Prosciutto And Pregnancy

Prosciutto appears on many lists of foods pregnant women should avoid. This meat is often served cold and poses a small but serious risk for the pregnant woman and her baby. It can cause listeria, a foodborne illness. The Pregnancy Cookbook says that there are several ways to prepare prosciutto so it’s safe to eat, but some pregnant women avoid it to be on the safe side.


Prosciutto, or Italian ham, is cooked without heat and cured with salt. It can be contaminated with listeria if it’s not stored properly or cured correctly. Listeria is a bacteria type that causes listeriosis, which is a foodborne illness. The bacteria can be found in other types cured meats such as sausages and hot dogs, as well lunch meat.


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You can get listeriosis if you consume meat contaminated with listeria. The American Pregnancy Association warns pregnant women to take this threat seriously, even though it is rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnant women have a 20-fold higher risk of developing listeriosis compared to non-pregnant individuals. It is also more common during the third trimester. Listeriosis symptoms in pregnant women can include nausea, headaches, and muscle pain. It can also affect the nervous system causing stiff necks, convulsions, and disorientation.

Prosciutto And Pregnancy


The risks of listeriosis to an unborn baby are extremely serious. The bacterial infection may spread even if a pregnant woman does not show any symptoms. It can cause complications. Listeria can cause miscarriage and premature labor. It can also cause death and birth defects if it is passed on to the child. According to the American Pregnancy Association, 22 percent of all listeria infections in pregnant women result in stillbirths or neonatal deaths.

The following is a list of preventions.

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The CDC advises pregnant women to avoid eating cured meats like hot dogs and prosciutto, unless the meats have been heated up in the microwave. The temperature should be around 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid cross-contamination as well by preparing the foods separately from what you will be eating.

Expert Insight

As long as the meat is prepared properly, it’s safe to eat during pregnancy, according to the CDC. You should not eat cold prosciutto or ingest it at restaurants. The CDC states that you don’t need to go to your doctor immediately if you ate cold prosciutto but have no symptoms. However, you should tell him about it. Tell your doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms so that he can prescribe you antibiotics.