What Are The Dirtiest Webtoons? And Best 18+ Webtoons You Need To Check Out

I am a huge fan of Webtoons. If you want in knowing about the most loved 18+, most filthy (I don’t understand the reason why it’s called dirty?) you’ve come to the right article. In this guide, we’ll only add names to webtoons intended for mature audiences if they feature sex, porn, or a scene of sexual assault.

If you are a fan of Adult 18+ webcomics then this will be the best article for you. we’ll introduce you to some of the adult webtoons.

Ecstasy Hearts

1. Ecstasy Hearts

You can check out these webtoons and webcomics on this page. The most accurate description of this as one of the most popular adult webtoons can be found as follows;

The daughter of Shimizu Anya was two former best Tennis Players of the world. It’s now her turn to dominate the realm that is Professional Tennis at least until her rival of choice came along and completely smashed her before she was able to break into her own bubble. Here is the point where their unidirectional rivalry starts.

Ecstasy Hearts is a book and artwork by silent Marx. Ecstasy Hearts has been seen and read by more than 1.1 million readers.

Boo! It's Sex

2. Boo! It’s Sex!

Boo! Its sex is one of the most popular adult or adult webtoons you must check out. You can read the Webtoon or webcomic on this page. There are more than 550K people who read it on webtoons.

This webcomic describes that it is

Four high school friends move into an old sorority house to begin their first year at college. They are shocked to discover that the spirit of a deceased sorority girl trapped in a bottle of Tequila. As the freshmen settle into their college lives, Tara settles herself into the centre of their personal lives as a mentor experienced in the transition from girls to women.

They are built off the sexual life of the four roommates. It’s also an educational webcomic that could aid in understanding a bit about sex education. It should be taught to students in high school as it discusses safe sexual education.

My Dear King of Cold Blooded

3. My Dear King of Cold Blooded

My Dear Cold-blooded King is a webtoon-based romance comic. It has more than 1.8 million readers as of now on Webtoons.

The storyline of the story is

Born as a humble peasant Kihara Mei has lived a simple day-to-day as merchant in the capital and never thought that the situation could be different. One crucial day would alter the direction of her life when she was confronted with a dangerous threat from deadly royal assassins. With the gaze of the dreadful Blood King descending on her, her once-simple life of simplicity could soon be an untidy web of secret as well as deceit and passion.

The story is written and drawn from Life Light. The girl is in the company of three hot guys trying to grab her attention as well as all the drama that follows it. It’s among the most popular webtoons available online on the Internet. If you truly love and want to find something more popular on the web, then “My dear, cold-blooded king” is the answer.

One of my favorite phrases from the webtoon is “A King who lives behind the scenes ….. is not a King in the slightest.”

I Love Yoo

4. I Love Yoo

“I love Yoo” is another romantic and hot webtoon you should look into. It is a favorite of more than 4 million viewers and is one of the most romantic webtoons you can find on webtoon.

The storyline of comics is

Inflicted with pain and misery since the beginning, Shin-Ae determines that she is not interested in people or anything that has to do with romance. Though she is content with her boring monotonous, unlovely existence the way she lives her life is tested after she wrecks an uninvolved stranger’s clothing.

It’s got 138 episodes, so you should have popcorn before you begin to read it.

Let's play

5. Let’s play

Let’s Play is another one of the most romantic and popular webcomics that can be downloaded at no charge on Webtoon. It is read by more than 3.8 million readers. The main plotline of the comic is:

She’s young, single , and trying to fulfill her dream of making amazing videogames. However, life strikes her with two punches when a well-known streamer gives her debut game a negative review. Then she finds out that the critic she was scathing about is now her neighbor! An sexy, funny and all-too-real tale of memes, gaming and anxiety over social interaction. Go for the story and stay for the doggo.

I would like to think this can help.

PS: 5 Top and Incredible Most Hot Webcomics available on Webtoons to be able to

  1. Ecstasy Hearts
  2. Boo!, It’s sex!
  3. My dear king of cold-blooded
  4. I Love Yoo
  5. Let’s have a blast!

I hope this will help you read some of the top and most popular (18+) webtoons and webcomics.