The History Of Peter Parker’s Girlfriends

Spider-Man is considered to be one of the luckiest guys in comics in terms of finding the most beautiful women But what of the women who dated Peter Parker remain one of the best? There are many. In the case of Peter Parker’s female friends, There are more than a lot of his superheroes. With his charismatic manner and captivating charm, it’s easy to understand how he’s able to attract so many gorgeous women. It’s possible that he was a nerdy high schooler, not the stereotypically handsome guy who’s accustomed to getting the girls however Parker proved his critics wrong by forming a relationship with gorgeous women, 10 of whom we’ve listed below. Take a look and see some of our top choices of the past from the long list of the girlfriends of Peter Parker!

Mary-Jane Watson
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Mary-Jane Watson

In thinking of the girlfriends of Peter Parker The first person who comes into your mind is the amazing Mary Jane Watson. Mary-Jane Watson is the girl next door, and Peter Parker’s most famous partner. Their relationship blossomed into something else after Parker’s former love Gwen Stacy died, with MJ intervening to help Parker cope with the grief of losing all of his beloved family members. It might require Parker numerous requests before MJ accepts to get married, however, once the marriage contract is signed the couple become one of the comic book’s most successful couples, and that’s something worth celebrating. It’s also the reason she appears in all the film adaptations of Spider-Man as a love interest, so it’s easy to recognize the enormous impact that pop culture MJ has had. Does anyone else who is on this list keep an ember of her?

Felicia Hardy
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Felicia Hardy

Also known as The Black Cat, Felicia Hardy is a character who has been on both sides of the spectrum regarding Peter Parker’s feelings. He’s fought her, and he’s been a lover however, what’s fascinating in their romance is the fact that Felicia wasn’t romantically involved with Parker, however, instead, she was the superhero in costume, Spider-Man. Their love affair began when Parker was able to break up with his most well-known girlfriend Mary-Jane Watson. However, the relationship was not to last. Hardy was unable to accept an unfaithful Parker and the man realized that he had deep feelings for Mary-Jane which were in danger of destroying his relationship. Although they’re still in a relationship that allows them to be flirty with each other occasionally it’s as if this relationship has been put on hold.

Gwen Stacy
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Gwen Stacy

Gwen is the first woman to have an unforgettable and affectionate friendship and friendship with Peter Parker. The two fell in love with the other, but things weren’t going to last, with Spider-Man’s enemies lurking on every corner. Stacy’s story ended after the Green Goblin ran rampant and tried to throw her from her position on the Brooklyn Bridge to spite his most formidable foe, Spider-Man. Spidey tried his best to save her and he was able to catch her by his webs, but Gwen’s neck got snapped during the incident. This is a problem that continues to plague Parker even to this day. He ponders what he could have done differently to protect his first love, but he has changed his mind and found love and hope with other women. Gwen’s memories will remain with him forever. Gwen will stay with Parker for the rest of his life.

Sarah Rushman
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Sarah Rushman

Also called Marrow, Sarah Rushman is a mutant who can remove the bones of her body, and use them as weapons or body armour when she is feeling in danger. In the process of being brainwashed through S.H.I.E.L.D., she believes it’s her Empire State University student – Sarah Rushman – who quickly begins to develop a fascination for her professor, Peter Parker. This is an unplanned romance that isn’t likely to last, with the romance rapidly disappearing after a few dates, and Rushman’s realization of the fact that Parker is Spider-Man and that their mingling with each other could be something interesting for comic book creators to explore shortly. Who doesn’t want a Spider-Man or X-Men crossover? Marrow was able to free herself from S.H.I.E.L.D.’s traps and then attempted suicide. She is most likely to be in the most joyful times of her life, with no one to worry about other than her.

Silver Sable
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Silver Sable

A storyline from “What-If?” included Spider-Man as well as Silver Sable eventually ending up together due to his former girlfriend’s (Black Cat) accidental death at the death of Paladin. In grief, Sable joins forces with Pete and be Peter Parker’s new girlfriend. Whether or not their romance develops is still in the air. In the real world, however, Silver Sable and Spider-Man’s relationship has never ceased to be the occasional flirts and banter. The couple has been in the past Sable is even enlisting Spider-Man as her assistant by entrusting him with stealing documents that could be used against the money laundering company. It’s always nice to see roles shifted between genders and the female take over particularly in the comic book world But can the two ever be able to mix pleasure and business and become two people?

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Silk is intriguing because she was bit by the same radioactive spider which turned Peter Parker into Spider-Man. The secret she was hiding from the public during the storyline “Original Sin The first encounter with Silk (AKA Cindy Moon) and Parker is a moment when a physical attraction happens. The two are brought together through their Spider-Senses, and they share their love for each other, but in the storyline ‘Spiderverse’ it is clear that this isn’t an actual union. Both are eager to marry when they’re together, so we aren’t seeing their friendship stretching to the limit. They’re amazing together however, she wasn’t intended to be “the one to Spidey.

Kitty Pryde
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Kitty Pryde

Kitty and Spider-Man’s bond was formed with the X-Men as well as the Spider-Man collaboration, and Kitty soon developed a love affair with the superhero who slings webs. Then, after discovering who had been behind his mask they were in and out of their superhero pseudonyms. What’s interesting about the relationship they shared is the script behind the story, with Kitty’s character as portrayed in Ultimate Spider-Man being nicely fleshed out and able to do different things other than being an additional one of Peter Parker’s girlfriends’. For the unfortunate Kitty, she broke up with Parker apart after she saw Parker being romantically involved with MJ. He was not able to forgive her and remained in a relationship with a history of infidelity, but they eventually became friendly with each other again.

Glory Grant
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Glory Grant

In the beginning, she was living across the street from Peter after the departure from his apartment shared with Flash Thompson, Glory Grant was an extremely popular model who was frequently seen in a relationship with Peter Parker. Although she’s not officially Peter Parker’s girlfriend There were always possibilities that their relationship could have brought benefits off the screen. Parker was instrumental in helping Grant get a job to be J. J. for the Daily Bugle, but later left the position when she realized that Jameson wouldn’t be willing to let go of his hatred of Spider-Man.

Carlie Cooper
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Carlie Cooper

At first, they are first introduced to the world through Norman Osborn and Flash Thompson, Carlie and Peter immediately get close and develop an affectionate and loving relationship with no bumps in the road. As Carlie is a New York Police Department detective her data proves valuable to Peter who makes use of it to create his own identity as Spider-Man however, once she discovers Parker’s alternative identity, she snaps off the connection and departs New York for good. It’s a real shame as Carlie was always a favourite regarding the list of his girlfriends. Maybe in the future, we’ll see the couple together for a long-lasting affectionate and loyal relationship.

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Okay, I’m sorry, but Rogue and Spider-Man weren’t legally married However, the storyline of “X-Men Forever,” where Rogue is attempting to kiss Spidey when the latter advises her to follow his heart is among that story’s most memorable scenes. It would be wonderful to see this re-told and the love between Rogue and Spider-Man renewed, but for now, we’re only left with one page of the comic book to reflect on. Spidey may reconsider his decision once he realizes Rogue is a woman who can manage herself. After all, she took off an Avengers team by herself Twice! She’s an incredible mutant.