Sarvangasana, one of the most important asanas in Hatha yoga, is Sarvangasana. It can have a positive effect on your overall health. It increases flexibility and strength in the body while keeping the mind clear. While the shoulder stand offers all the benefits and safety of a headstand, it is safer and more accessible.
What is Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)?
Sarvangasana is also known as Shoulder Stand. It’s a full-body exercise that stimulates various muscles. Sanskrit’s sarv is whole, anga refers to body parts, and asana relates to posture.
Because it benefits the entire body, inside and out, it is often called the “Queen of all asanas.” Regular shoulder stand practice helps the body by increasing flexibility, strength, and mental calm.
Because of the reverse direction of blood flow, the entire body is in a shoulder stand position. It increases blood flow to the scalp, brain, and face.
The blood flows backward after the pose. This is good for people with low blood pressure. It also helps to improve respiratory problems by increasing blood flow in the lungs. It helps improve balance and posture.
Sarvangasana comes in two versions:
1 Salamba Sarvangasana This inversion involves the hand’s support of the lower back. This is also called the supported shoulder stand.
2 Niralamba Sarvangasana This is where the hands do not support the lower back. This is also called an unsupported shoulder stand.
Sarvangasana Benefits
Sarvangasana is good for mental and physical well-being. Regular practice of Sarvangasana provides:
1. You can have strength and flexibility
Sarvangasana increases the flexibility of the spine. It strengthens the back and shoulders, as well as the arms.
2. Lungs Capacity
The shoulder stand increases blood flow to the lungs, and the lower part of your lungs becomes stronger and more efficient. This increases the capacity of the lungs.
3. Respiratory problems
Using shoulder stands can help with sinusitis, asthma, and other respiratory issues. T toxic substances from the respiratory system are eliminated, which results in an increased oxygen supply for the organs.
4. Reproductive Health
Sarvangasana improves reproductive health by increasing the efficiency of reproductive organs in men and women. It reduces symptoms of menopause and balances mood swings for women. It is beneficial for conditions such as syphilis or frequent abortions.
5. Gut Health
The proper circulation and drainage of stagnant blood can improve the digestive system. It treats constipation and indigestion.
6. Weight Loss Management
Body weight can be managed if you practice Sarvangasana regularly for the long term. It helps reduce the excess fat around the stomach and strengthens your core.
7. Blood Sugar Level
People with diabetes will benefit from the shoulder stand. It regulates blood sugar and manages insulin.
8. Hormonal Balance
The blood supply to the brain, hormonal glands, and lower body areas increases as the stagnant blood is drained. The oxygen and blood supply increase improves all hormone system functions (endocrine). It stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates both high and low thyroid hormones.
9. Mental Health
Sarvangasana promotes good sleep at night. It also releases happy hormones like dopamine, which helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. It is helpful in the treatment of insomnia and mood disorders.
10. Functional Disorders
Their overall function is enhanced when the blood supply to the brain, eyes, nose, ears, throat, and throat increases. Sarvangasana is good for hair and skin.
11. Immunity
Sarvangasana boosts immunity. It balances the nervous, circulatory, digestive, and reproductive systems. They have a positive effect on overall health.
12. Other ailments
Sarvangasana prevents and treats varicose veins. It relieves pressure from the anal muscles and reduces hemorrhoids. The shoulder stand minimizes water retention in the lower body. It can also be used to treat headaches.
Sarvangasana has many health benefits.
- The shoulder pose can be helpful for stage 1 and 2 thyroid problems.
- It can be used to correct constipation and indigestion.
- Sarvangasana is a treatment for diabetes, varicose, hemorrhoids, and reproductive problems.
- The shoulder pose can benefit respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis, and other conditions.
- It can be used in cases of infertility to provide therapeutic benefits.
- The shoulder position helps relieve migraines and headaches.
- It can be used to treat insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety, as well as depression.
13. Sarvangasana Benefits For Hair
Sarvangasana improves hair circulation by stimulating blood flow to the scalp. It:
- Promotes hair growth
- Hair fall is reduced
- Nourishes hair follicles
14. Sarvangasana Benefits to the Brain
The brain controls all body functions and abilities. This includes cognitive thinking, feeling emotions, sensing, and all other physical processes. Sarvangasana has many benefits for the brain. It improves blood flow to the brain in these ways:
- More nourishment for the brain
- Alertness makes the mind more alert
- Stress and anxiety are reduced
- Increases self-confidence
- Increases blood supply to hormonal glands near the brain, such as the hypothalamus and pineal gland.
