I Appreciate You Meaning From A Guy & All You Must Know

The meaning of a man telling you he loves you may seem simple, but is it?

Continue reading to discover the many possibilities of “I appreciate” from men!

What does “I Appreciate you” mean from a guy?

He tells you he appreciates your efforts (and you feel it), but you also notice his body language and subtle gestures that make you feel more than just his words.

Always trust your gut! It is rare for a woman to be wrong in her instincts, or so we have heard. ).

I Appreciate You Meaning From A Guy

These are the top 10 most common ways men tell you that they love you.

1. He wants you to be aware of his appreciation

The most important meaning of a man telling you he appreciates your efforts is clear: he wants to show you his appreciation for/towards them.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean every man who says “I love you” means he loves you or wants to be with you.

Sometimes, it’s simply a sign that he appreciates what you did for him or that you are a good friend.

2. He is interested in being more than friends

Watch out for the body language of men when they compliment you and express their appreciation.

If they say the same thing but behave differently, it’s possible that he doesn’t appreciate the woman he is talking to.

3. He is thankful for the little things

A lot of times, when a man expresses gratitude to you, it is usually because he appreciates all the little things between you and him and wants you to know.

You may not be aware of it or feel you need support.

If he considers your relationship to be one of his greatest, he would like to show his gratitude by sending you gifts, kindnesses, and his words.

4. He doesn’t know how to express romantic ideas

If a man has not had much experience with the opposite sex and is trying to express romantic ideas, then his “I appreciate” might translate into “wow, baby, you are straight gorge!” It was nice to meet you. Netflix and chill. My house. Tonight. Be there. ” in his head.

You can see that he seems like a fish out of the water from your side of the conversation. His body language is confused and his face is red. His eyes dart around.

It’s a good time to let him know you are interested in a relationship if you are into him. It’s okay to let him know that you are into him but not into you.

5. He’s Hoping To Score Some Brownie Points

Every guy who says he appreciates you may not be sincere. Don’t believe every guy who says he appreciates your efforts.

Sometimes men just want to score points. Sorry ladies, it’s just how it is. It’s easy to see men who flatter women for their points-scoring, panty-dropping purposes.

The body language of these guys is prominent; they have a lot of eye contact, lots of smiling, twinkling eyes and a lot of smooth-talking.

I Appreciate You Meaning From A Guy

6. He believes you are the genuine article

A man who believes you are the Genuine Article will naturally mention it to you when he speaks to you. Although he may not be known for being open-minded, it is unlikely that he will hide his admiration for you forever.

He may initially act shy or keep it to himself at first. But once you have spoken several times and he starts to feel more connected to you, he will let you know how much he values you.

7. He wants you to know that his soul is at your service.

A man who appreciates you deeply may be open to sharing his deepest feelings with you.

At this moment, he may want you to understand that his mortal soul is always at your disposal.

Girl, just snap your fingers! His wish is your command.

8. He Expects Something (Conversation..or a Relationship).

Although most men will tell you they appreciate you, it is more likely that he means it. However, there are still men who expect something in return.

It all depends on the guy and how he feels about you.

Remember that you are not obligated to him for expressing appreciation. If he appreciates you, he won’t expect any favours.

9. He Wants to Matter To You

A significant reason men say they love you is that they want you to matter.

They want you to feel valued and appreciated by them.

Consider that they must share a vision of/hope for great things with you if they want to be there.

10. He’s about to give you a present

A man may tell you before he gives you a great present if he is going to do it.

Although it may sound cliché, indeed, we men are sometimes quite basic.

Many men believe that nice gifts and words are the best way to win the hearts of the girls they love.

I Appreciate You Meaning From A Guy

How to Respond to “I Appreciate you” from a Guy

There are many ways to react when a man tells you he appreciates your efforts. It all depends on how you feel about his words. First, pay attention to how he says it. Your reaction will determine how things go.

These are the top ways to respond when a man tells you he loves you.

1. Thanks to Him and Return the Complement

It is polite to thank him and return the compliment or another one.

If you like the guy and are interested in him, really tell him how you feel about him.

2. Please Thank Him and Don’t Return His Compliment

You can simply say thank you and move on if you don’t like the compliments.

It is not necessary to reciprocate compliments if you do not feel the same, because that would be untrue.

3. Give him a hug or a kiss to get physical

It could be a great time to get physical with the man you love or are falling in love with.

This is not to suggest that you should hug, kiss and sleep with every guy in your life who values you.

4. If you know he’s up to something, tell him to get to the point

If you sense that he is up to something, let him know and tell him to just get to the point.

If he is a friend, he will be more than likely to enjoy your directness (if he isn’t turned on by it).

5. Recognize and be grateful for the appreciation you receive

Last, but not least: You can choose to respond inwardly rather than outwardly and just be grateful that someone values you.

The problem with this response is that it leaves the man unsure of how you feel after he has just admitted how he feels.

What is the difference between I love you and I appreciate you?

“I love you” is a sincere and deep statement made by someone who feels strong romantic feelings about you. “I appreciate” is a similar statement, but it comes from a place where gratitude and thankfulness rather than romance or physical interests.

Does Appreciation Mean Love?

It does not necessarily signify that someone is in love with you, but it does indicate their gratitude and appreciation towards you. However, depending on the person appreciating, appreciation can come from a place where there is love.

What does it mean when someone says they appreciate you?

It is not uncommon for someone to tell you they appreciate you. Sometimes, however, an “I appreciate” could also mean “I am interested in you”, “I would like to get to know you”, or “I believe we should blow this popsicle and have some steamy sex.”