Flash Memories Of Love

In the year 2009.Ken met a lady on his way to attend his normal lectures and they started chatting and discussing while they are going to school. From there he fall in love with this wonderful girl to the extended that he is ready to do anything for her. The name of this beautiful girl is Lisa.

Well from going to lectures together and doing assignment together this two just fall in love like that. The girl even tie this guy down to the extent that she packed her bags and go and live with him in school. You know that kind thing that girls and boys now do in high institution this time around.

When this two live together they cook, play, sleep and even do that thing together. I don’t know how it’s been call, but I think it is call sex. So they do all these together. And all these they do together now create an unforgettable memory in their heads. That makes the two promises to live and die for each other.

Flash Memories Of Love
Flash Memories Of Love

Now when they finish their school at Oko Polytechnic, where they study, they still live strong and love each other the way they use to love before. These two lovers take pictures of themselves together in anything they are doing. To the extent that if you carry any of their phone to watch pix or video, the only thing you will see is their pix and video. Thank God they don’t have nude pictures or videos of themselves on their phone.

Now as you all know the situation of this our country, no work for this country and due to this issue, something happen between these lovers. The family of the girl begins normal mum and dad pressure, if you are girl you suppose understand how parents talk.

So this pressure was so high on the girl and she could not withstand it and she began to pressure Ken, but my guy no go kill himself, there is no work, the old men on the government don’t want to retire and due to that the guy no get work. But Lisa still find it hard to control the pressure mounted on her and due to that she decided to get marry to a guy that has been hanging around the door waiting to know if there will be a bit of luck for him.

Now on their wedding day something big happened. As the wedding was going on Ken was around. And during the time of gift, Ken came with a well packaged gift in a big envelope and gives the gift directly to the girl and turn, before the girl could keep the gift beside her and turn. He then saw Ken entering a car.

She kept this gift beside her till the time that the wedding finished and she went home with her husband. Lisa held that gift tight till she was alone and open the gift Ken gave her. When she opened the gift, tears began rolling down her cheeks because the envelope is filled with all the pictures of the things they did together and with a single piece of note written.

 “This is the message from my heart to you my beloved Angel Lisa. I want you to know that loving you every day and loving you all the time is the best thing in my heart. I will forever love you no matter what because you are the piece that completes my heart without you, i am nothing but with you I am full of life and hope. If the marriage you got into now is what will make you feel happy no problem I will stand by that decision of yours, all I ever want and care about is you and no matter what happen I want you to know that I will always cherish you.”

Immediately Lisa read this, she was full of more tears and can’t withstand it as a woman she is, she left her husband that night and started going to Ken house because she can’t control herself and again those memories are too strong for her to withstand.  And due to that she quickly rushed to Ken’s house to visit him

Now let stop here for now to be continue later. But now if you are Lisa’s husband what will you do. And again predict the end if you can thanks. I want to hear from you on the comment box.