Top 20 Best Airfood Recipe [ Easy-to-make & Healthy ]

If you are looking for some Airfood Recipe ideas to keep you healthy and robust, especially on your weight loss journey, then you should pay attention and read this article to the end. Here, you will find the 20 best and easy-to-make Airfood Recipes. 

With technological advancement, you no longer have to starve yourself or eat very few portions to lose weight and stay healthy. Now, all you have to do is take note of the right food combination and the nutrients that make up that food.

This is what this article has compiled for you. Here, we have various Airfood recipes for you. So, if you want to lose weight or stay healthy, pay attention and read this to the end. 

What Are Airfood Recipes?


Airfood is a word used to describe foods that are low in calories but retain the same or higher level of nutrition as other foods. They are foods heated in an electric heating element and cooked by Air.

These recipes are made to maintain a healthy lifestyle while reducing fats and cholesterols in the body. With these foods, you may not necessarily reduce the quantity of food eaten but retain essential nutrients that help you eliminate toxins in the body.  

These meals are light enough to keep you healthy, help you lose weight, and keep you full. They contain a lot of water, vitamins, vegetables, fiber, protein, carbs, and other nutrients in the proper proportions.

Food recipes are more common in the UK, the US, Korea, and other countries.  In this article, we will show you some of the best Airfood recipes you would love.

Top 20 Airfood Recipes


The following are some of the healthiest foods that make Airfood recipes. Let’s see them below.



Popcorn stands out as one of the most nutritious meals on our list of Airfood recipes. It is essential because of its nutrient combination. Here is why you should consider taking Popcorn as a part of your Airfood recipes. It contains considerable fiber, magnesium, manganese, Vitamin B, antioxidants, and polyphenols, among other healthy food nutrients. 

The fiber content in the Popcorn helps to regulate constipation while helping to keep you full all day long. In other words, it helps your intestine break down meals without going through many processes. It is also easy to make as you don’t need professional training to get the desired delicious Popcorn of your choice. See how to make them in the next paragraph. 

How To Make Popcorn (DIY Method)

With the following steps, you can make your Popcorn easily at home.

  • Lit your stove
  • Either grease your corn with vegetable oil or spread the oil at the bottom of the pan. Ensure that your corns are not lying on top of each other. They ought to be piled up next to one another. 
  • Cover your pan tightly and wait till the corns start popping.
  • Flip the pan to prevent it from burning and to make sure all the grains are popped,
  • Reduce the heat.
  • Wait till the corn stops popping, and bring the pan down. 
  • Add your desired quantity of salt, sugar, or pepper to taste.

And with these simple steps, you have succeeded in making Popcorn. However, if you are not a popcorn lover, you should see the Airfood recipe below.

Fried Vegetables


Root vegetables, when fried, also make a delicious Airfood recipe. All you need to do here is to get your veggies, such as red onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, Zucchini, etc. Wash and dry them for a while. Cut into small pieces, add olive oil and some spices, and put them in an oven to bake. This is also very healthy for you. 

Teriyaki Chicken Wings


The teriyaki chicken wings recipe is the easiest way to make chicken wings. It is also very healthy and tasty. All you have to do is mix soy sauce, garlic powder, and honey. Spread it on your chicken wings till they are all coated. Please put them in an oven of 375 degrees for about 30 minutes and enjoy. 

Toast Sandwich


This is another healthy way of eating vegetables. And it is even more important because your kids will also love it. And it is a good way of conserving your old bread. 

To make toast lettuce, cut your bread in half and put it in an oven of about 350 degrees. Add your mayonnaise, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and any other vegetables when it is a little brownish. You can also add mushroom or bacon and leave it for about 5 minutes. Bring it out and consume it. 

Air-Baked Fish


Fishes are also very healthy for you, especially as they contain high quantities of protein and nourishing oil with low cholesterol. Not to be boring, you can add them to your Airfood recipes when they are air-baked. This way, you would not need to add much oil while retaining the original taste and great flavor. 

