Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

Hearing Italian last names will make you think of going to Rome, riding gondolas, and eating in restaurants! Pizzas, pasta, and olive oils are some of your top food items. You’re a huge lover of binge-watching Italian films that is romantic. You’re likely fascinated by Italian surnames and names too.

Because of their lyrical sound, Italian surnames quickly became the preferred names of the first generation of parents due to the abundance of literature, television shows, and films.

This is a list of the most popular Italian surnames and their significance. Some of them could sound fantastic, even in the context of first names. If you’re adventurous and want to taste Italy at home, look through the vast catalog.

Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames

1. Accardi:

A traditional Italian Surname common to Italians, Accardi is from the Greek word Achard which means “brave” or “hardy.”

2. Agosti:

This surname originates from the Latin word Augustus, which means “favored by good luck.” The variations that have been recorded are Agosta, Agostaro, Agostino, and Augusto, in addition to others.

3. Ajello:

Ajello is an occupational name that comes directly from the Latin word “ager” or “field” and was commonly used by farmers.

4. Amato:

Amato is a gorgeous name from the Latin word amateurs, which translates to “beloved.”

5. Barbieri:

Bonus points are not earned for guessing that this well-known Italian surname is derived from Barberio, the Italian word Barbiere that means “barber’. Other popular variations comprise Barbera, Barberi, Barbieri, and Barberio.

Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

6. Barone:

Your child should be courageous. So why not choose names that mean exactly this? It comes to us from the Latin word barus, which means “brave,” this Italian surname is also utilized as a first name. It is also possible to choose one of its variants Varoni, Baret, Baruzzo, Barelli, Baronio, or Barella.

7. Bernardi:

The last name is derived from Bernhard or Beornheard, in which the word bern is a reference to bear, and ‘hard’ refers to being robust or tough. Thus, the name translates to “strong as a bear.”

8. Bianco:

Bianco is an eminent Italian surname, which is a reference to white. It’s part of the category of surnames with nicknames. The name was originally used for people who had hair that was white or who was pale. Bianchi can be a plural version of Bianco. Celebs such as Beto Bianchi, Daniela Bianchi, and Emilio Bianchi have added to the popularity of Bianchi.

9. Bruni:

A variant of Bruno refers to the color brown. It is a great girl’s warm and earthy name, like brown.

10. Bruno:

It is a name popularized by Mars Bruno, the famous musician, and singer; Bruno is one of the most well-known Italian surnames. It is derived from the Italian word meaning the color brown. Bruno was one of the surnames derived from nicknames and was given to those with brown hair. Bruno can also be a fashionable first name in several countries, including the US.

11. Caputo:

Caputo is derived from the Italian word ‘capo,’ meaning strong, and was awarded to those who were focused and determined.

12. Carbone:

A common Italian surname translates to “charcoal” or “coal.” Carbone was a common name used by coal miners, coal merchants, coal miners, and charcoal burners.

13. Caruso:

The popular surname ‘boy’ means a student in Italian. Enrico Caruso, the Italian opera singer, made the surname popular throughout the rest of the world.

14. Cattaneo:

The word ‘captain’ means “captain” in Italian. It was likely used by someone who served as the group’s captain or ship. The variants include Cattani Capitanio, Cattaneo, Cattano, and Cattani.

15. Colombo:

One of the most common occupation surnames is Colombo. Colombo originates from Colombo, which is the Latin term Columbia which is a reference to “dove.” Popular during the middle age, the most well-known name bearer was ChristoforoColombo or Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America. Colombo could be a fantastic name for your child’s adventurer.

16. Conte:

A very popular Italian surname meaning companion, it was typically used by those working for the count. Another variation of the name is Conti.

17. Coppola:

If you are a fan of trying out different types of hats, consider this well-known surname for an alternative name, meaning “a small round hat.”

18. Costa:

This surname is a favored variant of an Italian family name: Di Costa. Costa means Italian for the word rib, which means “slope” or “coast.” It is an adorable nickname for your little girl.

19. D’Angelo:

The surname refers to “angelic.” Some variations are Di Angelo, Angelo, Angela, Angioli, Angiolo, Angiola, Agnoli, Agnolo, Agnola, D’Angeli D’Angelo, and many more.

20. De Luca:

A popular Italian family name translates to “son of Lucas.” Another variation that is a well-known name is Di Luca. There are a variety of other variants for this surname, such as Lucarelli, Lucas, Lucchi, Lucco, Lucchi, and Lucca.

21. De Santis:

De Santis originates from Sanctus, which refers to ‘holy’ or ‘devout.’

22. DeVille:

The trendy Italian name references “villa ” or “village.’

23. Donato:

A surname that can be a great name for your child’s baby encouraging him to be kind and generous. Donato is derived from the Latin word Donate, meaning “to give.” Donati, Dona, and Donatelli are some other popular versions of Donato.

