Sure Reasons Why You Love Someone, The Psychology Of Love & Why It Exists

Are there any other reasons you love someone? Are they special or do you have other reasons? This is the truth.

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Sociologists, scientists, and nearly every other branch of science try to answer the question “Why do you love someone?”

The researchers have researched what makes someone’s heart pound. There are theories about attraction and likability, but the truth remains a mystery.

It can’t be quantified or described in one way.

There are many types of love. It is not a set of rules, so it can be difficult to figure out why someone you love.

Definition of love

Although love is often defined as intense feelings of affection, it can also be described as a feeling of love.

Merriam-Webster might define love as an intense affection for another person arising from kinship or other ties. But is that all it means?

Why should you love someone? There are many reasons to love someone.

While some would argue that love is something you can choose, others believe it is beyond your control. It’s a feeling that transcends joy. It is a bond that is unmatched by others.

The definition of love would be to remove all the magic. Every person, every relationship and situation is unique. It cannot be summarized in a few words.

Sure Reasons Why You Love Someone, The Psychology Of Love

Psychology of Love

Attachment to another person is a big part of psychology. Attachment bonds are a social connection that allows mammals to survive.

There are four types of possible attachment bonds:

  1. Partner bonds – People form close, long-lasting social connections
  2. Parents and their children/infants bond
  3. Peer bonds
  4. Specific bonds – between members of the same species

These are the most common categories for human love. You might love a friend and it would be a peer relationship. A pair bond is a common feature of romantic relationships.

The theory of love

The Triangular Theory of Love is a well-known theory about love. Robert Sternberg proposed it in 1986. This model explains that all love is made up of three elements: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Intimacy is about caring and emotional support.

Passion is when a person is emotionally or physiologically stimulated by another person. This could include both sexual attraction and other emotional experiences.

Commitment is a commitment to a person and to be with them for the long term.

Sternberg identified eight types of love.

  1. Non-love is low in all three elements
  2. Liking – High on intimacy only
  3. Infatuated-passion only
  4. empty – no commitment
  5. Romantic: Intimacy and Passion
  6. Companionate: Intimacy and Commitment
  7. Fault – Passion and commitment
  8. Use – All three

There is a difference between loving and liking someone

Psychologist Zick Rubin proposed an explanation in 1970 for the difference between liking and loving.

Sometimes we feel a lot more appreciation for and admiration for others. They are a pleasure to spend time with and we want to be near them. Rubin defines this as “liking” and it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are in love.

Love, on the other hand, is deeper. This type of love is more intense and involves a strong desire to be physically intimate.

If you “like” someone you will enjoy their company. But if you’re “in love”, you care about the needs of the other person as much as theirs.

It is important to remember that you love someone because you care about their well-being and enjoy their company. When you love someone, these feelings are unconditional.

There are many reasons to fall in love

There are many reasons we love someone. However, the general question is why do you love someone? Perhaps it is the intensity. Maybe it’s an intense feeling that you can’t describe. Perhaps it is the bond you share?

It’s not like other emotions, which can come and go. It is possible to love, hate, or be angry and still fall in love.

Why do you love someone else?

There are many reasons to love someone

Here are the top reasons we fall in love.

1. People are connected by love

A reason to love is the bond you have with your child or sibling. Sometimes you hate them, but there is something that binds you.

No matter how much you fight or argue, there is an unbreakable bond that can never be broken.

Sometimes you might hate someone. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t love them. The bond of love can help you overcome all your problems and bring you together when it is needed.

2. It makes you feel secure

If you love someone, it should be because they offer stability, comfort, safety, and security. You should consider them your “emergency contact”, someone you can confide in about your darkest and most profound fears.

Because you feel safe with someone you love, you are more likely to be able to trust them. There is no risk of you being hurt. You can feel the comfort that safety love offers.

3. Trust comes from loving someone you love.

Trust is the reason you love someone. In good cases, as love grows, so does trust. You want to be there for someone and they want you to be there.

You feel safer the closer you get and the more trust you have. It is a relief sensation that comes only with love to trust someone else.

4. Always have a friend

People love you because they care about your well-being. They care about you, no matter how platonic or romantic. They care about you and your well-being.

You need and desire the friendship that comes with love. We all desire closeness, honesty, and support.

5. Love enriches your life

If you love someone, it is because they make you feel good and help to enrich your life. Fulfilment is more than just living a full and happy life.

6. Inspiration will come from love

Because they inspire you, you love someone. They inspire you and make you look up to them. They inspire you to do better for yourself and them. They will challenge, support and encourage you to achieve all you can.