To make your air-baked fish, add a little olive oil to your pan. Clean your fish and sauce it with salt, garlic, and any other ingredients of your choice. Put the fish on the grilled pan and put it in an oven for about 30 minutes. Flip it over at intervals to allow even heat on all sides. With this, you have successfully baked your fish. 

Celery Juice


Celery juice is also essential when added to your Airfood recipe as it contains Vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains Potassium and is rich in antioxidants. Therefore it helps to boost hydration, reduce inflammation, and keep your skin healthy.

The Vitamin A component in it makes it perfect for your eyes. It tastes nice. Most importantly, Celery juice is made with straightforward kitchen ingredients. See the process of making it below. 

  • Get your celery stalks and cut them into pieces of about 2cm each.
  • Chop a slice of lemon, a green apple, and some water.
  • Put them all in a powerful blender and blend quickly until smooth. 
  • Pour the puree into a filter or juicer to sieve (optional)
  • By now you should get a smooth juice. Pour it into a glass or jar and consume.

Air-Fried Chicken


Air-fried chicken is way healthier than deep-fried chicken in an oven. It contains less cholesterol, fats, and calories. 

To make your Air fried chicken, wash it and sprinkle some olive oil on it. Mix your spices in a bowl and rub on all sides of the chicken. Please leave it in the oven for about 25 minutes and it is ready for consumption. 

Vegetarian Pie


This is also very easy to make as it could be eaten as dinner as a part of your Airfood recipe. Here are the steps to make your sumptuous vegetarian pie.

  • Grease your pie pan.
  • Get some ready-to-eat rice, and mix it with tomato sauce or puree, chopped green pepper, onions, dried basil leaves, or oregano.
  •  Put the mixture in a pan and set it in an oven for about 30 minutes. 

After the color must have changed to a golden brown, it is ready to eat. 

Roasted Vegetables


If you want a healthy and tasty option, you should try roasted vegetables. Either fresh or frozen veggies can be used for this. To make them, spray some olive oil into your air fryer. Add your washed vegetables. Sprinkle a little amount of salt and garlic. Now allow it to air-fry for about 6 minutes, flipping it over halfway. Bring them out and enjoy your vegetables. 

Baked Grapefruits


Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that looks like oranges but tastes sour and semi-sweet. It is a low-calorie snack that can keep you hydrated and energized. It is also a vibrant source of vitamin C. Therefore, it is profound for those who want to reduce excess weight. 

Grapefruits can be eaten in several ways, such as taking it directly as a fruit, juice, fruit salads, made into a smoothie, boiled, served with fish, and baked. See how to prepare baked grapefruits below.

How To Make Baked Grapefruits

To make your baked grapefruits,  get the grapes and wash them thoroughly. Please put them in an oven-compatible bowl. Add salt to it. Rub a little quantity of sugar or honey on it. Please put it in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes. Check to see if the sugar and honey have blended to a brownish color. Bring it down and enjoy your baked grapefruit.  

Air Steak


Air steaks are juicy, especially when grilled, stir-fried, or pan-fried. They are rich in soft fiber, keeping you full for longer hours and helping control your food intake. 

Air steaks are very easy to make as all that is needed is to get your beef and boil it in a large pot of water till it is well cooked. Allow it to cool for a while. Bring it out and cut it into small slices about an inch thick. Put them on a tray or plastic wrap-covered plate until they are cooked later.  

Strawberry Cheesecakes


This recipe is also very delicious and nutritious. Hence, you can add it to your Airfood recipe. It is even more delicious because of its unique and flavourful aroma that wets your taste buds. This recipe takes strawberries a little higher than just the usual fruits you are familiar with. See how to prepare it below.

  •  Get a loaf pan.
  • Fill the pan with sliced strawberries.
  • Get your cheesecake.
  • Cover your strawberries with the cheesecake in the pan.
  • Leave them for about a few minutes and turn off the heat.

You will be amazed at the result of this combination especially as it leaves them smelling so nicely like they’ve been in the oven.

Toasted Chocolate Cookies


You can also make a very delicious Airfood recipe with just a few pieces of chocolate cookies. It is more sumptuous when mixed with other fruits like bananas and thin layers of bread and ice cream.