- Stimulates happy hormones such as serotonin or dopamine release
- The cognitive functioning of the brain is improved
- Memory improvement
- Headaches are relieved
- Peace and mental calm
15. Benefits of Shoulder Stands for Skin
Sarvangasana, a great yoga pose for healthy skin, is considered one of the most effective. It increases blood flow to your face. These are some of the skin benefits that the shoulder stand offers:
- Treating dark circles
- Rejuvenate the skin and detoxify the body
- How to get rid of wrinkles, pimples, acne, and other signs of dullness
- Improve skin texture and quality
- Skin anti-aging and promotes youthfulness
- Healthy skin requires a healthy digestive system.
16. Sarvangasana Eye Benefits
Our eyes are the window to the outside world. Most people today have at least one eye problem. This can be caused by TV screens or mobile phones. It also shows the deep connection between the eyes and the mind, and we feel relaxed when we close our eyes. You must eat well and get enough sleep to take good care of your eyes. Yoga can improve the function of your eyes. Sarvangasana is one such yoga pose that works well.
Sarvangasana is a great eye-care option. It:
- Increases blood flow to the eyes and supports eye health overall
- Corrects functional eye disorders
- Improves eyesight
- Eases eye muscles
- Reduce eye tension
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Benefits
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, a simple pose that can help you prepare for Sarvangasana, is called Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. This simple pose requires you to lift your hips while keeping your upper arm and feet on a flat surface. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is good for your body’s mental and physical health. It:
- It stimulates the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, and lungs
- Stretches neck and spine, chest, hips, and chest.
- Relief from stress, headaches, backaches, anxiety, and stress
- Increases blood circulation and digestion
- Reduces fatigue
- Strengthens the back and buttocks
- Reduces symptoms of menopause
- Treats high blood pressure and asthma.
Sarvangasana Steps
Sarvangasana should be done on an empty stomach or within 4-6 hours of eating; You can do it in the morning or evening. Sarvangasana is best done under supervision.
It is a good idea to stretch your muscles before you start. You can do basic neck and lower back exercises or try yoga poses such as halasana or tadasana. It can also reduce stiffness in the spine.
Begin with Ardha Sarvangasana or the half-shoulder standing pose. These are the Ardha-Sarvangasana steps to be carefully followed:
Step 1 Lie on your back and keep your hands close to your body.
Step 2 – Take deep, slow breaths and keep your mind still.
Step 3: Bend your legs towards the hips and bring your feet closer to the hips.
Step 4: Lift the lower body vertically and support it with your hands so the fingers are under the hips.
Step 5 Keep the position for as long as it is comfortable. Don’t strain your body; aim to maintain balance while exhaling.
Step 6 Inhale, slowly lower the hips with the help of the hands.
Step 7: Take deep, slow breaths and let your body relax.
These are the steps of Sarvangasana that you should follow carefully and with guidance from a yoga instructor:
Step 1 – You must lie down on your stomach with your hands sideways.
Step 2 Slowly lift your legs and back together, then support your back using your hands.
Step 3: Keep your elbows close together. Your neck or head should not be supporting your body weight. It should be supported with the shoulders and upper arms.
Step 4 Straighten your legs and keep your toes in line with your nose. The entire body should be straight from shoulder to shoulder, with your arms supporting your back.
Step 5 Breathe normally and take good care of your neck. Do not press the head on the ground.
Step 6: Maintain the position, start with 10 seconds, and then take deep breaths.
Step 7: Lower your knees towards the forehand if you feel the strain. Then, slowly lower your legs with the support of both hands.
Step 8: Take some deep breaths, then relax to breathe normally.
These are the preparation poses you should do before Sarvangasana.
- Halasana, or Plough Pose
- Viparita Karni
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose
- Dwi pada uttanpadasana
- Virasana, or Warrior Pose
These are the follow-up poses to do after Sarvangasana
- Chakrasana, or Wheel Pose
- Matsyasana, Fish Pose
- Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
- Halasana, or Plough Pose
Sarvangasana Time Duration
For beginners, it is best to keep the pose for 30 seconds. You can increase the duration of the pose by 10 seconds each day once you get more comfortable with it.
After a few weeks, you can maintain a shoulder-stand pose for about 1-2 minutes. Don’t overtrain yourself. Slowly increase the time you hold each day by 5-10 seconds. After mastering your posture, you can have it for 2-3 min.