They see you as something that others might overlook and they work to bring out the best in you.

7. You won’t feel lonely

Sometimes, we can love someone to hide the loneliness that we may otherwise feel. It’s a feeling that you have to love someone even if they aren’t right for you.

To force fear-based feelings is just a way to mask something. These feelings will not be healthy or soar because they are based on fear and not genuine feelings for the other person.

8. Lust and physical attraction

Intimacy and sexual attraction can lead to love. Intimacy can ignite emotional reactions in many people. Feeling attracted to someone can be as simple as touching, kissing, or even having sex with them.

In this scenario, you might ask, “Why do you love someone?” It will be difficult to find the answer.

9. Intimacy

Intimacy doesn’t have to be about sex, it can also refer to closeness. Feeling familiar is a key component of intimacy. This is because you will feel more connected to one another the more time you spend together.

This is why so many people fall in love with people they meet at work and their friends. This comfort and closeness will make you feel at ease and allow you to let your guard down.

10. Compatibility

Compatibility is the key to love. This is the key to staying together. This is the ease with which you communicate. This is how you relate to one another or how things flow.

It is easy to understand one another in a way you feel good about.

11. They can be your emergency contact

The box marked “emergency contact” is always available when filling out paperwork at the doctor’s office.

Do they come to mind first? You should always remember the person who will be there to help you in any emergency.

12. They see past your eccentricities

It’s not about someone loving you despite your quirks or being able to see past them.

You are the person to love and hold on to forever. They find you most charming in the silly and unusual things you do.

13. They do things without being asked

You will know if your partner is paying attention when you do little things without you asking.

Valentine’s Day is not about flowers.

It’s about getting your car washed or finding the keys that you can’t find and then sitting at the door. It is the little things that matter most.

14. You love them, even when they smell.

It doesn’t matter if you can tolerate their morning breath, post-workout stink, or yard work-all-day smell. You don’t have to be turned off by their worst phases.

15. They can hear everything you say

Some things are too embarrassing for anyone to share. You can confide in your loved one even the most embarrassing things.

This is the sign that you feel unconditional love. It is crucial for a happy marriage.

16. These people are now more familiar to you

It is always great to get to know people at a deeper level. In today’s technological world, many people are too distracted by their phones to engage in meaningful conversation.

You will love someone if you get to know them well. This kind of emotional intimacy can be priceless.

17. They will complement your personality

We all have our faults and no one is perfect. There’s always a chance that someone you love will complement your personality.

If you are not great at finances, your partner might be. You can help them if they’re bad at planning.

18. It is human nature

We are wired to feel an emotional connection as humans. Before communication and words were invented, Neanderthals had formed families, and bonds and enjoyed this connection.

19. Happily ever after

Everyone wants to be happy. We all want to be happy.

We want “happily ever thereafter” to be written on the last screen of our lives. As we have all learned, experienced, and felt love, it is the only way to achieve that.

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Signs you love someone

You know the many reasons you love someone. But how can you tell if you’re actually in love with them? These are the signs that will help you determine if you’re in love.

1. They deserve to be treated well

It’s possible that it is not the best situation if you aren’t caring about how you look with your partner after five months.

Your relationship will be more successful if you find someone you can always strive to be the best version of yourself.

2. You want to be there when something amazing happens

When something extraordinary happens to you, think about who you first think about sharing it with. You know the person who delights in your achievements and positive news. This is the person you care about most. Keep them close.

3. You want to support them when something goes wrong.

The person you hold on to when you are sad is the one you can trust to be there for you and to make you feel better.

The person you want to be with for the rest of your life is someone who can pick up on the right words to help you.

4. Who you would like to spend a free night with

Unexpectedly, you will spend more time with the person you’ve been with for the longest time.

It’s not about not wanting to be with them as much as at the beginning. It’s about spending time with them whenever you can.

5. They are your valiant defence

No one is more important than your family. You defend the person you love for as long as you can.

They will also do the same for you. You will always be a formidable force if they have your back and vice versa.

6. You want them to be happy

You can make someone happy by thinking of ways to make them smile every day.

7. They are available to discuss any topic.

Communication is essential. Communication is key.

It is a great sign that you are together and can express your concerns without fear.

Sure Reasons Why You Love Someone, The Psychology Of Love

Signs your love will last a lifetime

It doesn’t mean you will be in love forever. It is possible to love someone and not be compatible. These are signs that your love is on the right path and could last forever.

1. They are your family

You marry someone you love.

