Married Sex Life: How To Use Different Sex Toys For Newlyweds


The very first night of a newlywed couple’s life together can also be their honeymoon period. It is the moment where they need to consummate their marriage. To many, it is the most thrilling and awaited night because of the intimate lovemaking that will take place. It is essential since this will set the mood for how a pair handles one another in sex, setting the road to a happy marriage.


However, it’s also true that most couples who live and stay together have possibly had sex with each other before tying the knot. That’s why others find their honeymoon sex no longer thrilling. Although the pleasant feeling and pleasure are still there, it can be tagged as ordinary sex.


But if you want your honeymoon period and future sex life as a married couple to always be a memorable one, there’s still a way to make it more interesting. One example is using various sex toys. This will further improve physical pleasure and increase sexual excitement. 


If you’re up to know how to use different sex toys for newlyweds, take a read of the list below.

Partner Whale

There are different types of sex toys. However, one of the most popular are vibrators, some with many features that can be hard to understand. 


However, the Partner Whale sex toy is a vibrator that is very easy to use. When it comes to the intensity of its vibration, you have three options. It has seven rhythms that can work simultaneously just by clicking a button.


This curved sex toy is equipped with two powerful engines intended to thrill you as a couple. It has a broader section that lies immediately on the clit, while the other heads within the vagina. This will try to hit the G-spot while you stroke and rub your partner during penetration.

Sex Dice

There are virgin newlywed couples that haven’t warmed up to each other yet when it comes to sex. Both parties can still be shy, especially when initiating it. If that’s the case, sex dices are the perfect ice breaker for awkward newlyweds. It is a dice game designed to enhance the sexual experience, which can also prolong foreplay.


Each side of the dice indicates a different sex position. You just have to roll the dice on the floor or any flat surface when using this toy. Whatever sex positions come out, both partners must try and do it. Also, what makes it more exciting is that each sex position can be very different, even something you haven’t tried before. It is perfect for an experiment full of fun and pleasure.


A few couples already formed a small family before getting married. Most of them have a child, which can be challenging, especially for newlyweds. Different factors, such as vaginal discharge, postpartum infections, hemorrhoids, and more, can significantly affect your wife’s sexual drive


That’s why, if your wife always feels pain during sex, these factors play a huge part. But, with the help of Ohnut sex toy, everything can run smoothly during sex. It adds a completely new and extremely comfortable experience of sexual intercourse.  It has stackable rings, where you can slide your penis, keeping you from reaching farther into a woman’s vagina.

Sex Swing

For newlywed couples who are pretty vanilla with their sex life, you can spice up your lovemaking by using this type of sex toy. A sex swing will give more control to the husband and allow him to maneuver the intercourse while the wife remains in the sex swing, obeying her husband’s command. 


If you don’t know how to use this, note that this type of sex toy can be used in various styles. However, keep in mind that it needs a sturdy foundation to be attached to, such as a wall with strong hooks. It is necessary in order to lift your lover up, allowing you to quickly get into different positions.

Double-ended Dildos

Some newlyweds prefer anal sex during their love sessions. If you’re one of those couples, it is perfect to use a double-ended dildo. This type of sex toy is a long, flat, durable rubber tube with a rounded tip formed like the head of a penis on both sides. 


When using this, the first head needs to be softly directed into the butt of the husband while the other one is into the wife’s vagina. After setting it up, you will be free to grind yourselves on the dildo to reach maximum double penetration. Also, when it comes to options, these sex toys are offered in many sizes, forms, textures, and components that are unique. Therefore, choosing what’s best for you comes very easily with those options.

Sex Ramp

Many newlywed couples envisioned various sex positions they want to try during the honeymoon period. However, many of those cannot be performed in bed, so a sex ramp is the best option since using it is very easy. You just lay your body on the sex ramp and execute any sex positions that you want with your significant other.


This will coordinate and assist your body for ultimate convenience since it is produced with high-quality, water-resistant linen and wraps. This sex prop will feel so much better on your bare and naked skin. 

Take away 

As newlyweds, if you want to improve your marriage for the coming years, provide special attention to your sex life. This way, you’re making sure that your honeymoon and future sex life are always exciting, which is important in a married couple’s life together.


It is also essential to note that apart from physical pleasure, having a daily rewarding life of romance with your partner offers many physiological and emotional advantages. Fulfilling sex life can also create great memories of the romantic getaway, which will keep the flame burning when reminiscing. Therefore, don’t neglect the pleasure and always have fun in bed.