Everyone wishes to have the perfect skin. Everyone wants to get rid of any imperfections that they might find annoying. As much as you want to love your flaws, you should also consider the situation medically, as it could get worse if left untreated. When you have issues with your skin or any part of your body, you should immediately consult with a dermatologist to receive a diagnosis and have your concerns addressed properly.
A Dermatologist is a doctor who treats conditions related to skin, nails, and hair. Suppose you have a concern with any of those mentioned; you should book a dermatology appointment immediately, with one of the top dermatologists in Orlando, or whichever state where you’re currently residing.
If it’s your first time booking a dermatology appointment, you might get nervous as you don’t know how it will go. To help you out, here are some things that you should expect in your first dermatology appointment:
Giving Out Your Medical History
Upon entering your dermatologist’s room and exchanging greetings with each other, your doctor will ask you about your medical history before getting things started. Providing your medical history will help them to rule out any future medications that are inappropriate for you to take or consume.
Be prepared to fill out forms about your medical history, including whether or not you’ve had any recent issues with your skin. Along with this, you might have to answer questions such as: how much sun exposure you’ve had, whether or not you’ve been exposed to tanning beds, your skin’s current condition or whether you’ve had any diseases that could affect the condition of your skin.
After your dermatologist has fully assessed your medical history, he/she will proceed with examining your body by doing a full-body skin check. You might need to take off your clothes and put on a hospital gown for proper assessment. You may feel uncomfortable with this process, but it will help your dermatologist to better understand the condition of your skin.
Your doctor will check for any unusual moles or other uncommon things on your body from head to toe. You might find it weird if you’re only checking in because of your acne, but if it’s your first visit, your dermatologist is obliged to give you a full-body assessment as there could be an underlying issue that you weren’t aware of.
Expect to Be Respected
Don’t be afraid if you feel that you’re going to be judged on your skin, as dermatologists are professionals and understand that different people have different kinds of skin type. Dermatologists should be only be concerned with your condition, and you should feel comfortable with your skin around them. However, you may experience some rude doctors who don’t listen to your concerns or act demeaning. When this happens, you should look for a different dermatologist – one who aims to make you feel better, not worse.
Treatment or Prescription
After your dermatologist has examined you, expect to be given proper treatment or a prescription for your skin concern. Depending on the issue, adequate treatment or medication will be given to you by your dermatologist.
Some issues will need physical treatment such as laser therapy and surgical excision. In other cases, your dermatologist will prescribe you to apply topical ointments or take prescription medicines.
Moreover, when your doctor has given you a prescription, make sure to ask questions. You should ask how many dosages a day you should take and for how long. If it’s a topical ointment, you could ask if you should be applying it before you go to sleep or after you’ve taken your bath. Along with this, ask your doctor for any possible side effects that may occur.
Expect Another Visit
When you receive a prescription, don’t expect it to work like magic and take effect immediately. Treating your skin condition will always be an experimental process that requires you to try different products, and to determine which works best. Bodies are unique; while some medicines are useful for others, they may not work for yours.
On the other hand, your doctor will request that you come back for a progress check, and provide you with a new prescription if that’s what you need.
Visiting your dermatologist for the first time might be terrifying, however, you have to understand that your they’re professionals. Their main concern is how they can help you out with your issue. Ensure that you’re entirely comfortable with your doctor before considering going back to them for a follow-up. Dermatologists are there to help you with your skin concerns and make you feel better about yourself.