List Of 100+ Funny Questions For Couples That Will Make You Laugh And Think

You and your partner will improve your relationship if you laugh together!

This hilarious 101-question quiz for couples will bring you closer together, whether you have been dating or not.

You and your partner will laugh, and perhaps blush a bit as you answer these thought-provoking questions ranging from favourite food to future dreams.

Some of the answers you might find surprising!

Why are funny questions for couples good for relationships?

A healthy relationship requires a healthy amount of laughter.

Nothing can create a stronger bond than sharing lighthearted moments.

A funny couples quiz can be a great way to create intimacy and joy between you and the person you love.

  • Joking around is a great way to keep things positive. Enjoy the time together and laugh at each other. Science has shown that laughter can reduce tension.
  • Your personality can be revealed through playful questions. Understanding what makes the other laugh strengthens relationships.
  • Quizzes can help you learn more about yourself and your opinions. Discover surprising historical facts and tales.
  • The banter creates memories and inside jokes. Later, you’ll laugh as you recall your answers.
  • In a non-threatening way, vulnerabilities are revealed. Humour allows you to relax and be more open with each other.

This list of 101 thoughtful and clever relationship questions will make your next date more enjoyable.

Laughter goes hand in hand with love.

Funny Couples Quiz 101 Questions that Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

One of the best parts of a relationship is laughing together.

This hilarious quiz will make you laugh and tickle your funny bone!

These questions are full of funny moments, from joking about annoying habits to embarrassing stories.

List Of 100+ Funny Questions For Couples That Will Make You Laugh And Think

Funny Relationship Questions

  1. What is the best food to describe your partner? Is it sweet, spicy, salty or sour?
  2. What’s the most embarrassing thing that your partner wears in the house?
  3. What would you change if you could?
  4. What’s your partner’s funniest pet peeve?
  5. What’s the stupidest thing you and your partner have ever argued over?
  6. What was your most awkward moment on your first date?
  7. What animal represents your partner best and why?
  8. What TV or film character reminds most of you and your partner?
  9. What’s the most hilarious gift your partner ever gave you?
  10. What’s your partner’s most bizarre sleepwalking or sleeping-talking experience?
  11. What’s the most crazy thing you and your partner have done together?
  12. What is your most embarrassing photo together?
  13. What is the one thing that makes you feel embarrassed about your partner?
  14. What is the one personality flaw that your partner has that you find endearing?
  15. What was your first impression when you met your partner and how did you meet?
  16. What is the most hilarious irrational fear of your partner?
  17. What would you wear if you were allowed to dress your partner for the day?
  18. What’s the most childish thing your partner has done?
  19. What was the most embarrassing thing you said or did in front of your family?
  20. What food reminds you of your partner?
  21. What song makes you and your partner laugh the most?
  22. What is it that your partner dislikes but you secretly enjoy?
  23. What is the one thing that your partner never does or always forgets to do?
  24. What room best represents you and your partner?
  25. What is the most unusual talent or skill that your partner has?
  26. What strange objects does your partner collect?
  27. What would your partner do if time and money were not an issue?
  28. What is the one food that your partner will not eat, no matter what you do?
  29. What celebrity has your partner a strange crush on?
  30. What’s your partner’s most hilarious nickname for you?
  31. What is your most childish fight?
  32. What embarrassingly bad moves does your partner sometimes bust out?
  33. What song is your partner singing wrongly?
  34. What is the one item in your partner’s wardrobe that you hate?
  35. What funny food makes your partner think of you?
  36. What is the weirdest or most funny family tradition of your partner’s family?
  37. What holidays does your partner feel strongly about?
  38. What actor or actress do you and your partner think they look like?
  39. What will your partner eat from the floor?
  40. What funny or embarrassing slogans would your partner use if they ran for office?