This recipe does not have many processes; it is required to take two pieces of chocolate cookies, add a considerable quantity of marshmallows between them, and toast them over a fire. The result is always yummy, and I bet you will love it. 

Iceberg Lettuce?


Iceberg lettuce is another vegetable that is very good for your health; hence, it also comes into the list of the most essential Airfood recipes. It has just 13 kilocalories per 100 grams, which makes it outstanding. Not just that,  it contains so many essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B, folic Acid, Potassium, and, of course, nitrate that is stored in the body.

Therefore, taking Iceberg lettuce will give your body the needed minerals and vitamins to keep you healthy while fostering easy digestion with its fiber content. 

Rice Cake


If you are looking for a good Airfood recipe option for lunch, especially as a person who is always busy, then you should try our Rice Cake option. It is a Chinese dish that keeps you full for longer hours because of its high fiber content. Apart from fiber, rice cakes contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals that are daily needed by the body. 

Furthermore, it is low in calories and carbs. Hence, each cake has 9 grams of carbs and 20 calories. With its content, you don’t need to be told that rice cakes are significant options that can serve as snacks while on your weight loss journey. 

Fresh Fruit Salad


Fresh fruit salad is one of the best Airfood recipes that you can ever have. This recipe gives you good taste without giving you any concern about your health. In other words, it is a healthy dish that is easy to prepare. Even more impressive, you wouldn’t have to spend so much money on it.

It is awesomely affordable. To make your Fresh Fruit salad, you only need to get the desired fruits from the store (any fruits of your choice can go). Cut them into bits. You can make them more attractive by cutting them into different shapes. Now, you can enjoy your fruits happily. 

Tuna Sushi Cakes


Tuna Sushi cakes made in the form of cupcakes can also come into your diet as Airfood. They are delicious as well as can be served to guests. After making these sushi cakes, you can add any topping you choose to make it more tasty and colorful. I know you will also love it.



Carrot is a root vegetable and it is orange in color. It is crunchy and a little sweet with low calories. Hence, it is also an Airfood recipe. They can be eaten in a row, boiled, mixed in a salad, and vegetable soups. This is because it has so many health benefits, as shown below. 

Carrots have a lot of carotenoids, which are converted to Vitamin A in the body and help protect your eyes, skin, and heart. They help to cut down the cholesterol in the body and fight diabetes, coronary artery diseases, as well as cancer. It also contains a lot of fiber, which helps keep you full for longer hours, preventing overeating. 



Onions are also considered an Airfood recipe because of their nutritional content. It is high in vitamins and minerals, and onions also have low calories. The following are some of the health benefits of onions and why you should include many in your diet.

  • It contains vitamin C, which helps build collagen, absorb iron, heal tissues, and help your immune system. 
  • It is an antioxidant that protects your cells from getting hurt.
  • Help to prevent infections
  • It also helps to fight off cold from your system.
  • Onions also contain sulfur which helps to lower the quantity of bad cholesterol in your blood.
  • There is also vitamin A, which is very helpful for your eyes, thereby preventing eye diseases. 
  • It is also reported that its presence in your diet helps to prevent cardiac and kidney problems. 

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What Are The Best Airfood Recipes For Your Health?


All Airfood recipes shared above are very good for your health as they contain low calories and more vegetables. Some are 

  • Onions
  • Vegetarian pie
  • Carrots
  • Air-fried chicken
  • Baked grapefruits, etc.

How Can I Make An Airfood Recipe Cookbook?


Having seen all that has been explained in this article, I know you will be interested in making your own cookbook. To do that, get the items that make up the best Airfood recipes you love.

With a good camera on, prepare the recipes and snap every step taken. Now, please put them in a book format, making the book very colorful and making some blank recipe book templates. 

Note: do not plagiarize someone else’s work. It is best to explain the processes in your own words. 



Now you know you do not have to starve yourself to stay healthy. Therefore, incorporate any Airfood recipes discussed in this article and wash yourself, leaving you healthy and strong.