How you can create a balance life care plan for yourself

How you can create a balance life care plan for yourself


In this article I wrote about how you can make things good for your life, so read the following ideas and reflect on their practical application I your

  1. Challenge yourself intellectually. Try always to change yourself and develop intellectual curiosity to learn something new every day no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.
  2. Taking personal responsibility for your health. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually is not easy but you should always try because there is no one who can do a better job of taking care of yourself than you.
  3. Start today with changes that you know is healthful. Make your choices one meal at a time or one day at a time. Do not beat yourself up if you do not always stick to the care plan.4
  4. Try to stay in balance from a holistic perspective. What this means is different to each of us and different at various stages in our lives.
  5. Try to increase your happiness quotient. Identify the things that brings you happiness and joy and enhance your quality of life. Try to do something pleasurable or satisfying each day.
  6. Identify and decrease the stressors in your personal and professional life. Develop strategies for decreasing the overall level of stress in your life. Some situations and habit can be corrected easily, others will take a real commitment and time to change.
  7. Realistic goals. Make sure your goals and expectations are realistic. Unrealistic goals are self defeating. Make sure the goals are measurable, manageable and meaningful to you not to please somebody else.
  8. Alone time. Make sure you get enough “alone time”. How much time alone each of us needs varies, so find out what is right for you. Most care-givers spend a very little time alone. Check out your balance.
  9. Commitments based on your value. Make sure you give appropriate time and attention to the relationship that have stability and meaning over time.
  10. Self treatment. Treat yourself like you treat your best friend. So something special and “be friend” yourself.
  11. Mental health break. Give yourself permission to relax each day. Learn to take “mental health break” no matter how brief. Enjoy the time without thinking about what you should be doing, so you can be refreshed.
  12. Stay connected with health people. Set time apart and plan for fun with people who can help you lighten up and enjoy free time. Get out and do things you enjoyed doing.
  13. Eat a balance diet low in fat and cholesterol, take a multivitamin, drink lots of water and limit refined sugar intake. Practice portion control. If necessary, consult a dietitian.
  14. Know how much you need and plan to get it. A pattern of too little sleep can injure your health. Avoid trying to be more productive by sleeping less. That can be counter productive.
  15. Be a person of encouragement to yourself, be affirming to yourself. Do not “dump” on yourself or put yourself down.plan
  16. Physical fitness. Make your physical fitness a priority. Commit to a balanced fitness program that includes stretching, aerobic exercise and strength exercises. Sneak exercise into your daily life and exercise with a friend.
  17. Learn to say NO. if you are pressured and over committed. Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty. Practice thinking that every problem is not your sole responsibility.
  18. Express your creativity through music, sports, decorating, acting or whatever lets, you share yourself from the inside out.


Above all always remember to talk to your friend or a professional counselor to help you clarify your direction and put you back in balance again.  And It a Must to check this website for Medical Billing Service

Please share and comment any other help you feel that is not here thanks.

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