The Only List You Will Need Of 300+ Likes And Dislikes

When you are looking for something interesting to discuss, knowing the random preferences and dislikes of your partner is a great way to start.

You’re off to the races.

This could be the beginning of a lasting and unique friendship.

This list of likes and dislikes will provide you with plenty of inspiration, even if you do not understand their specific leanings.

300+ Likes & Dislikes

This list has been divided into two sections to separate the common likes from dislikes. What one person enjoys may repel another and vice versa.

The following lists are as entertaining as they are useful.

The Only List You Will Need Of 300+ Likes And Dislikes

List of Favorites

Some items may also be on the dislike list of some people.

Remember to respect your date’s opinion if you use any of these conversation openers.

1. Bees and beekeeping

2. Candles and candlemaking

3. Essential oils

4. DIY Repair

5. Woodcrafting

6. Comics

7. Crocheting or knitting

8. Quilting

9. Tutoring

10. Gardening

11. Writing books

12. Journaling

13. Scrapbooking

14. Interior design and decoration

15. Book cover design

16. Making the perfect cup of tea

17. Making espresso drinks

18. Mixology (cocktails)

19. Blanket forts

20. Treehouses or forts in the trees

21. Foraging

22. Writing poetry

23. PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

24. Organisation (all things)

25. Skiing or snowboarding

26. Roller skating or ice skating

27. Crystals

28. Tarot

29. Windchimes

30. Paint

31. Drawing

32. Sculpting

33. Music (their favourite kind)

34. Gaming (video games, board games, card games, etc.)

35. Baking

36. Cooking

37. Road Trips

38. Photographs

39. Horror movies and horror fiction

40. Astronomy

41. Astrology

42. Clouds, fog, and mist

43. Snow

44. Thunderstorms

45. Rain

46. Familiar scents (fresh-cut grass, tobacco, cinnamon, etc.)

47. The beach/ocean

48. Rivers and streams

49. Lakes and their shores

50. Forests/wilderness

51. Mountains

52. Travelling

53. Retreats

54. Urban Exploring

55. Hiking

56. Camping

57. Abandoned Buildings

58. Wildflowers

59. Cultivated Flowers (roses peonies orchids etc.

60. Colors (their favourite colours)

61. Sport

62. Movies

63. Stage productions and plays

64. Pets (their favourite pets, if any)

65. Traditional foods

66. Accessories

67. Make jewellery or buy handcrafted jewellery

68. Enjoy your Holidays

69. Learn languages

70. Collecting

71. Mythology, folklore and mythology

72. Building models

73. Witchcraft — green/herbal, kitchen, hearth, etc.

74. Modeling

75. Cosmetology

76. Bird-watching

77. Enjoying the atmosphere (of your favourite place)

78. Nature Walks

79. Bicycles

80. Motorcycles and dirt bikes

81. Online classes

82. Stonecarving / stone crafting

83. Papercrafting

84. Nail art, manicures and pedicures

85. Spa treatments

86. Landscaping

87. Maintenance of automobiles

88. Creating gift baskets

89. Soap Making

90. Soap carving

91. Social media (their favourite channels)

92. Scavenger hunts

93. Insense

94. Flower crowns and Leis: How to make them

95. Jumping in the puddles

96. Canoeing and kayaking

97. Fishing

98. Playing an instrument

99. Sunrises and sunsets

100. Web design (CSS, Javascript, etc.)

101. Dance (ballroom, freestyle, etc.)

102. Read books to others

103. Lockpicking

104. Explore historical monuments and buildings

105. Harvesting fresh fruit and vegetables

106. Stand-up comedy

107. Decorate for holidays or parties

108. Massages (giving and receiving)

109. Skipping stones

110. Ugly sweaters

111. Numerology

112. Storytelling

113. Making lists/planning

114. Tattoos

115. Piercings (ears, nose, navel, etc.)

116. Hair colouring

117. Pyrotechnics and Fireworks

118. Sandcastles

119. Ice sculptures

120. Haunted houses

121. Slam poetry

122. Trains

123. Storm chase

124. Glass Blowing

125. Ceramics/pottery

126. Mapmaking

127. Snow globes

128. Fossils

129. Postcards

130. Rock climbing

131. Seashells

132. Dollhouses, dollhouse furniture and accessories

133. Porcelain dolls

134. Yoga, Pilates, etc.

135. Word puzzles

136. Jigsaw puzzles

137. Sudoku

138. Comfortable Silence

139. Simplicity

140. Surfing or windsurfing

141. Trampoline Jumping

142. Cemeteries

143. Hang gliding or parasailing

144. Diving (into the water or with a parachute)

145. Open windows

146. Swings

147. Roller coasters and other thrill rides

148. Hammocks are great for relaxing.

149. Martial arts

150. Spectacular views

151. Autumn leaves

152. Dumpster diving (Look what Uncle Chuck brought me!)

153. Falconry

154. Guessing something right

155. Gnome collecting

156. Sneeze with a good feeling

157. Podcasts

158. Adult colouring books

159. Broadway Musicals

160. Hot air balloons

161. Superheroes

162. Steampunk

163. Cyberpunk

164. Archery

165. Documentaries

166. Quiet nights in the home

167. Socks with fleece lining

168. Hooded scarves

169. All-you-can-eat shrimp

170. Cookie butter

The Only List You Will Need Of 300+ Likes And Dislikes

List of Dislikes

Your conversation partners may be interested in some of these common dislikes. A person’s list of dislikes can be a hidden treasure for another.