24. Esposito:

Esposito is derived from the Italian word esposto, meaning ‘expose.’ Esposito is well-known by numerous celebrities, including Argentine singer and actress Mariana Esposito, American actress Jennifer Esposito and the fictional character on the popular criminal television series Castle Season 3 Javier Esposito.

25. Fabbri:

A surname used in the workplace, Fabbri comes from the word Faber, which means ” craftsman” or “smith.” It’s sure to be a distinctive nickname for your curious baby girl.

26. Farina:

An occupational surname, Farina, means ‘flour.’ Other popular variations comprise Farini, Farinella, Farinella, Farinelli, and many more.

27. Ferrara:

Do you want your child to be as tough as iron in the brutal world? Give her the name Ferrara. The well-known Italian surname likely originated in Ferrara, the Latin word Ferro meaning ‘iron. It was a common occupational name for blacksmiths. There are other surname variants, including Ferrero, Ferrari, Ferrari, Ferraro, Ferrario, Ferrarini, and numerous others.

28. Fiore:

A gorgeous surname that could be a wonderful first name for your baby girl. Fiore refers to ‘flowers.’ You could also choose variations such as Fiorelli, Fiorone, Fiorani, and Floris.

29. Fontana:

The musical surname comes from the Latin word Fons meaning spring. It is part of the category of topographical surnames given to those who live near the spring.

Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

30. Gallo:

Gallo is derived from Gallus, meaning “rooster.” The name was popular in the middle of the ages and remains popular. The name is popular and has several variations, such as Gall, Gallelli, Galletti, Gallini, Gallucci, Galluzzi, Gallion, Gallozzi, and Gallarini.

31. Gatti:

Originating from Gatto, the Italian word Gatto that means “tomcat,” this common surname was likely given to those with characteristics resembling a cat.

32. Gentile:

Gentile is a well-known Italian surname derived from Gentilis, meaning “of the same stock.”

33. Giordano:

Giordano is derived from Jordan, which refers to the Holy River and means ‘the one who descends.’ This surname has become famous for the famous watchmaker Giordano.

34. Grasso:

The surname Grasso is a reference to a stout or obese person. Its variations include De Grassi, Degrassi, Lo Grasso, La Grassa, Grasselli, Grassellini, Grassaleoni, Grassilli, and Grassigli Grassetti, Grassini, and Grassani.

35. Greco:

The most well-known Italian surnames. It is derived from the Latin word Graecus, which means “Greek’. It is a fascinating surname that you choose for the child. Reality TV stars Joey Greco and supermodel Viviana Greco are just a few of the famous namesakes.

36. Guerra:

The common Italian surname is a reference to war which is usually a reference to the soldier.

37. Guiluliani:

This well-known Italian surname is derived from the Latin word Lullius signifies one who is young.

38. Leone:

A very popular Italian surname that comes from the Italian word meaning ‘lion’ (leone) and can be an appropriate name for your child who is a lion. It is possible to consider different variations such as Leoni, Leonelli, Leonello, and Leonetti.

39. Leoni:

If Leone is a name for a fierce infant boy, then the feminine form that is the name Leoni is the perfect choice for your puppy lioness.

40. Lombardi:

Lombardi is a well-known surname originally used by people from Lombardy in northern Italy.

41. Longo:

Longo is an adorable name for your baby boy, aside from being a popular Italian surname. Originated from an ancient Italian word that means ‘long or tall’.

42. Mancini:

The name is popular and comes from Mancino, the Italian word Mancino which refers to ‘ambidextrous’ or left-handed.’

43. Marchetti:

The surname Marchetti originated from Marchino or Marcus, referencing Marcus, the Roman God of War. DeMarchi, Marcantoni, Marcantonio, Marcato, Marchel, Marchelli, Marcone, Marconi, Markovic, Marcovich, Marcoz, Marcozzi, and Marcucci are just a few variations of the name.

44. Mariano:

The most popular surname is derived from Marius and is a different spelling of Ares, one of the Roman Gods of War. Mariano could be a suitable name for your confident and sassy baby boy.

45. Marino:

Another popular surname for habitation meaning “of the sea.” It is derived from the word Marinus which means sea. Naming your child’s sea sailor Marino can take you on long voyages across the vast oceans. Other surname variations include Mario, Morino, Marina, and Marano.

46. Martini:

Originally derived from Martinus or more commonly called Mars or named after the Roman god of war and fertility. The name has been famously associated with drinks. The name is beautiful for your precious baby girl. Other popular variations for the name are De Martini, De Martinis, Martino, Martinetti, Martin, Martina, Martinelli, and many more.

