Understanding The Impact Of New Traffic Laws On Car Accident Cases

When a person looks at the cars on the roads, it is well-understood that they are riding on the streets following some rules and regulations. These are the traffic laws that they abide by when they are on the streets. 

These laws ensure traffic safety and remind drivers to travel on the roads while following some restrictions. 

But what is it like when the traffic rules change? Since the rules changed, many differences have been observed in how car accidents are handled.      

A car accident lawyer in Houston, TX, can help you understand the impact of the changing traffic laws on accidents and other road activities. 

Why is There a Need for New Traffic Laws?

Traffic laws constantly change and don’t need to stay the same for long. With increasing advancements and new technologies being introduced, it becomes necessary to mould the laws according to new changes in the traffic game.

Here is why there is a new need for traffic laws. 

Accountability: Due to some changes, penalties for violations have been increased. These new laws have the impact of discouraging risky behaviour and holding wrongdoers accountable for their actions.  

Technology Adaptation: Technological advancements have created new challenges on the roads. The latest technology being referred to here is the use of mobile phones and autonomous vehicles on the road. So, to ensure the safety of the people on the streets, new rules have been designed.

Increased Safety: To increase the safety of the people on the road, new and improved laws are introduced. These can be seen in the form of changing speed limits when driving in residential areas or using technology while driving your vehicle.

Legislative Changes and their Impact on Car Accident Cases

Here are some legislative changes that have impacted the car accident cases.

Regulations for Distracted Driving

Distracted driving occurs when a person is driving a vehicle while using other devices, such as a mobile phone. This is one of the major concerns regarding road safety. 

The new regulations regarding distracted driving play a vital role in car accident cases. Also, suppose it is proved by any chance that the driver indulges in activities like using the phone or texting while driving. In that case, they will be asked for the best evidence to prove liability in car accident cases.

Speed Limit Updates

If observed closely, the speed limit is one of the most updated traffic laws. State and local authorities check and adapt speed limits regularly, taking into account various factors such as road conditions, traffic density, or safety considerations. 

Hands-free Laws

Hands-free laws are very commonly known as part of traffic laws. These are new laws introduced after the increase in the use of mobile phones. These refer to using hands-free devices when there is a need to listen to a call or reply to a message.

These hands-free laws can act as evidence in car accident cases. If violated, these laws can be observed, and the recklessness on the diver’s part when the accident occurred can be explained. 


Speed Cameras and Red Lights

The traffic laws regulate the red light signal and speed cameras in many jurisdictions. These devices capture the violations and then issue citations after that. 

The operation of red-light and speed cameras can significantly impact car accident cases. The evidence from these cameras can later be used to establish liabilities or refute claims. 

Pedestrian Safety Law 

Pedestrian laws are often modified and changed to ensure the safety of pedestrians and school students. Changes in such laws can include lowering speed limits and stricter enforcement of laws near schools and crosswalk areas.   

In car accident cases, violations of the pedestrian safety law can have severe impacts. The drivers’ liability can be increased if exceeding reduced speed limits are observed. 


In conclusion, changing traffic laws severely impacts car accident cases. These cases are complicated to tackle. However, these evolving laws’ effect on the liability decision is enormous and must not be taken lightly.