Nobody Likes You When You’re 23 – Truth About Life You Must Know

We’ve all heard the famous Blink 182 track, isn’t it? It’s said that no one likes people when you’re only 23. This is a classic line because it fits perfectly within the song and is applicable in real life too. There’s something inherently unsettling about people who are 23 years old.

What is it? A majority of people cannot identify the cause. It’s possible to think it’s just an unintentional number drawn from a pot. However, it’s not. There are certain characteristics and character changes that happen after the age of 23, which can create a mess to have.

Twelve reasons that nobody will ever like you at 23 years old

1. You Still Get Distracted Too Easily

Instead of being focused on the vital things in life, You’re being irresponsible. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama about the most recent season of Stranger Things instead of the real issues in politics or global problems. It’s like you don’t keep all your priorities in order because you’re easily distracted by the flashes of modern media. This is the result when you’re a kid with many different styles but not much substance.

2. You Mistake Perfume for Actual Laundry Detergent

You may not be aware of the importance of keeping a tidy assortment of clean clothes. You’re content wearing the same jeans and shirt outfit for several days before you decide to wash the clothes.

Nobody Likes You When You're 23

3. You Don’t Care So Much About How You Dress

You’re currently in that tense, rebellious stage. You’re telling people that you’re not going to spend too much money on expensive clothes because you don’t care about what other people consider. But in reality, you’re broken and self-centred. In real life, your appearance says something about your type of persona. You think you’re different because you’re special. It’s not true whatsoever.

4. You Still Talk Way Too Much About College

The college was excellent. It’s likely to be among the more important moments in a person’s existence. But it can be frustrating when you’re young and you’re still pondering over college like it was just only yesterday. Remember those you’re interfacing with may have a thriving careers in their professional and personal lives. They’re not obsessing about college anymore. If you’re obsessed with it, then you’re probably not the only one.

5. You jump from one relationship to the Next

Many people have issues with relationships and romance as they grow older. They are desperate to be able to commit to the person of their dreams. But, they can see you simply hopping between relationships and the next, as if you’re not taking any relationship seriously. Do you know how annoying this must be from afar?

6. You Don’t Spend Weekends at Home

There’s no need to go to the club every Friday evening. Sometimes, it’s perfectly acceptable to stay at home and be content with your life. As a 23-year-old, you have plenty of energy. Therefore it’s quite frustrating to be pestered by older adults about going out on weekends since they don’t have the time or energy to take part in the activities.

7. You Still Think Practical Jokes are Funny

Practical jokes were fun when we were 12. They may have been hilarious while we attended college. However, now that you’re 23 it’s important to realize that no one finds practical jokes any funnier. It is ideal to stay away from creating jokes in the first place since…

8. You Just Have a Terrible Sense of Humor Overall

This is a very awkward stage. The development of your ability to laugh is crucial. When you’re older, however, you’re stuck in that stage where you are laughing at fart jokes with no dimension or depth. You may even make jokes from time to time which is fun for you but not for everyone else.

Nobody Likes You When You're 23

9. You Think Only of Yourself

You’re probably thinking about yourself. This is the beginning of your adulthood. You’re eager to start with everything. But, while doing so you’re also disadvantaging all of those around you. This is because you’re only concerned only with your needs.

10. You Still Have No Direction in Life

In the present, it’s very unlikely that you’re adhering to any particular plan you’ve made for yourself. Indeed, plans that college students create for themselves during college don’t come out in the manner they’d like. You’re stuck in a tense situation where you’re required to make decisions on the spot however you’re not sure of the best way to do it.

11. You Take Yourself Too Seriously, or You Don’t Take Yourself Seriously Enough

It’s either too much or not enough. This is a problem that many young people suffer from. You either think you’re going to make a difference in the world and have no time to accomplish it or you’re happy with the time. The secret to finding maximum happiness in adulthood is to be in a moderate state. You must maintain a sense of organization and focus. However, you must be sure that you’re simply doing your best. There must always be time to have fun and relax.

12. What’s My Age Again?

Of course, there might be exempt from the general rule. Yes, there are people in their 20s out there who look as if they’re a year older. That’s a plus. It’s an awkward age for young adulthood. You’re not yet old enough to enjoy the wisdom gained from experience and knowledge. However, you’re not old enough that your missteps of judgement are apprehensible and adorable too. This is the reason you’re not a person to be loved in this day and age. Whatever. You’ll reach the age of 24 soon.