What Time Does McDonald’s Close & Open? [ 2023 Update ]

Are you one of those looking for answers to “what time does McDonald’s open”, “what time does McDonald’s close?”, McDonald’s hours of operation, or any other question bothering this? Then you should not skip reading this article. 

We have dedicated this article to answering every question that pertains to the opening and closing hours of McDonald’s on weekdays, weekends, holidays, etc. So follow me as we go through it together. 

McDonald’s is one of the largest and most popular restaurants in the US. It was founded by Richard and Maurice McDonald’s in 1940. McDonald’s has over 30,000 locations in different parts of the world where delicious and healthy meals are served. 

It has a menu that consists of breakfast, lunch, and dinner items. Everyone loves McDonald’s. So “what time does McDonald’s open and close?” Find the answer in the lines of this article as you read through it. 

Is McDonald’s Open All Day?


The answer to this is both a Yes and No. I will tell you the reason for that answer. My answer is Yes because there are some McDonald’s locations that are open 24 hours. Hence they are ready to serve you round the clock. At these locations, you can say that McDonald’s is open all day. If you visit any location that operates 24 hours services, it would be clearly stated for everyone to see and know. 

On the other hand, however, I answered No because many other McDonald’s locations do not open all day. In such locations, there are specified opening and closing hours. And it is only during these hours of operation that you can get a meal from such locations. 

It is for the sake of the latter that the question “what time does McDonald’s open and close” becomes necessary. Let’s see the time in the next paragraph. 

What Time Does McDonald’s Open & Close?


Although most locations do not open 24 hours, McDonald’s hours of operation are one of the best and most convenient you can ever get. This is because they open very early at 5:00 AM. With this arrangement, anyone who wishes to have a quick breakfast at McDonald’s can easily get one without tampering with their working hours. 

In other words, McDonald’s opens at 5:00 AM from Monday to Sunday at those locations that aren’t 24 hours. 

On the other side of the question “what time does McDonald’s open and close” is its closing hours. Just as its opening hour is convenient, so also are its closing hours. Most McDonald’s locations close at 11:00 PM and others at Midnight. So, even if you close very late from work or you are craving late-night dinner, McDonald’s is always at your service. 

Note, however, that the hours may vary slightly at some locations especially on holidays and with the population of customers for that day. If this explanation isn’t clear enough then follow me to get a brief and clearer explanation in the next paragraph. 

What Time Does McDonald’s Open?


As earlier stated, most McDonald’s locations that do not operate 24 hours services open at 5:00 AM daily. In other words, they are open at 5:00 AM from Monday to Sunday (every day of the week). 

So if you are a lover of McDonald’s you can get breakfast very early before you go to work. Note that some locations may slightly vary the opening time thereby starting for the day at 5:30 AM. 

What Time Does McDonald’s Close?


To answer the other side of the question of discussion “what time does McDonald’s open and close“, let’s see its closing hours. And as we have noted, McDonald’s does not have a central closing time in all its locations. 

However, most locations that do not operate the 24-hour service close by 11:00 PM. While done other locations do not close until its midnight. On most occasions like holidays, the restaurants close at midnight when there are many customers yet to be served after 11:00 PM. 

McDonald’s Hours (Opening & Closing Time)


Although most locations do not open 24 hours, McDonald’s hours of operation are one of the best and most convenient you can ever get. This is because they open very early at 5:00 AM. With this arrangement, anyone who wishes to have a quick breakfast at McDonald’s can easily get one without tampering with their working hours.

In other words, McDonald’s opens at 5:00 AM from Monday to Sunday at those locations that aren’t 24 hours.

On the other side of the question “what time does McDonald’s open and close” is its closing hours. Just as its opening hour is convenient, so also are its closing hours. Most McDonald’s locations close at 11:00 PM and others at Midnight. So, even if you close very late from work or you are craving late-night dinner, McDonald’s is always at your service.

Note, however, that the hours may vary slightly at some locations especially on holidays and with the population of customers for that day. If this explanation isn’t clear enough then follow me to get a brief and clearer explanation in the next paragraph.

McDonald’s Opening And Closing Hours

Days McDonald’s Opening Hours McDonald’s Closing Hours
Monday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Tuesday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Wednesday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Thursday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Friday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Saturday  5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight
Sunday 5:00 AM 11:00 PM / Midnight

What Time Does McDonald’s Open & Close On Weekends? 


It is interesting to know that McDonald’s has the same hours of operation on weekends as it does on weekdays. Hence you do not need to readjust your schedule to meet up with McDonald’s on weekends. 

On Saturday and Sunday (weekends), McDonald’s also opens at 5:00 AM and closes at 11:00 PM or midnight. 

Does McDonald’s Open On Holidays?


Yes, McDonald’s opens on holidays. It would interest you to know that most locations open for longer hours on holidays especially when they have more customers. So, you can visit McDonald’s during most of the public holidays in the United States. Some of the holidays when the restaurant opens are listed below. 

  1. New Year’s Day
  2. New Year’s Eve
  3. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day
  4. President’s Day
  5. Father’s Day
  6. Halloween
  7. Good Friday
  8. Memorial Day
  9. Columbus Day
  10. Valentine’s Day
  11. Easter Monday
  12. Mother’s Day
  13. Labour Day
  14. Black Friday
  15. Thanksgiving Day
  16. Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday
  17. Cinco De Mayo
  18. Independence Day (4th of July)
  19. Veteran’s Day
  20. Christmas Eve

What Time Does McDonald’s Open & Close On Holidays?


Here, the time that McDonald’s opens a d closes on holidays depends greatly on the turnout of customers. On most of the holidays, the regular opening hours are maintained. 

However, on Thanksgiving Day, McDonald’s is open for reduced hours. Apart from that, some locations might stay longer when there are more customers to attend to. 

Read More: McDonald’s Lunch Hours

Also Read: McDonald’s Breakfast Hours

On Which Holidays Is McDonald’s Not Open?


No location McDonald’s is open on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday. So you can not get any meal from McDonald’s on those two special holidays. 

How To Find McDonald’s Near You


To get a more accurate answer to “what time does McDonald’s open and close” always check the location near you. To find the location near you, use the McDonald’s store locator or Google maps. 

How To Contact McDonald’s


You can contact McDonald’s using the following avenues.  


Why Doesn’t Every McDonald’s Open 24 Hours?


We are all aware that not all McDonald’s locations are open 24 hours. There are several factors responsible for this. I will quickly outline some of them below. 

  • Low patronage at night. 
  • Large turnout only on weekend nights. 
  • The location of each outlet also influences its opening hours. Urban areas are more likely to open 24 hours as opposed to rural areas. 
  • The number of late-night workers in that area. 

Why Is McDonald’s 24 Hours Closed? 


McDonald’s 24 hours service is closed at many locations because the management considers that best for the business. However, there are still a few locations that are open 24 hours. 



McDonald’s has convenient and generous opening hours. Therefore, we have answered the question “what time does McDonald’s open and close”. So, choose a time within the opening hours and treat yourself to a great meal today.