How to make a woman want you

Do you have any woman in your mind that you love and wish to make her love you? are you disturbed on what to do for a girl to like you. If that is what troubles you, then relax for i have decide to tell you trick on how to make a woman want you. You don’t need love portions or any other spell to compel her, but all you need is to know the right things to do and she will come running toward you. So now let me quickly tell you what you need to do for her to love you.

How to make a woman want you

1. Be a good listener

Try to be the type of guy that will take his time to listen and understand her. Don’t listen and force her to do the one choose, but instead give her your best advice and solution to what she said. Forcing him or going more than advising and try to give her reasons to do one will make her run away from you. If she ask for you advice, give it to her but never push her.

2. Give her compliments

Nobody hates compliment but make sure you don’t over do it for it not to look as if you are mocking her. Girls love compliments, but doing it more often or overdoing it will cause you more problem than good. So i advise that you compliment her at times but not always for her to not to see it as something else.

3. Help her out as you can

If she is in problem and needs help and guide, then try to help her, console her and always be there for her. Show her that she can trust you. Show her that you will always be there for her, no matter what it takes and don’t just stand out there when you know that you can help her out in the condition.

“how to make a woman want you”

4. Take good care of yourself

No woman will love you if you the type that is dirty and never look decent. So for you to make her love you and want you more, you need to take care of the kind of dress and cloths that you wear. Dressing smart, neat and simple will always attract women to you and make them to always want to be with you.

5. Understand her.

Give her the best attention that you can in other for you to understand her well and things that makes her happy. If you don’t take your time to understand the things she loves and the things that she hates. There is no way that you can make her to be happy with you, because you may be doing only the things that she hates. But when you take time to understand her well you will avoid those things she hate and do only things that makes her happy. Only then you will easily get her.

6. Tell her you want to spend some times with her

This may look somehow to you but is the right thing. Just tell her that you want to hangout with her or spend some time with her. as girl that she is, don’t expect her to say YES to you on this request because she may say NO. But if sh say NO take your time to pet and convince her to do so. And if she go with you make it to be fun for her.

7. Be jovial and Bold

Ladies love funny and jovial guy because a lady want to be happy always, so if you can try to be free and friendly with her and to her friends you will surely get her. So be bold free and jovial if you truly want her to fall fully for you.

“how to make a woman want you”