When A Guy Doesn’t Want To Sleep With You

When a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you is a question that many ladies have been asking to know the reason why a man will do so. I know you will be wondering what could be in his heart, if the fault is from you or is it just his lifestyle or decision.

When he is not interested in sleeping with you, there are certain things you will notice from him that will convince you that he doesn’t want to sleep with you. And some things may lead to his refusal of sleeping with you.

If you are looking for how to know when he doesn’t want to sleep with you, or the reason why he doesn’t want to sleep with you, what you have to do is to calm down and carefully read this article so that you will be able to understand everything, we are about to write about that, for there are so many behaviors and the reason that is attached to his refusal of sexual intimacy with you.
Below is the reason why he doesn’t want to sleep with you.


When A Guy Doesn’t Want To Sleep With You

This topic has two different meanings, which we will treat one after the other. The first meaning is;
He doesn’t want to sleep with you for the first time, and he’s not dating you.
The second one is that;
He doesn’t want to sleep with you and his partner in a relationship.


When he doesn’t want to sleep with you, and he’s not dating you. Reasons/Signs


1. He will not like to come close to you.

When he doesn’t want to sleep with you, he will always keep a distance from you. He won’t be free staying too close to you. He will prefer it to be everyone on his or her own.
For instance. If you got interested in a guy, and you wanted him to make love to you, but he keeps on avoiding you and also avoiding any closeness between you two. It shows that he doesn’t want anything more than a friend. It means that he only wants to be neutral and not to be intimate with you sexually.

2. He will try to avoid any emotional discussion with you.

This is also a sign that he doesn’t want to sleep with you. He will also try to avoid any emotional discussion with you. Any argument that will bring sexual urge, he will avoid it at all costs.
For instance. You will be the one to be including emotional topics. Still, he keeps on switching the issue to another casual conversation, and he will keep on doing it until he manages to escape from you at the moment. It’s a real sign that he doesn’t want to sleep with you.

3. He won’t be able to spend much time with you.

A man that doesn’t want to sleep with you will not be able to spend much time with you. Not that he won’t be with you; it just means he won’t sacrifice his time just for you because he knows that there’s nothing between you two. Guys don’t like wasting their time on someone they know that nothing will bring them together.
He will always shorten whatever he wants to say and will like to go straight to the point while speaking with you. He won’t be shy or a kind of being romantic towards you at all. It’s a sign that shows he doesn’t want sexual intimacy.

4. He won’t like to be alone with you in a place.

He will not give in to anything that brings both of you in a room alone. He will always like to be with a friend if you guys must be together, he will prefer it three than two. And again, he won’t like to be at a place that is dark, lonely, or romantic, which will bring an emotional atmosphere.

5. He is in love with another woman.

When he is in love with another woman, there’s no how he will have an interest in you to the extent of sleeping with you, due to that bond he shares with the other woman won’t allow him to have such enthusiasm. Although some guys may give in to your demands, most of them or a few of them won’t give in, so maybe your crush is among those who doesn’t give in so quickly on that.

He doesn’t want to sleep with you and you are his partner in a relationship.


1. He might be emotionally disturbed.

He might not want to sleep with you if he is emotionally disturbed. Lovemaking has to do with emotions and brain connectivity. If he doesn’t seem to be alright and fit with his psyche, there’s no how he will be able to concentrate and make Love to you.
For instance. If your man is in deep thought about some issues disturbing him, if you come up with the attitude of making love with him, he might even get very annoyed with you and talk to you in a manner that will hurt you and put you to sleep or also make you cry. But once he gets over that, he will apologize to you immediately. So such situations can make a man not to sleep with you.

2. He might have medical issues that he is afraid of telling you.

He might have some medical issues that he may be avoiding to tell you, maybe because he is scared of losing you or scared of hurting your feelings. Such problems may be the reason behind his refusal of sexual intimacy with you.
Some medical reports prove a man not capable of sexual activities for some time In his life, and that time may be the moment you came into his life. But due to he is afraid of losing you, he might not tell you about that.

3. He is not attracted to you anymore.

This might be another great reason he doesn’t want to sleep with you anymore. Maybe he sees nothing that attracts him anymore, and that will make him lose interest in you.
Guys like it when their woman looks sexier and wanting at all times. With that seems, it will get him in the mood at all times. But when you dress as an older woman or out of fashion, he won’t see any interest that can trigger his urges again on you.

4. He’s seeing another woman.

When he is seeing another woman outside, he won’t be able to sleep with you all the time because he has already satisfied himself out.
For instance, a person who has already eaten his satisfaction will not eat again no matter how the food has been prepared. So that is it, watch yourself to know if you are the reason why he started sleeping outside or that he just decided to do that on his own will.
This is one of the reasons a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you. There is no how he can satisfy two women at a time, that feeling must be shared between the two, and your may be lacking due to he is into you since he will like to exercise his feelings to a new woman.

5. He doesn’t want to commit yet.

When a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you, it might be because he doesn’t want to commit yet. Sexual intercourse is a commitment between two souls, which can be a physical, mental, and spiritual commitment, so one needs to be ready before entering into such commitment with any woman. So it might be the reason why he doesn’t want to sleep with you yet.
For instance. Some guys who are interested in a woman and want to take their relationship to another level will not be after sleeping with you. He will just prefer to understand how friendship is going to benefit both lives, and that will give him room to withdraw from any canal knowledge until he can understand what he wants.

6. He doesn’t want you to think that he is a player.

Sometimes, some guys want to be on a safer side in terms of grading them. So if he truly loves you and wants you to believe that he is for real, he won’t like to sleep with you just yet To take control of his feelings to avoid misusing them on you. So for you not to make them as a player, he will prefer to be like that at least for a while before enjoying the canal knowledge with you. So, that is why a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you.
For instance. If a guy is still proving his love for you, and he is still building up the relationship both of you have, he won’t like to ruin everything, so he will prefer to just work on building it instead of having sexual activities with you.


When a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you, it can be because he is just coming for the first time, and both of you are not into any relationship. And, or it can also be that there are certain things he is battling with, which he wants to tackle before thinking of sleeping with you, even though you both are in a relationship.
If these two reasons are right, there is no how he will sleep with you even if you force that on him, he will still find a way to flee.

So this article tends to guide you in every reason behind his refusal for sexual intercourse with you. We believe that you can understand the reason why a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you.
Feel free to drop your comments if you have any. Or you can message us in our forum case if you are having any relationship or marriage issues, we promise to offer you some guidelines in case if you need any. Message us on forum@bewiseprof.com. And you can also drop your comments or contribution to the comments section if you have any.