List Of 20+ Most Common Insecurities and How To Overcome Them

Some people refer to it as a contagious disease that can be controlled. Insecurity is completely normal.

Everybody has to deal with it at some point.

The weather changes and we all feel it differently.

Today, we will dive deep into the insecurities of people.

What is the greatest insecurity for most of us?

Men and women have different perceptions of faults.

Is it possible to overcome insecurities and fears?

What are Insecurities?

Insecurities can be anxiety feelings about things that we feel insecure about, or would like to change about ourselves.

You may feel a sense of insecurity, a lack of self-worth and unsure about your life, your relationships and the world.

Insecurity can hurt our mental health and physical well-being. Insecurity can be a good thing in certain ways.

Insecurities are a part of our lives. Recognizing them helps us to grow in self-awareness and become more compassionate toward others.

What Are The Most Common Insecurities?

What are the most common insecurities of people? It depends on where and who you are. Almost everyone struggles with some form of self-doubt.

Insecurity is a major cause of concern.

  1. Fear of rejection and failure
  2. Lack of confidence and social anxiety
  3. Perfectionism is the root cause of insecurities

List of Insecurities – 20+ Examples Of Insecurity You Will Recognize And How To Overcome Them

Here are some examples. We have two lists, one for men and another for women.

List Of 20+ Most Common Insecurities and How To Overcome Them

Common female insecurities

What are some of the most common insecurities among women? If you are a woman, you have likely experienced at least one of these.

  1. I’m not pretty enough

In our culture, we value beautiful women. It’s not right or fair, but that’s life. Many women are prone to stress and worry about their appearance.

It may take years to overcome this insecurity. You’ll eventually realize that everybody is attractive, including you. There’s also no way to account for taste.

  1. I’m not thin enough

Since the late 19th Century, diet products have been mass-produced and women are held to absurd weight standards.

Dieting has been promoted as a way to improve health for many years. While weight and health may be connected in certain ways, the conventional wisdom about the benefits of thinness stems largely from fatphobia.

Women can learn to let go of the traditional notions about beauty and weight by understanding what lies behind our obsession with thinness.

  1. I don’t have enough friends

Do you feel like you have too few friends? Don’t worry. You are not alone. According to a study, nearly half of Americans do not feel that they have any true friends.

Social media is a major contributor to the problem. Many people post carefully curated moments from their lives and misrepresent the truth. That picture of “Sally”, with her “best friend” group, could be from her cousin’s bachelorette weekend. She only knows one other person!

People are having fewer and fewer friends.

There are several ways to deal with this feeling of insecurity.

  • Take A Social Media Break: Most people are surprised at how much more positive they feel when they take a break from social media.
  • Read the Books: Reading up on this issue can help us realize we are not alone.
  • Learn to Love Yourself Learning how to love oneself is the best cure. You will find that life is much more enjoyable when you can spend time alone.
  1. I’m not feminine enough

People are more accepting and open-minded these days. We’re still told certain stereotypes about what people should do and be.

Women are often under pressure to appear feminine and petite. This includes a higher voice, a smaller waist and a sweet personality. The pressures are amplified by where you live.

Not every woman is feminine. Many women feel insecure because they don’t fit the “ladylike” mould.

What can you do if you are one of them?

It is important to learn how to love yourself. You will eventually find your tribe, and they will love you for who you are.

If you’re not feminine, it makes no sense to pretend to be one. It will look fake if you try to act feminine.

Be yourself, and don’t worry about people who want you to fit into a certain mould.

  1. I Look Old

Wrinkles! Sagging skin! Gray hair! This is the bane for millions of women who are ageing — they are told that youthful looks are superior and preferred.

You’ve probably heard this story a thousand times: A man leaves his 20-year-old wife for a woman who is 20 years old.

Women tend to become insecure when they reach a certain age, which is getting lower each decade.

Some women decide to accept their age and appreciate the wisdom gained with the loss of tight skin. Some women choose to undergo cosmetic surgery.

Which is better: Neither. You get to make the decision. You should do what you think will make you feel the best. Don’t listen to anyone trying to shame you.

