List Of 23 Signs A Girl Likes You Over Text

This article will tell you everything you need to know about whether a girl is interested in you by the text messages she sends.

Ever been so infatuated with a girl you kept reading every text she sent you, hoping and praying that you would find clues to her feelings about you?

You’re not the only one. Because text messaging is the preferred method of communication, it’s common for people to share their feelings via phone.

It’s good to know that you can read between the lines and understand what she is trying to tell you.

List Of 23 Signs A Girl Likes You Over Text

These are 23 signs that a girl prefers to text you then text.


#1 She Sends Flirty Emojis

Emojis can be a big giveaway. They’re similar to the body language in text messages.

They communicate more than words. These are the most popular flirty emojis: A hugging smiley face is a sign she wants to hug and she will be smiling as she does it.

You’ve given her reason to blush by using the blushing smiley face Emoji.

If she sends the heart-eye face emoticon, she thinks you are hot. If she finds that you are funny (which is amazing), she will send the crying-with-laughter emoji.

If she feels bold, she may send the kiss face emoticon, which could indicate that she is ready to share her lips with you the next time she sees you.

#2 She Keeps the Conversation Going

Conversations are like playing tennis. Two people will talk to each other if they want to know more about each other.

Although you cannot go into detail in the text, many things can be said. If your conversation flows well, she is likely interested.

#3 She Sends you Selfies

When she goes out with the girls or celebrates something, she always sends you selfies.

It is important to note that women don’t just send photos to random men.

They send them only to men they have the hots for because they want a reply.

She’s confident she’s the hottest and wants you to pay attention.

If she feels brave, she may even send you a selfie of herself in a bikini, so you can see exactly what she is getting.

#4 She Writes About Random Stuff

Do you get text messages from her throughout the day?

Although she isn’t asking questions or checking in on you, she may text about what TV show she’s currently watching or how her manager tripped and spilt coffee all over the floor.

You can also see how she sits next to a man who snores loudly on the train. You can tell that she is comfortable around you by sending random text messages.

Random texts can sometimes be frustrating because you don’t know what to say. It is easy to answer a question, or if you are already discussing something.

#5 She Gives You Only One-Word Answers

If a girl replies to you via text with only one-word answers, it’s probably a sign that she isn’t interested in you.

She will be brief and concise to make sure you don’t follow her lead and get the wrong idea.

A girl who is attracted to a man will not give him a single-word answer.

If she is busy, she may text you back to let you know. She doesn’t want to make you feel like she’s blowing your mind.

If a female doesn’t like playing games, she won’t leave you hanging.

List Of 23 Signs A Girl Likes You Over Text

#6 She asks you questions

When women want to learn more about a man they are interested in, they ask questions.

Before she gets too excited about you, even though she may find you attractive, she wants you to be able to tell her if there is a connection. These are five questions she might ask you over text.

  • Have you heard about …??

Asking someone if they have heard of something important is a way to see if you share the same interests.

She might ask about a new restaurant or a favourite band performing at a concert. Or she might want to know if you have heard of an upcoming event that she is passionate about.

Your lady friend may have been curious if you’ve heard anything about this or that. She’s trying to get you to know more.

  • What are you most interested in doing to relax?

Because she wants to get to know you, she’s interested in your hobbies and interests.

Everybody has their idea of relaxation. For her, relaxing might mean lying down in bed and watching movies until the early hours of the morning.

It might be a hike up the mountains for you.

  • What are you considering a major turnoff?

With a question such as this, she wants to know what your preferences are. Women like to know what makes men tick so they don’t get too upset by things.

Many men are ambivalent about their sexuality. They’ve had over 100 partners!

  • What is the most romantic thing that you have ever done for a girl?

Women love romantic men. They want to know if you are the kind of man who will dine with them.

When she asks you this question, she is likely asking about your definition of romance. You can say, “You took a woman on hot air balloon dates.” She’ll be impressed.

If your idea of romance is to take a girl to Mcdonalds’s, likely, you will not hear from her again. Our article on romantic questions to ask your partner might be helpful.

It doesn’t matter if you have done something romantic with another girl. It doesn’t matter if you have done something romantic with another girl.

There are many ways to hint that you’re romantic. You need to find the one that suits your lifestyle and personality.

  • In five years, where do you see yourself?

Because of the question she is asking, some men feel nervous when women ask this question. She wants to know if you see yourself in her future.

However, this is not often the case. She is interested in how serious you are as an individual.

Are you able to see a future for yourself? Are you content to just go with the flow and hope for the best?

#7 She Complements You

A woman will always appreciate compliments from another woman. So, make sure to welcome them with open arms.

These are invitations to explore deeper how she feels about your relationship. Let’s suppose she says, “You’re such an honest guy.” A woman would be so lucky to have you.

You can answer her by saying, “Does this include you?” If she says yes, then you can ask her out on a date.

If she compliments your work, she will say, “You are so amazing, you are definitely on my top ten list.” Follow that up with, “Where am I?”

This is likely her way to get you to play better, so she may list you as number five. Then, you can ask her what it takes to make you number one.

#8 She Reflects Your Communication Style

According to body language experts, when two people are attracted to each other, She’ll also send you a hugging emoticon back if she receives it. She’s trying to match your energy and let you know that she’s on the same page as you.

#9 She Texts you Morning and Night

If a woman texts you every morning before she goes to bed, it’s a sure sign that she is into you.

She is telling you that she has your back all the time.

Keep in mind that messages can become monotonous and boring. If you don’t meet enough often, you risk losing the spark and tension between you.

#10 She Texts Your First

If you meet a girl on a night out, and exchange numbers, if she texts first, it’s a sign she likes you and wants to move things along.

