Women Try To Always Be Submissive And Respectful to Your Husband

Women Try To Always Be Submissive And Respectful to Your Husband

Women Try to be Respectful Your Husband

I believe you know that a woman is made to be under a man, but I have always advice men to that a woman is under them don’t give them the right to treat or take her as if she is nothing or treat her like a slave, because a woman is a helper and a companion to a man and any man that don’t treat her wife or woman like that is not a good man or a good husband. As a companion and helper you are to a man, you as a woman need to also be submissive and respectful to your husband.

So due to that I urge and advice you to always respect your husband in all you do, there is no reason enough for you not to respect him, weather he is a drunker or a womanizer, you must always show your respect to him, but don’t let the respect you have for him, make you over the truth or hide lies or the evil that you saw him doing, because as his companion, you have the right to questions him, so caution and advice him too, when he did something wrong to you or anybody, but do that in a good and respectful manner, and be careful with the words you use when talking to him for you not to insult him.

Remember your husband is like the second father you have in this world, so due to that always respect him the way you respect your father, because a man is the one that will take over the responsibilities of that your father, so you see why you need to be respectful and submissive to him, try to love him and cherish him because a man deserve your love, care and respect as his wife that you are to him. I believe that you as a woman understand what love and care truly mean, more than a man do, so try to always be a Respectful woman for you to make that your husband happy for your husband deserve to be treated that way.   

If you are not yet married and you are a lady reading this article, I have a piece of advice for you, try to always marry a man that you know well and he also will know you well, a man who that understand you well, and you also understand him well too, a man that can tolerate your character and you too can tolerate his own too, so that you can easily be submissive and respectful to him and he will also appreciate you and treat you like a queen, for your marriage, family and children to always be happy.

I believe that every woman wish is to have a man that understand, respect and value her the way she is and for you to find such man, you must learn to be obedient, and don’t try to live a fake life but live just the way your life is for you not to be deceive and for you to meet that true man who will love you just the way you are, for such men will always care, respect and treat you well. men please treat that Respectful woman the way she will always be happy and proud of you always!

women respect your husband