What Is Bukkake?

Bukkake definition

Bukkake refers to a sexual act in which a group (usually cisgender men), ejaculates onto one another. The Japanese term bukkake means “the act of splashing” and is a popular cold noodles dish. Bukkake is often associated with acts such as double penetration and gangbanging in kink culture. Before Bukkake pornography became a mainstay in its category, it was preceded both by these acts.

How to pronounce bukkake

buk*ka*ke is pronounced like boo-cockee.

Bukkake origin

According to legend, the first bukkake could have been created in ancient Rome. However, it was not popularized in Japan until the mid-to-late 1980s. Bukkake’s development was influenced by Japan’s mandatory censorship, which requires that genitals appear “pixelated” on the screen. Directors had to find creative ways to depict sex without breaking the law. bukkake allowed for more intense and explicit sex scenes. Semen was not subject to censorship. In January 2001, bukkake was first registered by Kazuhiko Mizumoto from Shuttle Japan, an adult film studio.

What is the secret to bukkake’s popularity?

Bukkake can be very hot for many reasons. The two most important reasons for bukkake are the taboo nature and power exchanges during a bukkake scene.

Bukakke is forbidden and deals with power exchange. Someone who enjoys giving up their power during sex might find the center of this sexual act a great turn-on. Someone who was taught sex is something that should be kept private between men and women may find the novelty of this new act appealing.

Although the actual reasons people feel aroused by bukkake are individual, Ogilvie admits that there is much to be drawn to.

Bukkake: Where can I find it?

Bukkake is a very popular category of porn. Explore more on safe and morally-conscious adult websites like Bellessa and FrolicMe. Before you consume bukkake pornography, make sure it is ethically sourced.

You might consider joining a Fetlife discussion group or a dating app to meet like-minded people who are looking for a bukkake or a way to chat.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to feel guilty if you are intrigued by one side or the other of bukkake, whether it is being part of a group that ejaculates on one party willingly or being ejaculated upon. This fetish can be explored with your partner or porn, and you will discover that bukkake is very attractive for many reasons. For beginners, we have a kink and BDSM resource listing.