70+ List Of Live In The Moment Quotes: Time To Seize The Day

Living in the moment can be a difficult life practice. It is easy to become engrossed in routines and lose track of the small details that make up your life. It’s never too early to start taking control of your journey through life. These live-in-the-moment quotations will help you to appreciate and recognize small moments.

Be Present Quotes that Remind You to Cherish Every Moment

You need to remind yourself from time to time that your life is limited, and today is all you have. It can be difficult to be in the moment when everyone is so focused on the future. These quotes will help you to understand the importance of living in the present.

  • The circle of life is not endless. It has a start and an end. Enjoy every moment up until the end.
  • To truly enjoy life, you must be present.
  • Present yourself in the moment. These moments, good or bad are what make up your entire life.
  • Every moment in life is an opportunity to create a new beautiful memory.
  • You won’t miss anything if you live in the present.
  • When you live in the moment, you can’t look back and regret what you’ve missed.
  • When you cherish the moments, life becomes more meaningful.
  • It’s not easy to live in the present, but it is worth it.
  • Is it worth living if a moment doesn’t deserve to be present?
  • Regrets come from a life that was not lived.

70+ List Of Live In The Moment Quotes: Time To Seize The Day

Quotes for Living in the Moment to Enjoy the Here & Now

Enjoy every moment of your existence. Well, if you don’t, you can. Just a little reminder is all you need to remind yourself that life’s precious. These live-for-the-moment quotations can be added to a tumbler, poster or other item to remind you that this is your time to live.

  • Enjoy every moment you have on earth.
  • Only the present moment can be controlled.
  • You only have the moment to be grateful for.
  • Do everything today because you don’t know what tomorrow holds.
  • Each moment is a creation and habitation of you. Make them count.
  • You should live in the present. You cannot live for the future or someday.
  • Enjoy every moment of this journey called life. Enjoy the journey of life.
  • Not taking a chance is a sure way to regret it later.
  • Do not waste precious time in this world by dreading the unavoidable. Instead, enjoy every moment.
  • Today is the day for you. This moment. Right now. Enjoy it.

Live in the moment sayings to embrace life

You might wait impatiently for the next day or week when you’ve had a bad one. This moment is all yours. It’s up to you to seize the moment. Surround yourself with positivity and embrace your life.

  • The small moments of your life that seem insignificant can bring you happiness. Be present when they happen.
  • Happiness is found in living in the moment.
  • The past is not the present. Don’t live in the past but in the present.
  • It’s difficult to believe that you will only get this moment. Once you understand this, an entire world of possibilities opens up.
  • You can change the world now.
  • By being present in each moment, you create your world.
  • How you live every minute will write the history of your life.
  • Each minute is a brand new adventure.
  • When you live in the moment, the future is not important.
  • You are paving the way for your future by the path you create now.

70+ List Of Live In The Moment Quotes: Time To Seize The Day

Enjoy these short quotes about living in the moment

You need to use the perfect caption when you take a picture that shows you having fun. Use a caption for your Instagram or Snapchat posts. They make these moments more memorable.

  • Moments lived are the past.
  • This masterpiece you call life is created by the moments that you create.
  • Your history is made up of these moments.
  • Every moment can be beautiful.
  • Don’t let life’s journey pass you by. Don’t miss it.
  • Live in the moment and keep your eyes on the future.
  • Right now is the only thing you have in an uncertain world.
  • This moment is yours.
  • You don’t miss anything when you live in the present.
  • Live in the moment to create a beautiful life story.

Inspiring Quotes on Living in the Moment

You should live each moment of your life. You never know when these moments will be over, and you do not want to live your life with regrets. Use a few quotes to share the importance of living the moment with your family and friends.

  • As if the sands were moving, your life slips through your hands one moment at a time. All of them.
  • Be passionate. Be patient. Be patient. Live in the moment.
  • Being present in the moment is key to achieving your dream.
  • Every minute is a beautiful moment.
  • Every minute that you spend on this planet is a gift.
  • Happiness is a result of living every moment to the fullest.
  • Enjoy the moment and don’t worry what tomorrow will bring.
  • No regrets for those who live every moment as if it were their last.
  • Do not forget to surround yourself with happiness, and each moment will be filled with sweetness.
  • Being present in each moment allows you to be the master of your destiny.

70+ List Of Live In The Moment Quotes: Time To Seize The Day

Famous Live in the Moment quotes to Motivate you

The slogan “Live in this moment” is everywhere: on shirts, posters, billboards and more. It’s only natural that some of your favourite authors and celebrities have their poetic quotes on the topic.

  • “Forever is made up of nows.” Emily Dickinson
  • “Write on your heart every day is the most wonderful day of the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Happiness is not found in another place, but here… Not for another hour but now.” Walt Whitman
  • Today is the only thing that can change my past and future. – Trevor Hall
  • “Life is an accumulation of moments.” To succeed, you must live every moment. Coretta Kent
  • Living in the present means not letting go of your past or waiting for tomorrow. It’s about living life consciously and being aware of the fact that every moment is a blessing. – Oprah Winfrey
  • “We don’t know what tomorrow will bring; the only thing we can do is be happy and good today.” Sydney Smith
  • “Life is Now. “There was never a moment when your life wasn’t now. Eckhart Tolle
  • “You must live the moment, you must launch yourself on each wave and find your eternality in every moment. Fools look away from their island and towards another land. “There is no land other than this. There is no life other than this.” Henry David Thoreau
  • Benjamin Franklin: “An investment today will pay off tomorrow.” – Benjamin Franklin

Living Life One Precious Minute at a Time

If you’re not able to grasp your life and live it fully, it can seem like a never-ending loop. Find your joy by following your passion and living life to the maximum. It’s about creating epic memories.