  1. I’m not smart enough

The relationship between women and intelligence has changed dramatically over the last two centuries. There were exceptions, but 200 years ago most women were told that being “dim”, rather than smart, was better. This mentality was still prevalent in the 1950s.

But these days, intelligence is en vogue. Women are under pressure not only to look good and be thin, but also to be intelligent. There’s a great deal to carry.

What is the secret to overcoming intelligence insecurity? You are not alone in being good at something. Focus on what you are good at.

Accept the fact that there will always be people smarter than yourself.

This life skill is mastered by a person who has a lot of humility. You may have noticed that the smartest people can admit their ignorance. Take their lead. Be curious and confident in what you do know. It will make you a more rounded person.

  1. I’m not sophisticated enough

Class and wealth are always linked, whether right or wrong. It’s not good enough to be wealthy in certain circles. You also have to “fit” into the clique.

Women with a modest background who have achieved success often worry about being accepted. Am I sophisticated? Are my labels correct? Is there a joke being made about me?

As with so many insecurities, the best way to overcome them is to be true to yourself. Don’t let other people’s opinions steer your ship.

  1. I don’t have the right wardrobe

The cliche “you are what you dress” is a popular one, and it’s true to a certain extent. When we dress well, we tend to feel more confident.

Some people go too far, ranking people based on the brands that they wear. Many women are deeply insecure when it comes to their wardrobe and fashion.

Realizing that the majority of people are fakers is a good way to overcome this. The luxury counterfeit market has a very profitable business model.

Style is subjective. Never mind what others think, just be yourself.

  1. I don’t have enough money

Money is a paradox in the Western world. Teachers and parents have taught us that money doesn’t matter. We should judge people based on their character and kindness, not their wealth.

The truth is, however, quite different. According to our cultural values, money is important and having it over not having it makes sense.

Money insecurity is a major stressor for people who are not rich — and that’s most of us — on both a practical and a superficial level.

The world would be very different if anyone knew the answer to this problem. Work hard, budget carefully, and don’t worry about keeping up with others.

  1. I’m afraid to be alone

Women who are afraid of loneliness will often hold on to toxic relationships, both romantic and friendship.

You can overcome this by discovering how wonderful it is to spend some time alone with yourself. Discover what you like by trying out new hobbies.

You should read books that you enjoy, not those that the critics force down your throat. Spend the day at home in your pyjamas, apply a homemade mask to your face and eat junk foods!

You’ll discover the joys of being alone if you do these things several times.

  1. I’m Afraid To Be Homeless

You’re not the only one who worries about being homeless. You’re not alone. More than 7 in 10 Americans worry about being left without any resources one day.

Mental health can suffer from this type of thinking. Very few people are indeed homeless. Try to maintain a realistic view of the situation. Don’t go beyond your means.

  1. I’m not naturally nurturing/I’m not a good mother

Women are still seen to be more nurturing than men, even though it is the 21st Century. Not all women are nurturing mothers, and some develop insecurities.

You should not worry about the judgements if this is you. Women are increasingly choosing to have no children. You’ll eventually find your tribe.

Moms often feel insecure about their parenting abilities. It’s harder than you think to be the perfect mom.

There are no perfect fathers or mothers. You will make mistakes as a parent, so be kind to yourself and apologize when necessary.

  1. I’m Going To Lose My Partner

You may worry that you will be dumped, especially if your partner is more invested in the relationship. Love can hurt.

This is something that everyone experiences. You’ll learn valuable lessons from it, even if you feel terrible.

Don’t let the fear of a breakup ruin your relationship if it is going well. If the relationship ends, apply the lessons learned to your next romance. There will be another one.

  1. I don’t have the perfect life

Self-consciousness about not living “the perfect life”, is another damaging side effect of the social media age.

Images of others’ best moments bombard us, so we think everyone else’s lives are more glamorous, exciting and well-put-together than ours.

Remember that no one’s life on earth is perfect. Even the lives of celebrities and those who are extremely wealthy are not without challenges and disappointments.

Celebrate each moment instead of trying to create the perfect life.

List Of 20+ Most Common Insecurities and How To Overcome Them

Common Male Insecurities

What are some of the most common male insecurities that men have? What makes men anxious?

