Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship

A good relationship is said to be a relationship between two or more persons that has the qualities that describes them uniquely. It’s a relationship where both partners are happily united. There are many qualities of a good relationship which are what we will be writing on. “Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”


Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship


  • Forgiveness
  • Good listener
  • Communication
  • Attention
  • Love
  • Commitment
  • Friendly
  • Observant
  • Understanding
  • Caring


Forgiveness in a relationship is one of the keys to a good and everlasting relationship. A good relationship should have the spirit of forgiveness, they should forgive one another no matter what. No one is perfect, so when your partner wrongs you, you shouldn’t act as if you are too hard, if he or she truly ask for forgiveness, kindly do that and do not always wait for him or her to ask for forgiveness before you can forgive.

“Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”

A good relationship is that relationship where the partners or the persons involved is very good in listening to what the other have to say. You should be a good listener. Do not be the type that claims to be always busy. Remember that there’s always time for everything. So you should do the right thing at the right time.Not when your partner needs to tell you some issues that is bordering him or her and all he or she wants, is for you to listen to her so that you can render some advice or encouraging words. Always be ready to listen to your partner no matter how busy you may be. If you are too busy that you can’t listen, try to know how to explain to him or her and make out time as fast as possible to make it up to him or her.


Communication in a relationship is a very important sign of a good relationship. A relationship that lacks communication has many chances of collapsing. You both need to be communicating to each other. Know what each other like or what he or she doesn’t like. Appreciate her or him by telling her on phone how much you miss him or her. Let him know that you are much happier whenever you hear her voice. Communication is the strength of a relationship.


Pay attention to him or her, spend some time with him or her and play with her. That moment that two of you are together is a very big ingredient to your relationship and it is a good quality of a good relationship. Take him or her out, it is not always all about spending money, but it’s about catching some fun even without money, stroll down the street with him or her, crack some jokes and play together, appreciate her outfit or his outfit. Let her know that she is beautiful and admire him and tell him how handsome he is. Giving your partner attention in a relationship is one of the things that make a good relationship.

“Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”

Love your partner, love everything about him or her. When there’s love in a relationship there is always an overlook of errors. Do not be in a relationship where there is no love. Love is always a special ingredient that makes a good relationship.


Be committed to the things that can bring happiness into your relationship. Know that your duty in that relationship is to make your partner happy and never to hurt him or her. Do not be selfish that you ignore the pain of your partner simply because you feel that it’s not necessary. It is very much necessary for you to be committed in your relationship so that the full happiness will rule in your lives.


You are supposed to be Friendly with one another. You shouldn’t be the type that likes to be frowning all the time. If your partner wants to talk or play with you, she other will be scared to do so. A friendly relationship is an example of a good relationship.


You are supposed to be observant if you want to make a good relationship. What I mean is that you should observe when your partner needs you, you shouldn’t wait for him or her to tell you what he needs before you could know that he needs something. Observe his or her mood, know when he or she is happy or sad, so that you can be able to contribute to your partner’s happiness again.

“Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”

A relationship that lacks understanding is not a good relationship. Both of you should understand each other. Do not allow a third party to come into your relationship. Understand when to stop and when to start. Understand his or her situation and never you be too selfish in terms if decisions. If you want to build a good relationship, you have to build your level of understanding at all angles, because that is one of the things that make up a good relationship.


A good relationship is one where the both partner’s cares for each other.  Caring in a relationship is very good and it strengthens the love in that relationship causing it to last longer. Share his pain and happiness likewise hers.


These are the things that make a good relationship, we believed that you are able to understand and also to describe the things that make a good relationship. Feel free to drop your comments if you have any.


“Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”

1 thought on “Key Qualities Of A Good Relationship”

  1. Good morning. Please I need your advice. I have a girlfriend that I attended the same polytecnic with and we both graduated last year and preparing for our one year industrial training. And we stay in the same city. But now she is planing to buy a direct entry form to go to another school to further her education which am not ready to, just completing my own education in my formal school for my HND. Please what advice will you give me. Cause she is the first woman am loving this way and also spending on her. And she is still a virgin. Please help me out in this situation am into. Cause I don’t want to loss her for another guy. Please. And since we I met her my life have never remain the same. Cause I truly love her and am also a jealous type. Please help me out.

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