Sarvangasana should last at most 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) of Do’s and Don’ts
- Begin by learning the basics and then working with an expert.
- Attention to your neck. It can lead to neck injury if not done correctly.
- Start your practice by placing your back against a wall or other solid object until you achieve the perfect balance.
- Attempt Sarvangasana in parts. After a few weeks of training, you can assume the entire posture.
- Raise your trunk as high as possible to allow your chin to rest against your chest.
- It is important to avoid straining or jerking as this low-head position can be dangerous.
- Make sure you have enough support for your arm.
- Slowly and calmly.
- This pose is not easy to do, so start by doing Halasana. This will help stretch your hip and thigh muscles and provide momentum for the body to lift itself off the ground.
- Sarvangasana, an inward-bending pose for the body, is Sarvangasana. This should be followed by backward-bending poses such as Bhujangasana (cobra pose) or Matsyasana (“fish pose”)
- If done quickly, Sarvangasana can put unnecessary pressure on the heart or respiratory organs. It can cause discomfort and swelling of the blood vessels in the head.
- Do not attempt Sarvangasana after heavy gymnastics. It can disrupt blood circulation and cause a blood rush to your brain. It can be harmful to the brain’s health.
- It should not be practiced for more than 2 minutes at a time. Do not practice it for more than five minutes per day. You may be more injured if you try it for longer periods.
- Do not bend your knees when you are doing this pose.
- Tense your legs, as this can prevent blood from draining.
- It is best to keep your head down on the ground.
- Avoid pointing your toes, as this can prevent blood from draining.
- After completing the shoulder stand, don’t immediately get up.
- Do not perform shoulder stands if you are experiencing neck, wrist, or shoulder pain.
- It is best to avoid it during pregnancy and menstruation.
- Older people should avoid shoulder standing.
Contraindications to Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
Sarvangasana side effects can occur if you don’t take care.
- Injuries to the neck and spine
- Upper arm and shoulder pain
- Unnormal blood flow to the brain can cause discomfort and dizziness.
- The weak blood vessels in the eyes can be weakened, and glaucoma can worsen.
- Excess bleeding in women can result from excessive bleeding if performed during menstruation.
Certain medical conditions can make a shoulder stand more dangerous than beneficial. These are the contraindications to Sarvangasana.
- Slip disc
- Thyroid problems acute
- Thyroid enlargement
- Larger liver or spleen
- Spondylosis
- High blood pressure
- Injuries to the neck, shoulder, or back
- Heart problems
- Brain ailments
- Eyes with weak blood vessels
- Glaucoma
- Myopia high
- Pregnancy
- Menstruation
You should consult your physician before attempting Sarvangasana if you have any of the above mentioned conditions.
How Many Times Should We Perform Sarvangasana?
A minute of Sarvangasana is enough to keep your health. One minute of Sarvangasana during the morning and one hour of Sarvangasana at night are sufficient. The pose can be held for extended periods, but no more than five minutes.
What happens during Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana is when the blood supply to the body is reversed. The stagnant blood in the legs and lower bodies moves towards the scalp, face, and brain. It improves brain function and can positively affect hair and skin health.
It increases blood supply, which increases lung capacity, and treats respiratory disorders. It improves flexibility and strengthens shoulders.
Can Sarvangasana Be Done During Periods?
No. Sarvangasana shouldn’t be performed during periods because it involves inverting your body. Avoid it during periods, as it can cause heavy bleeding and vascular obstruction issues. Yoga poses that improve menstrual health should be practiced without causing any harm to the body, such as Balasana and Dandasana.
Can we do Sarvangasana in an Evening?
Sarvangasana may be done in the evening. It is best to do it carefully and with the guidance of an expert.
Summing Up on Sarvangasana Benefits
Sarvangasana, an inversion pose, improves blood flow to the brain. The shoulder stand benefits the whole body and helps calm the mind.
It is difficult to pose initially, so it is best to do it with supervision. Once you are comfortable with the position, holding it will take 2-3 minutes.
Sarvangasana has many benefits, including reducing headaches, constipation, and stress and relieving depression. It can treat insomnia, diabetes, and asthma.
It improves our body posture and cognitive abilities. It helps balance hormones and positively affects the nervous, digestive, reproductive, and circulatory systems.
Refer to
- D Konar, R Latha, November 2000; Cardiovascular response to head down- body-up postural exercise (Sarvangasana) –
- Arkiath Veettil Raveendran, Anjali Deshpandae, September 2018; Therapeutic Role of Yoga in Type 2 Diabetes –