It can make you unhappy in your relationship and put a strain on your marriage if you don’t get along with their family members. Consider the extended family members of your partner.

2. The same political affiliation applies to both of you

Although it may seem completely unrelated, having the same ideology is a good indicator of the success of a relationship.

As you age, your political thinking becomes more important. Your relationship will be stronger if you are on the same page.

3. The same way you see your family.

If you have two children, and they have one, you’ll be less likely to disagree about your future than if you have eight.

If you find someone who shares your future goals, it is a sign that you are meant to be together forever.

4. The same religious preferences can be shared

Although you may not go to church every Sunday, it is important to have a similar religious belief.

Although it may seem small when you first fall for someone, having children and a family means that you have to make decisions about how to educate them.

It may be more important to have the same beliefs about what happens after you die than you realize.

5. They share the same interests

You can never have enough things to do when you share similar interests. It will be much more difficult for a couch potato and an adventurer to get settled in than if they both want to climb Mount Everest.

6. They can tell when you’re upset

You can love your partner forever if you don’t have to say anything and if you feel upset.

Rarely do couples find it easy to be on the same wavelength or tune into one another’s emotions. They are trustworthy if they ask you about your problems before you open up.

7. They can be trusted

It is worth it if you are certain that they will not lie, steal or cheat on you. A successful relationship is built on trusting the other person completely.

8. They keep track of important dates

A person you should hold on to is the one who keeps track of your anniversary, your birthday or the date Kurt Cobain died.

They will keep your mind occupied by being kind enough to notice and make sure certain days are memorable.

9. These include you

It is a sign of their willingness to share all they have with you if they try to include you in their lives.

It is a lovely gesture to ask you to do something you don’t necessarily want to like shopping or hunting.

10. You can tell them to stop bothering you if they do not make it more irritating.

If you find things that you don’t like about the person you live with, and they keep doing it, they may not care about your feelings or keeping the peace.

To find the solution to your problems, you need someone willing to meet you halfway.

11. They won’t ask you to do something they don’t want to do.

It is worth keeping your loved one close if they don’t ask you for something they won’t do.

Sacrifice can be a two-way road. There is the potential for resentment if only one person makes sacrifices.

12. They are not only nice to you but also tell you nice things about yourself

It is difficult to find someone who will praise you even when you’re not there.

It’s nice when someone says nice things about you. But it is even nicer to hear that they are saying nice things about others.

13. They keep it between you two

You need to vent to someone sometimes, whether it’s a friend or a family member. But you also need someone who can help you know when to keep your mouth shut.

You should have a sense of sacredness in what you share as a couple, and in the difficulties you face.

Sure Reasons Why You Love Someone, The Psychology Of Love

It is not love

Many people believe they understand what it feels like to love, but many don’t. They believe love is something they don’t understand.

If you still have trouble understanding what is happening, these are signs that you’re not experiencing love.

1. Obligation

Sometimes we feel we are not loving people as much as we should. We may feel that we love someone because we made a commitment to them or because we have family ties.

For example, you might love your judgmental and nosy mother-in-law for raising your partner and being a family member. But you shouldn’t.

It is not the same feeling you have for your parents, even if they are less than perfect. It’s an emotion that is associated with a committed relationship. It is real, but it does not have the same depth.

2. Manipulation

Sometimes partners can be manipulative. They make their partner feel like they are losing them or they don’t deserve anything more.

This manipulation is not as real as love. It is only when it is caused by manipulation and is rooted in control or abuse that it becomes more.

3. Codependence

People sometimes think they’re in love, but they are codependent. It’s like being with someone who thinks they are your yin and their yang. To be who you are, you need to be with each other. This is, however, a farce.

While codependence can develop from something else, loving someone simply because they are everything to you, is not true.

4. Addiction

Sometimes, you can become addicted to your love. It’s like a drug rush. You love someone instead of loving them. This is an addiction to the rush of emotions, brain chemistry, and physical sensations of it all.

They may move from one relationship to another, chasing that initial feeling. They lose the thrill as it fades into something more familiar and safer.

5. Society

A happy couple can make it easier to love someone. Feel-good emotions can be induced by praise from friends and peers that can convince you that there are feelings.

You meet someone, and you get along. Both of you are successful and come from a good families. You can’t go wrong so get married. It makes perfect sense, and is supported by history, public opinion, and ultimately you.

If you are looking for reasons to love someone, the signs and motives listed above will likely be your answers. You would also know if you don’t love each other because of it.

Why do you love someone? You know the answer. You can have one or more of these reasons. But it doesn’t matter what it is.