1. Animal cruelty

2. Styrofoam

3. Chalkboards are chalkboards.

4. Mess or Clutter

5. Exercises to build trust

6. Closed spaces

7. Extreme cold

8. Heat and humidity

9. Perfumes or specific scents

10. Spiders

11. Snakes

12. Insects (flies, gnats and ants) that enter the house

13. Cards meant to be kept

14. Scavenger hunts

15. Complaint

16. Improv

17. Crowds

18. Paperwork

19. awkward Silences

20. Funerals

21. Running errands

22. Surprises

23. Acne

24. Scars of experiences that you would rather forget

25. Stomach flu or food poisoning

26. Explosive… anything

27. Escape rooms

28. Parkour

29. Some clothing styles are best left in the past

30. Some hairstyles are best left behind (e.g. the mullet).

31. Clowns, mimes and puppets

32. Cleaning

33. Alarm clocks

34. Five-alarm chili

35. Eating contests

36. Pranks

37. Getting lost

38. Hazing

39. Puns

40. Moshing is also known as slam dance or slamming.

41. Flash mobs

42. Adult Cartoons

43. Riddles

44. Craft parties

45. MLM parties

46. Certain Instruments

47. Muzak/elevator Music

48. KidsBop

49. Talking while watching movies

50. The reverberations of a neighbour’s heavy bass

51. Glitter

52. Add the f-bomb in every sentence

53. Leggings can be worn as pants

54. Tights as pants

55. Pants under skirts

56. Socks for sandals

57. Your apartment is filled with the smell of your neighbour’s cooking spices.

58. Tepid soup

59. Lukewarm coffee

60. Flavored coffee creamers

61. Horses are ridden like nothing.

62. tight-fitting Clothing

63. Clothing that is loose and oversized

64. Arguing just to argue

65. Yo-yos

66. Dioramas

67. Politics

68. Facial hair

69. Gangsta rap

70. Boy Bands

71. Gossip

72. Mushrooms

73. Visitors walking barefoot on your property

74. Facebook

75. Flashing lights

76. Peeps

77. Jump scares

78. Felt-tip markers

79. Light beer

80. The guy who pees in the swimming pool

81. Edible underwear (why?)

82. Crickets… in your house

83. Mugs too hot when microwaved

84. PewDiePie

85. Man hammocks

86. Speedos

87. Hiccups

88. You’re about to sneeze, but then… nothing

89. Scarecrows

90. Mazes

91. Scat singing (jazz)

92. Code-speaking

93. Necromancy

94. Hangnails

95. Decorate with hunting trophies

96. Queerbaiting

97. The 100, Supernatural and other shows that kill gay characters

98. Topiaries

99. Play-doh on the carpet

100. Epilepsy

101. Sweat on exercise equipment

102. Clean out your fridge

103. Hackers bully small children in Minecraft, Roblox and other games

104. Missing hardware in assembly required furniture

105. Tinfoil hats

106. Bronzing lotion

107. Nair hair removal cream

108. Storage bins stacked high in a storage closet

109. Tattoos that contain spelling mistakes

110. Tattoos with your S.O.’s name

111. Lima beans

112. You can’t undo what you heard in your dorm.

113. Instant coffee

114. Picasso

115. Junk mail

116. After waiting for several minutes, a full bladder is put “on hold”.

117. Snoring

118. Miniature Golf

119. Whining

120. Sandalwood

121. Hallmark movies

122. Attending school concerts

123. Cold Fries

124. Certain words (e.g., moist, supple, guaranteed, okey-dokey…)

125. Jean jackets

126. You can be charged with a crime for stepping or touching someone else’s gum

127. Lukewarm Beer

128. Ketchup

129. Hats

130. Having your picture taken

131. Deadlines