  1. I’m not smart enough

Men also have a similar preoccupation with their intelligence as women. Some people associate their IQ with their earning power, while others obsess over it.

It’s not necessary to be the most intelligent person in the room. Most successful people are those who work hard and get along well with others.

  1. I don’t make enough money

Many men feel insecure when they can’t earn as much money as they desire. The truth is, most people don’t do as well as they claim.

Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and learn to live within your budget. It won’t take long for you to realize that what matters most is not how much money you make, but rather who you are and whom you spend time with.

Spend time with people who have the same view as you and don’t strive to be richer.

  1. I don’t have enough power

Men often have insecurities that they are not powerful enough professionally and physically.

You must understand, if you are still young, that you will have to start at the bottom of your company.

If you’re surrounded by people and activities you love, you’ll be less likely to worry about “being top dog.”

You can overcome feelings of worthlessness by feeling confident and comfortable with yourself.

  1. I don’t have enough status

Many men are also concerned about their status. Many men feel that they are not in the right group, don’t drive the right car or live in the correct neighbourhood. All of it is connected to the “myth” of success.

Insecurity is usually overcome by people who accept themselves as they are and don’t try to change who they are.

It makes life more manageable and enjoyable to find people who like you.

  1. I’m Too Scrawny

Insecurities about your body affect both men and women! Women often think they are too large, while men worry about being too thin.

You have three choices if you are in this category: 1) Commit to bulking up using any means possible; 2) Eat healthy, exercise and lift weights while being happy with the way your body looks; or 3) Do nothing.

The best way to go is often the middle path.

  1. I don’t have enough experience with women

You’re not the best at flirting. You are not alone. Men are not alone in feeling insecure.

You’ll improve the more you practice. Just Be funny and genuine. You can’t make a mistake.

You should not let your insecurities towards women stop you from approaching them. Take a risk and push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

  1. I don’t live up to my father’s ideals

Many men have “father issues”. They feel they haven’t met their father’s standards and that they don’t deserve his respect.

A conversation with your father can often fix the insecurity. It can be difficult for those who have more difficult fathers.

Remember that it is your responsibility to live your life, not your father’s. Heck, your father is probably not perfect.

  1. I’m not athletic enough

Men are often under pressure to be physically fit. For those who aren’t, it can lead to a lot of self-doubt.

Focus on what you are good at, instead of worrying about other things. You might not be the best basketball player in your school but you may be the best musician, debater, or programmer.

  1. I’m not good-looking enough

Men are not as interested in “beauty”, as women. But you would be surprised how many men search the Internet to find tips on how they can look better. Insecurity is a universal problem.

It is important to realize that appearances are not everything in life. You’ll get far if you have an amazing personality.

Wear clothes that flatter you and take good care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, you’ll feel more confident about your appearance.

  1. I Don’t Own the Latest Gadgets

In this digital age, gadgets are seen as a status sign, and many people feel embarrassed if they don’t own the latest models.

You’re not likely to miss out much by switching versions. Don’t spend money on new phones every year. You’ll be glad you did in ten years!

  1. I’m not cool enough

We are all awkward people. If you think you aren’t popular enough, just remember that you are in the majority.

Consider who you are talking to when you say “cool” – what’s cool for one person might not be cool for another.

Authenticity will never go out of style.

  1. I’m not good at fixing things

Wherever you live, “being handy” or fixing things can be a huge deal.

You can’t change a wheel? Some people can do that. You’ve never built a deck, or repaired a dishwasher? What’s the point?

It could be more about a lack of interest rather than a lack of ability. It’s not necessary to love Mr. Fixit to be a real man.

You may feel bad if you are not very good at it or you don’t enjoy it. Everyone has their special talents. Concentrate on them.

  1. I am not sexually skilled

Insecurity about sex is OK. You may not think that you are good at sex. Perhaps you’re upset about your natural endowments.

Consult your doctor for any physical problems. Many medicines are available. For technique, read or watch some videos. Knowledge is power.

For most women, the size of a woman is not a major issue.

Insecurity is perfectly normal. Every person goes through this at certain points in their lives.

Acknowledging them is the first step. Insecurities will be easier to manage once you’ve acknowledged them.