If she is doing the dating thing and has gotten a few guys’ numbers, she will be keen to begin the weeding-out process as soon as she can.

She may like you and think you are cute but she needs to find out if you are the kind of guy she would be happy to have a relationship with. The only way to find this is to get to know you.

#11 She Digs Deeper

People have shallow conversations when they meet for the first time. To keep things simple and not get too deep, they ask generic questions.

If a woman is attracted to a man and wants to know his thoughts, she will ask thought-provoking questions that will force you to think before she responds.

If you are religious, she will ask about your faith. If she is interested in politics, she will ask about your political views.

You will not be able to tell her what you want to hear. It’s best to be truthful, otherwise, you won’t have the courage to be who you are.

List Of 23 Signs A Girl Likes You Over Text

#12 She Will Not Keep You Hanging

Did you ever send a girl a text and not get a reply until two days later? Although she had a lame excuse for why it took so long, the truth was that was trying hard to get it. She wanted you to chase after her.

A woman who isn’t interested in silly games will not keep you waiting when you text her.

If she is unable to text you back immediately, she will do so as soon she is free. She’ll also give you a reason for why it took her so long to reply to you.

#13 She Shows She Cares

A woman can express her concern for you in text messages in many ways. These are five ways a woman can show her concern for you through text.

  • She would love to hear about your day

People often ask one another how their day went. Unless something truly dramatic happens, they usually respond with something like “not bad” or “it was just a normal day.”

If a woman is interested in you, she will ask you for details and give you a detailed account of your day.

While you give the details, she will ask more questions to gain a better understanding of your day.

  • She encourages

She will text you something encouraging if you feel down about something.

She wants you to feel happy and confident, and she’d love to be your cheerleader.

  • She says this to you when she thinks about you

She’ll leave a message if she’s away on vacation, at night, or out with friends to let you know that she is thinking of you.

The text will not be too complex, but it will let her know that you are on her mind.

You might see it as “I would have more fun if I was here” or “I would get the job done much faster if you came to work with me.”

  • She laughs at you

Boys pull girls’ pigtails in the playground when they like them. Boys love to poke fun at girls when they want them.

If she jokes about you via text, it is because she knows that you can handle it. You’ll be as good as she gets.

She loves the banter she has with you when she makes fun.

  • She wants to know if you have ever eaten.

Women are nurturers. They want everyone to feel loved and taken care of.

Single men are known for their poor diets. Women know this and will ask if you have eaten.

Most likely, she will ask you when you got home late after a long day at the office.

#14 She sends you a lot of memes

Laughing together is another way to build a bond.

She may send you lots of memes to make you laugh, but she is playing off situations or things you both find funny.

She wants to see if you have the same sense of humour. She hopes that you will laugh as much as she does on the other side of the phone.

#15 She Texts After a Night Out

A woman can text a man after a night out if she isn’t too drunk.

One-night stands are very common because people feel lonely after a night out, and it is not fun to go home to an empty bed.

To ease her loneliness, she texts you to let you know that you are the one she is interested in.

#16 She Talks About Herself

A woman who feels at ease around a man will open up to him and talk about herself.

She doesn’t mean to be conceited, but she wants to share more about her life. She is slowly building trust in you and will give you a glimpse into her world.

#17 She Provides You With Updates

Because she keeps you updated about her daily life, you’re never left wondering where your lady friend is.

She will message you on weekends and throughout the week to update you about her activities and to share information.

She will let you know that she does regular stuff and is a normal girl. If you like what she has to say, it’s an invitation for you to come along and be a part of her life.

List Of 23 Signs A Girl Likes You Over Text

#18 She Notes When You Haven’t Been in Touch

She will notice if you don’t reply to her text messages for any reason. Instead of staring at your phone, waiting for her to respond, she will message you again to refresh your memory.

If she wasn’t interested, she would not care if you sent her a text back.

However, be careful not to stop texting her back. She’ll feel rejected.

Women will always remember what you do, so if that happens again, you might lose some brownie points.

#19 She Loves Your Messages

Studies show that women like funny men and women who find them funny.

Your lady friend might respond to your jokes with laughter emojis if she has found that men are attracted to women who find them funny.

Even if she doesn’t find you funny, she’ll still laugh because it will earn her brownie points.

#20 She Is a Prodigy

Although it sounds strange that a girl would like you, this is a sure sign.

Her words will sound something like this when she drags her lips: “heyyyyyyyy, what are you doing?”

Although you might feel silly, it’s cute and girly.

She wants you to hear her sweet girly voice as you read the message.

#21 She Doesn’t Allow Her Typos to Slip

If a female doesn’t care what others think of her, she won’t go out of her way to correct any typos.

People type fast and press the send button without taking the time to review what they have written.

She’ll admit she made a mistake and correct it.

#22 She Lowkey Asks You To Go On A Date

Asking questions such as “Are your busy this weekend?” or “Do you have any time this weekend?” is her way to say, “I’m free this Saturday, and I want you to take me out.”

You might hear her say, “There’s a really good movie I want to see over the weekend, but I have no one to go with.”

This statement is a clear sign that she has permitted you to ask her out.

Keep in mind, however, that she may not ask you again if you miss the question.

#23 She Replains That She Hasn’t Heard From You

She doesn’t want you to initiate conversation every single time. If you don’t send her a text for several days, she will remind you.

She wouldn’t care about not hearing from me if she wasn’t interested.

She worries that you are trying to make her feel distant by being silent.

She will send you a gentle nudge to let you know she doesn’t like it when you don’t hear from her and that she won’t do it again.