132. Coffee burnt (too long on the heating element)

133. Black Friday Shopping

134. Weekend shopping at the grocery store

135. Fairytales about couples who get married after only five minutes of spending time together

136. Celebrities who charge for autographs

137. The girls who are mean (or want to be mean girls)

138. Leaky pens

139. Holes in your socks’ toe or heel

140. New shoes: How to break them in

141. Your college roommate treats your bed as if it were her couch

Why is it important to know your likes and dislikes?

Self-awareness is a vital part of knowing your likes, dislikes and preferences. This allows you to better navigate your life by giving you an understanding of what brings you happiness, satisfaction and comfort.

Here are some reasons why you should be aware of your preferences:

  • It helps you make better choices: Knowing what makes you happy, and what does not, gives you greater clarity when you are making decisions. Once you have a clear understanding of what makes you happy and what does not, you can make quick and decisive decisions.
  • You can explore and develop your interest: When you discover what activities make you happy, content or energise you, you will be able to indulge in them more frequently. This will bring out your best qualities and allow you to develop new skills.
  • It will help you to identify opportunities. By knowing your preferences, you can better determine the type of work or activity that is best for you. It can help you to make better decisions about your career or what courses and classes you should take.
  • It helps you build meaningful relationships: When you understand yourself better and your preferences, you can connect with people with similar interests. It will help you form deeper and more meaningful connections than would otherwise be possible.

What do you like and dislike?

These questions can help you understand what makes you happy.

Let’s get started.

  1. What is your favourite indoor or outdoor sport?
  2. What is the food I enjoy most?
  3. What can I talk for hours about?
  4. What would I do if I had more time?
  5. What is the subject that I am most interested in?
  6. What gives me the most energy?
  7. When do I feel most peaceful and content?
  8. What kind of music soothes your soul?
  9. What would you choose as your daily activity?
  10. What causes me to lose track of the time?
  11. What kind of environment will encourage my creativity and productivity?
  12. Would you rather spend your money on experiences, or material possessions?
  13. Do you prefer to be with friends or alone?
  14. What kind of movies do you like?
  15. What is the most important quality I seek in a friend or colleague?
  16. What type of books am I interested in reading?
  17. What kind of social interaction makes me most happy?
  18. What is your favourite form of transport?
  19. What is your preferred method of communication?
  20. Do I prefer quiet or active car rides?

What would you like to add to our list?

Which ones stand out to you most now that you have these lists of likes & dislikes?

Which ones resonated with your views? Which ones made you wonder, “Wait… Why is this in the likes (or dislikes list)?”

We hope that you find the list both entertaining and useful. We consider it a good investment of time if it makes you laugh.

It will lead to many worthwhile conversations.