List Of 100+ Funny Questions For Couples That Will Make You Laugh And Think

Silly questions to ask your partner

  1. What celebrity couple could we be, if we became famous?
  2. What would our life be like if we lived in a sitcom or TV show?
  3. What was the most crazy thing you did as a teenager?
  4. What hilarious costumes would we wear if we were going to a party tonight?
  5. What accent is your partner trying to imitate but failing miserably?
  6. What is a food mashup that your partner would love but the rest of the planet would find disgusting?
  7. What popular trends did your partner fall into that they regret now?
  8. What is the one outdoor activity that your partner dislikes but you insist they try?
  9. What chore makes your partner laugh the most when it is their turn to do it?
  10. What comedian makes your partner laugh the most?
  11. What would your partner’s name be if he or she were a stripper?
  12. What role or fictional job would your partner be awful at?
  13. What was your partner’s imaginary friend as a child?
  14. What was the funny lie that your partner told you once?
  15. What is the latest fashion trend that your partner would never wear?
  16. What celebrity secretly envies your partner?
  17. What song is your partner familiar with, but won’t say it?

List Of 100+ Funny Questions For Couples That Will Make You Laugh And Think

Who is your partner’s most embarrassing friend?

  1. What food or beverage makes your partner laugh the most when they consume too much?
  2. What animal would you choose as your partner for the day?
  3. What fictional place would you love to live with your partner?
  4. What is your partner’s worst hobby?
  5. What outfit in your partner’s past causes you to laugh uncontrollably every time you see a photo of it?
  6. What silly fear was your partner denying as a kid?
  7. What’s the most ridiculous thing that your partner has ever cried over?
  8. What strange habits do you think your partner is hiding?
  9. What mythical creature do you think your partner would be?
  10. What is the food that your partner dislikes but you like to tease with?
  11. What is the dish that your partner makes and it looks delicious, but tastes oddly disgusting?
  12. What is the latest fashion that you are waiting for your partner to outgrow?
  13. What would your partner choose to bathe in?
  14. What would you choose for your partner to transform into if they could be any object, even a single one, for a whole day?
  15. What TV couple best represents your dynamic?
  16. What chocolate best represents the personality of your partner?
  17. If you had to pick, what crime would your partner have been arrested for?
  18. What accent does your partner imitate to sound nothing like you?
  19. Who would your partner choose to have dinner with if they could?

List Of 100+ Funny Questions For Couples That Will Make You Laugh And Think

Funny questions to ask your spouse about married life

  1. You didn’t discover this annoying thing about me before we were married.
  2. What’s the most embarrassing thing I wear or use around the house?
  3. What bad cooking habit makes you cringe most?
  4. What would you do to change the room that best represents your personality?
  5. What strange food combinations have you seen me eating late at night?
  6. What TV character do you think I am similar to, and why?
  7. What early purchases do we regret?
  8. What is the outfit that you will laugh at every time you put it on?
  9. What funny or nerdy shirt do I wear in public that makes me feel embarrassed?
  10. What’s the worst thing you have ever done when drunk?
  11. What embarrassing or hilarious photos of me did you show your friends without my knowledge?
  12. What is it that I collect or hoard obsessively and drives you insane?
  13. What celebrity am I claiming to look like, even though we have no resemblance?
  14. What food refuse I to admit I dislike?
  15. What is the one food that I secretly enjoy and you hate?
  16. What sport or activity could I fail at hilariously if I tried it?
  17. What popular song am I always singing wrong?
  18. What would you like to burn from my wardrobe?
  19. What TV show am I secretly watching but pretending not to watch?
  20. What outfit would you like to wear more frequently?
  21. What was the popular trend that I used to follow but now deny?
  22. What is my most irrational fear or phobia?
  23. What actress or actor do I have a strange crush on?
  24. What is my funny habit?
  25. How would you compare yourself to a fictional character?
  26. What annual tradition am I adamant about that you can’t stand, and why?
  27. What job would I be incredible at if I had no qualifications?
  28. What is the one thing I am proud of, even though it’s not my strongest skill?
  29. What celebrity encounter have I had that I just can’t get enough of?
  30. What’s your funniest nickname?
  31. What body part of mine makes you laugh the most?
  32. What would I call the imaginary situation if it happened?
  33. What foods do I combine in disgusting ways that make me cringe?
  34. What is the one fashion trend I will not give up?
  35. What is my hobby that I am deluded about?
  36. What accent am I constantly horribly impersonating?
  37. What is the most ridiculous argument we have?

