Relationship Mistakes Guys Make

Relationship is nice when mistakes are at minimal, and there are so many mistakes that people make while in a relationship. But here we are going to be treating those mistakes that guys make in relationship. Pay attention and understand them.


Below are the mistakes that guys make in a relationship.


  1. Right decision.

This one is the number one thing and the starting point of all the mistakes and the reason is this.When a guy wants to be in a relationship with a lady, his first decision matters which is knowing whether the lady matches his type of person and knowing at least 40% of the girl’s behavior, and merging it with his.

Picking the right girl as a partner is one of the right decisions a guy can do in a relationship, reason is that it will minimize mistakes in a relationship.


  1. Pride.

Pride is one of the mistakes some guys make in a relationship. For instance, if they meet a girl for the first time, instead of being yourself, and tell her whom you are and the things that you can afford, instead you will choose to claim what you are not just to make her be yours.

That is the one of the most common and dangerous mistake many guys make in a relationship.

Reason is that, when you put pride, and win a girl’s heart, she will definitely be looking up to see those things that you told her, and when she falls to see it, you will then see that, that the love you tried to achieve will be diminishing due to you lied to her.

Pride in a relationship brings many things like, lying, hearten, and pretense.

For instance, if a guy claims to be a famous and buoyant guy, tomorrow in that relationship the lady will definitely see the truth, likewise when he claims to be a tough guy just to win the girl’s heart in a relationship, you will notice that he will be behaving tough just to prove himself right. The same goes to buoyant, you may end up noticing that he is poor.

So as a guy, you need to abstain from that for you not to make any mistake in a relationship.


  1. Absence of playing.

Some guys do not understand the meaning of playing and what it means in a relationship. Lack of playing in a relationship spoils the relationship and it is one of the mistakes guys make. As a guy, you are supposed to make your relationship interesting and fun so that your partner will forever speaks of you and be willing to stay with you.

The absence of playing makes a relationship to be bored and it will be easier for both of you to separate. Women like it when their men play with them. Make your relationship lively and worth staying.


  1. Over control.

Many guys like to be in control of every little thing that goes in that relationship. If you are among those that do it, it means that you are the one causing problem in your family.

Sometimes you have to give your partner right for some certain things. Let her exercise herself little too, even though you are the head, instead, support her, be the one to initiate it while she does it, so that the credit shall go to her.

Not that she will be giving you orders in your own house but she will ask for the order, examine it if it’s not the one that can cause problem tomorrow, give her chance to place it, but if it’s the one that will cause problem tomorrow, tell her the reason behind your refusal in the manner that she will understand better.


  1. Nagging.

Some guys have formed the habit of nagging at every little mistake that his woman make. You shouldn’t be a nagging partner, you shouldn’t be shouting and refusing everything that she does to please you. Appreciate your partner, to avoid mistakes in a relationship you must avoid Nagging for it won’t you.

Ladies hate a nagging partner and find it hard to be happy on that relationship.


  1. Flirting

This particular one is of two types, flirting with your partner and flirting with another.

It is necessary to flirt with your partner but it is not nice to flirt with another, because your partner must feel bad whenever she sees you flirting with another person, no matter how strong she tries to be. One thing you must understand is that jealousy is part of love, and when she sees you flirting with another woman, definitely she will be jealous and pretend not to be, but if you want to confirm it, when there is a little misunderstanding, she must definitely remind you of how you are busy flirting with that woman, that is jealous. If you want to avoid mistakes in your relationship, stop flirting with other women, especially before your partner, even if it’s a genuine flirt.


You have seen the mistakes that guys make in a relationship, and we believed that you are able to understand and make amends, so you don’t fall into one of the mistakes.

Drop your comments if there’s any.
