3 Months Pregnant Symptoms And Everything You Need To Know

It can be surreal to reach 3 months gestation. You’ve reached 3 months gestation, which can seem surreal. Your first trimester is over, your confidence has increased, and you have even started to tell people about your exciting news.

There is still a lot of work ahead. You are running a marathon during pregnancy.

We are here to help! We’re here to help!

3 Months Pregnancy Symptoms

These changes could be part of the 3rd-month pregnancy symptoms for pregnant women:

1) Morning Sickness

When a woman becomes pregnant, she experiences nausea. It is more common in the morning and increases at the beginning of the third month.

2) Fatigue:

Pregnant women may feel tired or exhausted due to hormonal changes. The body requires extra blood to provide essential nutrients to the fetus. This can also affect blood sugar levels.

3) Loss Of Bladder Control

Due to the growing uterus, pregnancy puts extra pressure on the bladder. This causes an increase in the urge to urinate and decreases the ability to control your urine.

4) Vaginal Discharge:

During pregnancy, translucent or off-white mucus is released from the cervix. It is caused by high estrogen levels and dilation of the vaginal and cervix walls. This prevents infection from entering the uterus.

5) Constipation or Heartburn

The increased progesterone levels during pregnancy can cause problems such as constipation. Indigestive problems can also cause heartburn.

6) Abdominal and Back Pain

Growing the uterus causes ligaments and tendon stretching, leading to lower back and stomach pain.

7) Leg Cramps & Varicose Veins

The blood vessels contract during pregnancy due to the expansion of the uterus. This slows down blood circulation. This causes leg cramps by causing swelling in the legs.

8) Mood Swings, Food Cravings

Emotional changes can affect hormones, which is why pregnant women feel various emotions and frequently desire certain foods.

9) Nasal Congestion

Your nasal passages can become swollen or inflamed due to increased blood volume. This could lead to a blocked nasal passage.

10) Sleep Disturbance:

Your regular sleep patterns may be disrupted by changes in hormone levels or other pregnancy symptoms.

11) Insufficient Libido

Women often lose interest in sex after the third month. This happens because they feel excited during the first trimester. These changes are caused by fluctuating hormones and self-consciousness that women experience due to physical changes.

Three Months Pregnant: Inside and Out Changes

As the baby grows in the womb, pregnant women will experience some bodily changes at the beginning of the third month.

1 Foetal Development: In the 3rd Month of Pregnancy:

  • The genitals of the child begin to form.
  • Swallowing and sucking reflexes kick into action.
  • The child will also begin to hear muffled sounds outside.

2: Changes in the Mother’s Body:

  • You will see a small bump.
  • Also, breasts will swell.
  • It is possible to notice a pregnancy glow or changes in skin pigmentation, such as darkened patches or lines on the forehead or abdomen.
  • Due to skin stretching during pregnancy, you may see light stretch marks around the breasts and stomach.
  • You might also see dark lines around the abdomen. These lines appear due to the melanocyte-stimulating hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This darkens the skin around the nipples.

3 Months Pregnant Symptoms

Baby Bump at 3 Months Pregnant

The 3rd month is when the baby’s belly starts to show. Because your uterus lifts into the abdomen and covers the pelvis, this is what happens. Women with strong core muscles might not have a baby bump until the fourth or fifth month.

Every woman is unique, and each individual’s body will be different. The size of a pregnant woman with the same gestational period will vary.

Fetal Development at 3 Months Pregnant

Your baby is approximately 2 to 3 inches tall at 3 months. Your baby inside the womb is:

  • The kidneys are beginning to function.
  • The toes and fingers are beginning to form.
  • The reflexes are improving.
  • Development of the digestive, skeletal, and muscular systems is also underway.
  • White blood cells are produced by bone marrow (WBCs).
  • The genitals are still developing.

Twins at 3 Months Pregnant

Twins’ growth is no different from that of one fetus. Twins may have a smaller fetus than one baby. Normal growth rates may differ slightly between twins.

What to do and not to do during the first three months of pregnancy


1 Prepare for morning sickness

Morning sickness is very common in the first trimester. It is possible to get it even though it doesn’t affect all women.

Morning sickness can be treated by drinking a cup of tea each morning. These teas have been specially designed to combat nausea and vomiting. You can also eat morning sickness hard candy instead of or in addition to your cup of tea.

2 Limit stress

It’s easier said than done. There are steps you can take to make this easier.

