Career Options For Those Interested In Nursing

Medicine is a noble profession aiming to make the quality of life better for every human globally. The domain works in a pyramid where nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other paramedics join hands and work tirelessly to ensure the best quality personalized services. Nurses are one of the most reputable professionals in any healthcare system. Nurses offer from the most basic level of healthcare to the most complicated in Operation Theater. No healthcare system can work without them. Nursing is a versatile profession that promises a complete package from earning a good reputation, an opportunity to help humanity, and a handsome monthly income. The broad range of options given by this multifaceted profession offers a reputable career for all. From a beginner level practitioner to doctorate level researcher, everyone finds its scope. Nurses are the most crucial part of any healthcare institute.

If you plan on entering the nursing profession, you must be looking for the best career opportunities and specialties. Scroll down to learn a lot more about your domain.

Certified Dialysis Nurse

If you have ever visited a dialysis center, you must have encountered a dialysis nurse. The dialysis nurse works with patients with acute kidney infection and failure. These are explicitly trained and have professional expertise. To become a certified dialysis nurse, you have to do endlessly in your beginner years. To win this position in the dialysis center, you must have 200 hours of professional experience dealing with dialysis patients in a hospital for two years. Moreover, a registered nurse license, fifteen hours of nephrology specialty is compulsory. The final step is to clear the certification test for the certification of dialysis nurses. 

Though it seems like a lot of work, however; these nurses assume a lot of privilege and an excellent monthly income. In the US, a Certified Dialysis Nurse earns $76,257 yearly.

NP vs. DNP

Nursing is more like a staircase. The more you work, the better you have a scope. The two most fundamental nursing career paths are nurse practitioners and doctor of nursing practices.

Nursing practitioners enjoy a lot of freedom in a healthcare facility; they write a prescription and make an independent diagnosis. The treatment plan design is all based on a consultation with doctors and pharmacists.

Doctor of Nursing Practices (DNP) is the highest level of the nursing profession. DNPs have the same competency as doctors. They have the training to cope with the deficit of qualified medical professionals in a healthcare system. The excellence and accuracy in the work offer a high-quality care system.

In US, DNP on average earn $135,830 whereas NPs get to earn $105,546 per year.

Theatre Nurse:

A theater or perioperative nurse is a qualified medical professional who assists physicians and other paramedic staff in maintaining patients’ health needing surgery. Theater nurse works in Operation Theater, works on dose administration, maintains vitals, helps doctors with surgery, and monitors the patient’s progress before and after the surgery. A theater nurse keeps an eye and holds the record according to the surgeon’s instruction. He/she may also coordinate with the pharmacist to work on dose calculations, DDIs, and the best possible treatment plan. In short, they are a part of a surgical team. A theater nurse gets to earn $70k and $80k in the US. 

Enrolled Nurse:

Enrolled nurses work their best to have the maximum positive impact on human lives. If you want to serve humanity the most, this profession is for you. The diverse work settings and versatility in work schedule is the central positive point here. A registered nurse will govern your progress and guide you to the job’s professional aspects and responsibilities. 

All this will make you competent enough to head towards the next step. An enrolled nurse monitors patients’ vitals and reports any changes in that specific time. An enrolled nurse’s primary job responsibility is to provide medical/ physical and emotional support to the hospital setting. In the US, an enrolled nurse gets to earn $85k and $95k.

Clinical Nurse:

The registered nurse present on any health care unit is the clinical nurse. These nurses have usually completed their post-graduation before entering. They are specialized in specific departments; for example, those who want to work in mental hospitals specialize in neurology and mental health. Those aiming to work in cardio hospitals specialize in cardiology, physiology, and adolescent health. These nurses and other healthcare professionals provide complete support to the patients in any hospital setting. Often these nurses work at a very beginner level and are trained to jump to senior staff. In the US, the clinical nurse gets to earn $85k and $95k.



Nursing is an ever-growing and versatile health profession. According to a survey, the nursing profession grew up to 16 to 20% in the last five years. The professionals’ multi-dimensional roles always leave the one thinking to jump into this field in immense bewilderment. Therefore, we have described the best careers you can adopt at any reputable level and the most highly paid in the world for your ease.