You likely came across this post when you searched “How Long Do Idiots Live For Meme”. There is a range of 12-15, according to Google.
Google has declared that people who are idiots or stupid people are born between 12 and 15 years old. This means that at the age of teenagers, they’ll be dead. Google snarked at us and responded to our query with an absurd answer.
The How Long Will Idiots Live for Memewent to the top of TikTok in 2021. It was re-popularized for the second time at the end of 2022. Teens were posting images of the meme as well as telling their friends that they would die shockingly while making fun of their friends.
You can make use of to use the “How Long Do Idiots Live For Meme” template to make an original meme and share it with your friends through TikTok, Facebook or Reddit the What Long Do Idiots Live For Meme Generator above lets you design your meme with stickers and then add your images to it. Go through it and try to create the perfect meme.