  • Take it slow – Don’t rush to get everything done. Instead, prepare one thing each day until your new baby arrives.
  • Deep breathing – Don’t let stress get you down. It’s normal! It’s normal! Take a few deep, peaceful breaths. Then, re-align your intentions.
  • Keep track of your pregnancy and be aware of the details.

3) Get plenty of sleep

Being pregnant is extremely taxing on your body. Motherhood is even more. To help you adjust, make sure you get enough sleep.

4) Eat healthily

You and your child should eat a balanced, healthy diet.

5) Exercise

Exercise can seem like the last thing you think of when you feel sick and have little energy. However, getting up and moving can improve your pregnancy and decrease complications.


1 Inhale secondhand smoke

Cigarette smoking can cause many health problems, such as cancer, premature births, and low birth weights. Miscarriages and sudden infant death syndrome are also common. You and your baby can be toxic and harmful from recreational drugs.

2) Drink alcohol

Alcohol can pass through the umbilical cord and placenta during pregnancy and may affect the developing brain and other organs. Consuming alcohol regularly can lead to brain damage, premature birth, stillbirth, brain damage, miscarriage, stillbirth, or life-long debilitation.

3) Remain in the same place for a longer period

Your ankles and veins may be damaged if you sit or stand for long periods. You should get up and move around if you’ve been sitting for a while.

3 Months Pregnant Symptoms

Sleeping Position During Pregnancy First 3 Months

Women can sleep in any position they like during the first trimester, including on their stomachs, backs, sides, or stomachs. All positions are acceptable in the first trimester.

The uterus isn’t large enough during the first trimester to prevent sleep. However, sleeping may be more difficult due to hormonal changes, nausea, or other symptoms that can occur during pregnancy.

Pregnant women with back or hip pain might find relief by placing a pillow between their knees or by bending their knees when they sleep.

This position suits women who prefer to lie on their right side. This position is not considered unsafe.

These are other options that could help you resolve common problems:

  • Pillows can be used for heartburn relief and to raise the upper body.
  • Pillows can elevate the legs and reduce leg swelling and pain.
  • Use a body pillow or pregnancy pillow to support the back and cradle your body.

3 Months Pregnant Symptoms

Sitting Position During Pregnancy First 3 Months

These tips help you find a comfortable position while using back support.

  • Your back should be straight, and your shoulders back. Your hips should touch the back of your chair.
  • You can use a small, folded towel or lumbar roll while sitting to support your back. You can find pregnancy pillows at specialty and department stores.

For those who don’t need support, here are some tips to help you find a comfortable sitting position.

  • You can recline completely and sit at the chair’s end.
  • As far as you can, extend your arms outwards and emphasize the curve of your spine. For a few seconds, relax your position by about 10 degrees. This is a great sitting position.
  • Place your body weight on both hips.
  • Keep your hips and knees straight. If necessary, use a stool or footrest to help you keep them aligned. Do not cross your legs or place your feet on the ground with your legs crossed.
  • Do not sit in one place for longer than 30 minutes.
  • When working at a desk, ensure your chair and desk are in a position that allows you to sit close to your computer. Your shoulders should be relaxed. You can rest your elbows on the desk or chair.
  • Don’t turn your waist if you are seated in a chair that pivots or rolls. Instead, rotate your body completely.
  • Once you have risen from a seated position in your chair, move towards the front. Straighten your legs, and don’t bend forward at the waist. After you have risen, perform a few safe pregnancies back stretches.

How many weeks are needed to make 3 months of pregnancy?

Although there is no universal definition of three months pregnant, it is usually defined as weeks nine through week 12 or weeks 9 through 13. You can start your second trimester at the end of this month.

Are You able to feel a baby at three months?

At three months, the fetus still looks small. It’s approximately four inches long and weighs just over an ounce. The fetus becomes more active and larger by the fourth month. However, sometimes movement can be felt as early as 12 weeks.

Are Stomachaches Normal for 3 Months of Pregnancy?

There is usually nothing to worry about if you have stomach pains or cramps while pregnant. Sometimes, mild stomachaches can occur during early pregnancy (in the first 12 weeks). This is usually due to your womb expanding, ligament stretching as your bump grows, and hormone constipation.

Summarising 3 Months of Pregnancy Symptoms

It’s not the most exciting milestone in pregnancy. Getting through three months can still be a challenge. But if you aren’t, you might be about to get over the “this is rough” phase.

Keep your chin up: You’ll soon feel more awake, less nauseated, and more energetic.