Benefits Of Exploring China’s Nature: A Guide To Its Hidden Treasures

As a nation gifted with rich landforms, China provides travellers from all across the globe with an opportunity to escape into a plethora of natural wonders. Mighty rivers, lofty mountains, aesthetic gorges, infinite deserts, picturesque lakes – whatever you name, China has it all. The following write-up aims to delve deep into China’s nature. Please check it out now.

  • Zhangye Danxia

The Danxia landform is extremely special. Several red sandstones form grotesque hills after erosion and weathering. During sunny days, the brownish and scarlet hills blow everyone’s mind away. The sunlight’s refraction incorporates colours such as blue and yellow to the hills, making this particular place a massive palette, specifically during the sunset and sunrise. That’s why people named this mountain ‘Rainbow Mountains’.

  • Zhangjiajie National Park

Zhangjiajie National Park in China is noted for luscious vegetation, steep hills, and breathtaking waterfalls. It would be better if you visit this place just after a rainfall. The gorges and hills encompassed with mist appear like they were floating. Take a cable car and the rocks and hills in varied shapes will surely trigger your imagination. People looking for a magical land must add Zhangjiajie to their tour plan. Did you know ‘Avatar’ was filmed here?

  • Huangshan Mountain

Plenty of Chinese poets who have visited the Huangshan Mountains could not help but leave behind a few beautiful words about its absurd stones, strange pines, hot springs, and fluffy clouds. When seen from a distance, the amalgamation of vegetation and rocks bear an outstanding resemblance to a fish, a rooster, and a monkey. Also, when the mountain is shrouded in snow or frost, it offers the best scenery in China.

  • Li River

Li River is one of the best China nature wonders that you can visit from April to October. Opt for the cruise ship that sets off from the Mopan Mountain Quay Stop. Due to the Karst landscape, the river is encompassed with luscious mountains, gorgeous rocks, mysterious caves, splashing waterfalls, and bottomless pools. The most famous among these are the Ox Gorge and the Elephant Trunk Hill.

  • Kanas Natural Reserve

In Mongol, Kansas mean rich, enigmatic, and attractive. These adjectives fit well to China’s Kansas natural reserve. It features birch forests, vast grasslands, and stunning glaciers. You must visit the reserve from June to September. In June, Kansas has plenty of vibrant flowers such as tulips, iris, and myosotis. In September, you will see the birches, firs, and pines turn yellow and red.

  • Stone Forest of Kunming

This natural wonder of China noted for karst topography.  At the Stone Forest of Kunming, you can see innumerable caves, underground rivers, and pinnacles. The stones usually resemble a pagoda, sword, mushroom, castle, etc. Make sure to take photos with the renowned Ashima Stone. It looks like a girl greeting the tourists. You can also do boating on the beautiful Shizi Lake.

  • Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash is a huge snow-clad mountain peak. It is considered a pilgrimage site for Hindus, Buddhists, and others. According to the folklore, you can wash all your sins by circulating Mount Kailash. Thousands of people come here every year from India, China, and Nepal. Besides rivers and glaciers, you can also see sky burial platforms and ancient Tibetan temples at Mount Kailash.

  • Rime Island

If you wish to visit China in winter, you must not miss the Rime Island. Encompassed by the Songhua River, here you can see the water mist condensing into frost. The branches smeared with frost look like fully bloomed white flowers. When the frost falls due to wind, the place converts into a fairyland. This natural beauty of China needs certain humidity and temperature, thus, you cannot see it every day. So please check the weather forecast beforehand.

  • Heavenly Lake at the Changbai Mountain

With sixteen mountain peaks circling the crystal clear lake, this wonder looks different throughout the year. Vivacious flowers in autumn and spring, greenery in summer, and snow in winter enhance this area’s beauty to a great extent. The lake generally remains shrouded in fog. To enjoy a clear view, you should pay a visit in the summer.


Hope you are now thoroughly acquainted with the beautiful China nature. When planning a trip to the Land of the Dragon, make sure to include the all the spots stated above. Also, consider getting in touch with a reputed travel agency. Travel agents provide customised expertise and leverage their knowledge and experience to curate top-notch itineraries.