communicate deeper qualities, such as compassion and emotional intelligence. Overall, attractiveness is a sign of vibrant self-acceptance.

36. Wittiness

Let’s celebrate the witty individuals who can light up conversations by making unexpected and amusing comments that always hit the target.

They are like musicians, always on time and never missing a note. Irony is a great way to keep the mind bouncing and make scenes more lively.

37. Heroism

Heroism is about sacrificing your life for a cause that matters or changing the game. This is about next-level self-sacrifice and courage.

They stay, even when others run. Untrained or trained, heroes come out guns blazing to save innocent lives or for ethics worth dying.

38. Punctuality

Punctual people show integrity and discipline when they keep their commitments to arrive on time.

They adhere to shared deadlines by planning thoroughly and buffering for unexpected delays. We should make punctuality a moral obligation because it is essential to effective collaboration.

39. Assertiveness

Assertive Communication promotes progress through direct, yet respectful expression of needs and preferences to find fair solutions.

To be assertive, we must first know our limits and then state them with confidence without aggression. The key to achieving win-win situations is not compromise, but eloquent advocacy.

40. Articulateness

The articulate use language to convey their meanings in a nuanced and clear manner. They can organize their thoughts logically and select the right vocabulary. Then they speak with fluidity in their refined expression.

Understanding before trying to be understood, we follow their lead and reach new levels of communication.

41. Tenaciousness

Tenacious people who promise to achieve great things cling to these visions with fierce determination and resilience.

Their burning ambitions are fuelled by a spiritual purpose that transforms discouragement into fuel. This rare level of tenacity explains why world-changing results materialize despite all odds.

List Of 20+ Good Character Traits List To Live A Happy Life

Why is a good character so important?

According to the historian Warren Susman, in his book Cultural as History the phrase “good moral character” reached its peak in the 19th Century.

Susman says that “Character” was a keyword in the vocabulary used by Englishmen and Americans. It was so important for society, that it was promoted to as an essential part of one’s personality.

As we moved from a producing society to a consumer one, things began to change. The emphasis shifted away from virtue and goodness and towards self-interest and material possessions.

Susman says, “The vision that was based on self-sacrifice has begun to give way to the vision of self-realization.”

The importance of cultivating personality characteristics and influence has increased, while the development of nobility in heart, mind and deed has decreased.

Abraham Lincoln is unlikely to be the president of today.

It seems that in this age of political unrest and cyberbullying, good character traits have lost their importance.

Does developing virtues and good qualities in oneself have little or no value today?

Integrity is a key attribute that can make a difference in one’s life satisfaction, self-esteem and relationships.

Good character traits . . .

  • Build respect and trust in others.
  • Inspire and motivate others to better character.
  • Develop self-respect, confidence and respect for yourself.
  • Offer a framework to help you make important decisions.
  • Leadership qualities should be reflected in both personal and professional endeavours.

A healthy and functioning society is based on the virtues of individuals.

It may not be popular, but developing these character traits will prove to be one of your most rewarding and emotionally intelligent pursuits.

A good character is defined by defining values and integrity, based on self-reflection based on time-tested principles. It also involves having the courage to live life according to those values.

How can you improve your character?

Character traits for kids

You don’t just inherit good character. It is important to start developing good character as a young child. Parents and teachers should focus on teaching character traits.

Children can develop their character through games, lessons and real-world experience. They will learn how these traits help them to be happier, more successful and more resilient.

As well as helping children to develop moral and ethical values, teaching them traits such as kindness, respect and responsibility will also help them to build self-esteem.

Adult role models should take into consideration the following when teaching children these traits:

  • Instead of pointing out the bad traits, focus on reinforcing the good ones.
  • When children display bad character traits, teach them more positive ways to behave and react.
  • Talk to your children about how these positive traits can make their lives more successful.
  • Children should be held to high standards (but at an age-appropriate level) and these standards must be clear and measurable.
  • Use books or other literature that reinforces positive character.
  • Set an example for your children that they can aspire to and emulate.

Adults must assess themselves and improve on any weaknesses they may have.

Take a look at the ways you can improve your character to become a role model for others.

List Of 20+ Good Character Traits List To Live A Happy Life

What is Good Character?

Here are some steps that will help you develop these positive traits.

Step 1: Define core values.

Determine your personal and professional values to determine what is most important for you.

The principles you choose, and your actions and behaviors are based on these principles.

Step 2: Develop the habits.

Choose one or two positive character traits from the list above and practice them for a few weeks.

You can write down actions or behaviours that you would like to adopt to reflect the trait and then implement them into your everyday life.

Wear a rubber wristband or make other reminders that will help you to practice these positive qualities.

Step 3: Look for people who have good character.

You should surround yourself with people who share the same values as you.

You will be inspired and motivated to develop these traits within yourself.

Avoid people with a bad character or who make poor decisions.

Step 5: Take some risk.

Take small steps towards a goal or a value that involves varying levels of risk.

You become more emotionally and mentally stronger when you challenge yourself to succeed and face the possibility that you may fail.

Step 6: Stretch yourself.

Set yourself high standards and ambitious goals.

Even though you may experience setbacks or failures, expect the best from yourself.

Each stretch increases your confidence and your knowledge of your positive character traits.

Step 7: Commit yourself to improvement.

Build your character as a lifetime endeavour.

You can practice it in both the small and big moments of your lives.

You will sometimes be able to embody the traits that you want and at other times, you may not.

Even if you fail, your character will improve if you remain committed to learning about yourself and growing as a person.

Final Thoughts

What are the most valuable and important character traits to you?

What are the traits you display in your everyday life, both at work?

I hope that you will use these traits as a guide to be your best self. Now that you have the tools to positively impact your life and others’ lives, you can improve it.

  • Choose one or two traits that you would like to improve.
  • You can write down specific choices or behaviours that negatively affect your character.
  • Consider what you can do to improve your character and grow in that area.
  • Keep a journal, or take notes on your efforts.

You’ll notice that your self-esteem and confidence will grow as you go through the list of character traits and keep focusing on improving your skills. You’ll also notice that others see you as a motivator and leader.

Even in the modern age, when character seems to be irrelevant, it still matters. Character distinguishes you as a person of substance and courage. Our world needs more of this.