The Meaning Of Yin And Yang Symbols Revealed & All You Must Know

The yin-yang philosophy is founded on the belief that the universe is made up of opposing, but complementary forces. This black-and-white symbol is used in tattoos, jewellery and artwork. What does the yin-yang symbol mean?

Yin and Yang explained

Understanding how yin and yang energy work is crucial to understanding the meaning of yin and yang symbols. According to the yin-yang philosophy the duality in energy creates harmony and balance. The yin and yang energies are in balance. Yang energy prevents yin from stagnating, while yin keeps the yang energetic in check. In an endless struggle for harmony, each force is dominant and then replaced by its opposing force. The world around us is a manifestation of Yin-Yang energy, which appears as opposites such as night and day.

Understanding the Yin Yang Symbol Elements

Each visual detail in the familiar yin-yang symbol is significant. Colours and design reflect the energy of opposing forces.

The meaning of the Black and white Yin Yang teardrop shapes

Together, black and white tears represent the interplay of energies that are found in everything. The yin-yang symbol is divided into two teardrop shapes in opposite colours, black and white. The black side of the symbol descends and the white side ascends in a clockwise motion. Each of these halves is incomplete without the other since the circle is complete. The symbol is divided into two halves, each of which has a curved shape. This creates an impression of movement by creating a tail effect.

The Meaning Of Yin And Yang Symbols Revealed & All You Must Know

What do the small black and white circles mean?

There is yang in all things yin and yin in all things yang. The circles of opposite colours within the black and white tears symbolize that there is no absolute. Each of the opposing forces has a tiny part of the opposite. In the universe and life, there is no black or white. Each is in the other, and both are necessary for each to exist.

The Outer Circle

It’s easy to overlook the circle that surrounds the yin-yang symbol, but its significance is essential. The outer circle represents the entire universe, as well as the universe itself. The yin-yang sign encompasses everything that exists in its duality.

What does Yin mean?

The black area represents the yin and its characteristics:

  • Passive Yang energy is restive, receptive and restless.
  • Intuitive The inner feeling of understanding life, its nuances and subtleties is a part of yin energy.
  • Creative Yin energy builds and bursts out in creativity, which motivates the yang energies into action.
  • Moon The phases and movements of the lunar cycle affect yin energy on Earth.
  • Dark The dark represents all of the yin energy.
  • Cold: Darkness brings cold. The coldness is a relief from the heat of light.
  • Downward Movement: The yin energy moves down in preparation for the building up and transformation of energy into rising yang. This is the eternal cycle of chi.
  • Night When the day is gone, darkness and boldness of night reign. It’s a time for rest.
  • Soft The Yin energy, which is flexible and able to bend and give, is soft.
  • Stillness As yin energy moves downward, it becomes quieter and more still.
  • Still Water: The yin energy is found in deep water, lakes, and ponds.

What does Yang mean?

The white area represents yang energy and its characteristics. Yang’s energy is aggressive and bright. It represents nature’s’s movements and surges, such as the crashing waves of the ocean and flowing rivers.

  • Yang energy: Powerful and energetic. It is the power of creation.
  • Active Water: Yang Energy drives currents in streams, rivers, oceans, and rising tides.
  • Enlightenment: Yang Energy motivates and inspires you to reach and understand enlightenment.
  • Brightness: The brightness of the light illuminates the darkness.
  • Sun The sun’s movement affects the yang energies on Earth.
  • Light As the darkness gives way to daylight, the light follows the dark.
  • Upward Movement: Yang energy is a product of the downward movement of yin.
  • Strong Yang energy is the opposite of Yin’s weakness. It lifts from yin towards fullness.
  • Hot Heat is generated by friction.
  • Expanding As the yang energy explodes out of the yin, it continues to grow in its upward motion, expanding forever.
  • Hard Where the yin energy is flexible and soft, the yang is rigid and hard.

The Meaning Of Yin And Yang Symbols Revealed & All You Must Know

Yin Yang Energy for Your Home

You can feel the imbalance in every home. If a room feels cold and dark, it may be due to an excess of yin energy. A room which feels overwhelming could have too much yang. Every room in your house has yin and yang energy. You can determine the energy of each room without using a chart.

Yin Rooms

Yin rooms tend to be quiet and restful. They are often used for sleeping or relaxing. Bathrooms can be considered yin-style rooms. However, the water movement in the room can upset the balance.

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Meditation and Yoga Rooms
  • Rooms and storage areas that are empty.

Yang Rooms

Yang rooms are usually a place of gathering. Bright colours and light lighting are used in yang rooms to brighten up the dark corners of yin.

  • Living Rooms
  • Kitchens
  • Dining Rooms
  • Family Rooms
  • Playrooms
  • Home Offices

The Meaning Of Yin And Yang Symbols Revealed & All You Must Know

What to do when your room is out of balance

When the energy of a room is overpowered by its opposite, chi energy imbalance occurs. You can restore the yin-yang balance to any room with simple methods.

Rooms with Too Much Yin Energie

If you overdo the yin energy in your bedroom or bathroom, they will be dull and lifeless. These simple fixes will increase your yang energy.

  • Use yang colours to accent bedding, art and linens. Use warm and bright pops of colours like coral, yellow, and orange.
  • If you’re not getting enough light, re-evaluate the window treatments. Feng shui bedroom should be filled with soft yin lighting, as well as the ability to allow sunlight into the room. Add sheer curtains to your drapes for filtered in light.
  • Music is considered to be yang. Select soothing music to provide yang energy while maintaining a yin-friendly environment. Rain, waves and birds are all natural sounds that can be used to bring yang energy in a stagnant environment.

Rooms with Too Much Yang Energy

Kitchens, living rooms and dining rooms are all great places to gather. Yang rooms are also prone to becoming overwhelming, so adding some yin energy can help balance them.

  • Modernizing your lighting can be a great way to balance yin and yang in a space. Dimmers can be added to light fixtures or lamps that are used in place of overhead lighting.
  • Soften the yang energy by adding cushions and pillows made of soft fabrics. Even accent pillows made from velvet, faux fur, or soft fabrics in bright yang colours can add yin energy to a space.
  • Paint a neutral wall accent in a room that is too bright. Add a visual rest area to one wall to maintain your feng-shui colour palette.

Yin Yang Examples in Everyday Life

Yin Yang Examples in Everyday Life

You encounter yin and yang every day. Some examples will be immediately recognizable while others may not.

  • Day & Night The cold darkness (yin) of night gives way the the warm daylight of day.
  • Ocean Waves As the ocean waves crash against the shore they display yang energies, while the waves that retreat are yin.
  • Seasons– A gradual change from cold and darkness to warmth and brightness is revealed by the changing seasons.
  • Music– Classical music and new age are yin and heavy metal and Hip Hop are yang. You can have your favourite artists be Yin and Yang with their ballads and high-energy tracks.

Yin and Yang Art

Yin-yang is used in jewelry, home decor and tattoos. The traditional black-and-white design will never go out of style, but there are many variations in colours and designs. The yin-yang symbolism is strong no matter how it’s presented. You can find yin-yang garden art in outdoor meditation spaces, or in spaces that encourage reflection and balance.

Harmony of Yin and Yang

In so many things around you, yin and yang energy can be seen. Understanding the constant struggle of yin and Yang energy to create harmonious energy will bring harmony into your home and everyday life.