List Of Fun Relationship Questions For Couples

Fun Couples Quiz Questions

  1. What would make a funny and weird food to fight over?
  2. What foods does your partner sneak a bite of when no one is looking?
  3. What would the name of our celebrity couple be if we became famous?
  4. What reality show could we not compete on together?
  5. What is the most common phrase or catchphrase that your partner uses to make you laugh?
  6. What fictional career would I be comically terrible at?
  7. What food is it that I am completely addicted to in an embarrassing manner?
  8. What is the outfit that your partner wears to make them look completely different?
  9. What is the strange food that your partner likes to eat?
  10. What imaginary pet or fantastical animal would your partner adopt, if they had the chance?
  11. What dance moves does your partner do when no one is around?
  12. What would I do if I won a million bucks?
  13. What celebrity can your partner best imitate?
  14. What strange or useless talent is your partner hiding?
  15. What would you love to see your partner wearing for a whole day?
  16. What foods does your partner crave?
  17. What would we do if we started a business with each other?
  18. What would the ideal house of my partner look like, if money was not an issue?
  19. What famous singers can you and your partner hilariously imitate?
  20. What strange food combinations does your partner suggest we try?
  21. What career would I fail at spectacularly?
  22. What recent purchase has your partner tried convincing you to justify?
  23. What outfit would you love to wear that your partner has but never worn?
  24. What celebrity scandals or controversies would your partner be involved in if they became famous?
  25. What is the one thing that your partner never gets right when they cook?
  26. What reality show would you and your partner watch in a flash?
  27. What tattoo would your partner get if it wasn’t for your commitment?
  28. What music or artist does your partner not like?
  29. What would you eat from the culture of your partner if it was made?
  30. What funny customs or traditions did your partner have in their hometown?
  31. What slang is used by your partner to make them sound older or younger than they are?
  32. What is the fashion trend that you or your partner used to wear and now makes you cringe?
  33. What accent does your partner imitate after speaking to someone else?
  34. What is the secret food that your partner loves but pretends not to?
  35. What sport would you find hilarious to watch your partner do?
  36. What is the fashion trend that your partner would like to see return in style?
  37. What TV characters of the 1990s or 2000s are we most like?

List Of Fun Relationship Questions For Couples

Use this funny couples quiz to create fun and interesting activities

You can use this hilarious quiz in a variety of ways. Try these creative ideas with your partner.

Date Night Conversation Starter

Take turns answering the questions in the quiz to make your next date a fun game night. This is a fun way to learn about each other and have a good time in a relaxed setting. Laughing with someone is a good way to build intimacy.

Pre-Wedding Couples’ Counseling

This relationship quiz can help couples strengthen their bond. Premarital counselling can help you discover compatibility, gain insight and learn more before saying “I do”. It’s also a fun way to make sessions less stuffy.

Relationships with Long-Distance Partners

Video chat or phone calls can be used to enjoy the quiz with virtual couples. Take screenshots to see each other’s reactions. At first, it may seem silly, but this will help you build a connection.

Date Night at Home

Are you staying in? Put the questions in a cute mason jar. You can discuss the questions over desserts, cocktails, dinner or desserts. Who can guess their partner’s name the best?

Podcasts or Youtube Videos about Relationships

Vloggers or podcasters can include a series of questions to create an episode on funny topics in relationships. Encourage your listeners to post their answers on social media.

Travel Game Before Vacation

This quiz will take your hour-long car or plane ride to new heights! These fun questions are perfect for traveling together.

Final Thoughts

This 101-question quiz for couples will spark conversation and laughter no matter where you are on your relationship journey. You can incorporate these funny and thoughtful questions in many different ways. This list is perfect for the next time you and your partner are looking for a quick mood boost or fun activity.