How can a girl be happy?

There are many ways for you to be happy, the only problem here is whether you that is reading this, truly wants to be happy. Happiness comes from the heart, before reading this, I will like you to decide if you want to be happy, if yes, I assure you that before you finish reading this post, you must surely be happy. “How can a girl be happy?”


How a girl can be happy?

Make sure to follow this step.


Step 1.

Sit down, or you lay anyhow you want. Make sure that you decide on your own. Because is only you alone that have the right to make yourself happy and to also decide what you want in your life. Nobody can do that for you trust me.

“How can a girl be happy?”

Step 2.

Relax your mind, shut down every worry in your heart at least for a moment. Make sure it’s outside the sight of anyone that will distract you. And make sure that there is enough ventilation there so that the breeze will cool your brain for that moment.


Step 3.

Close your eyes and try to remember all the good memories you had in your life, everything that makes you smile. If it’s your mum or dad or friends, just remember the activities that give you joy. Do it at least for 5-15mins, and then open your eyes.

“How can a girl be happy?”

Step 4.

Come back to my write up and finish the remaining ones that am about to write.


Step 5.

Write a thank you comment in the comment box, for I will be waiting for that. Do not forget to do that with a smile. And if you also have any contribution or suggestions to make about this. Do it on the comment box too for others to learn and be happy as you are too.

Try to also read how to make a guy want you.

Thank you and keep smiling.

“How can a girl be happy?”