47. Mazza:

The Italian word refers to a mace, club, or hammer’. The last name was commonly applied to toolmakers.

48. Messina:

This is a topographical name for someone living within Messana in Italy. The surname has a beautiful ring and could fit a little girl.

49. Monti:

A surname that can be used as a gorgeous name for your kid. Monti is derived from the Italian word Monte or mountain.

50. Morelli:

A common Italian surname defines the moor or someone with dark skin tones. The most popular variants include Morelli, Morello, Morello, and Morella.

51. Moretti:

This trendy Italian surname comes from The Italian word Moretto, which means “dark hair.” Moretti is a wonderful first name for a young girl with gorgeous dark hair. Some popular variants of the name include Moratti, Morati, Moronim Mariotti, Moriotto, Moret, and Morozzi.

52. Negri:

The Italian word black means “black.” This popular surname was first applied to those who were of dark complexion. Other variations of the name include Negris, Nigra, and Negrelli.

53. Nicoli:

Nicoli is the plural form of the popular surname Nicola. The name Nicola comes from the Greek word Nikolaos, composed of Nikon, which means “to win,” and Laos, which means ‘people. It was primarily reserved for people who came out as winners in an athletic accomplishment or contest.

54. Palumbo:

We believe that this surname can make a great nickname for your son’s baby. Palumbo is derived from the Italian word Palombo which translates to “ring dove.”

55. Parisi:

Very adorable Italian surname that is excellent as the first name for your fashionable daughter. Parisi is a topographical name that references “from Paris’. It’s a perfect fit for your young globe-trotter who might one day add elegance to the city of his dreams.

56. Pellegrini:

The most commonly used name is believed to come from the Latin word Peregrinus which means a foreigner or a pilgrim’. Pellegrino, Pellegrini, Pellegrin, Pellerini, Pellegrin, Pellerino, Pellegrinelli, Pellegrinetti and Pellegrinotti are the variants of Pellegrino.

57. Pepe:

This Italian name is the short version of Giuseppe, Italian for Joseph. Its name is biblical because it’s derived from an actual person in the Bible. There are many known variants of Pepe, such as Papi, Peppin, Peri, and Pupa.

58. Pera:

We’re certain that your son is more adorable than the pear. So why not give him the name Pera which is Italian for “pear.’

59. Puma:

Your princess wants to be healthy and wholesome. Select this well-known surname, “an apple,” as a nickname for your little girl.

60. Quattro:

The name is commonly used for surnames. It comes from the Italian word Quattro, which means “four.”

Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

61. Rabito:

Rabito is a surname used in habitation. This surname is the abbreviated version of Morabito. The first immigrants from Arabian countries were known as Morabito.

62. Raffa:

It is a geographical surname that is likely to be given to those who belong to Raffa, the province of Raffa located in Sicily, Italy. The name sounds exotic and trendy.

63. Ranallo:

Ronaldo is the Italian equivalent of the English name Reynolds; Ronaldo sources its roots through the terms Ragin and Wald, which mean “counsel” and “rule.” The other variants include Rinaldo, Renaldi, Rainaldo, Renaldi, Rinallo, and Ranalli.

64. Ricci:

If your child has curly hair? Perhaps you should give her the name Ricci. The most well-known surname originates from the Italian word Ricco meaning “curly.” There are at most thirty other variants that are derived from Ricci: Ricca, Ricco, Rizzo, Rizzi, Rizzo, Rizzillio, Rizzotto, and many more.

65. Romano:

The word refers to “from Rome” and has been popularized by stand-up comic Ray Romano and actress Michelle Romano.

66. Rossi:

Rossi is among the most well-known Italian surnames. It’s the plural form of a name that is not regular. Rosso translates toured “red” in Italian. At the same time, Italian by birth is quickly becoming increasingly popular in other countries such as Argentina, Austria, Peru, the US, and Mexico. Different variations like Rossa, Rosello, Roselli, and Russo are available.

67. Sala:

The word comes from the root word Sal which translates to “building,” this is a very popular surname. Variation includes Salas.

68. Sanna:

The surname translates to “lily.”

69. Santoro:

What would you prefer to name your Prince in honor of the feast? This is exactly the meaning behind Santoro refers to ‘feast for all saints.’

70. Sartori:

Sartori is a popular occupational surname from Santos, meaning “tailor.” The other variants include Sales, Sartou, and Sastre.

71. Scotti:

Do you wish to bring your child to Scotland one day? Then you might want to use this surname as an alternative name for her since Scotti was originally used by people who were from Scotland. Another popular variant of Scotti can is Scotto.

72. Segreto:

The surname is the Italian word meaning “confidant,” from the Latin word Secretum, meaning ‘a secret location’. The surname for a job was originally assigned to secret couriers or spying agents. Some of the most well-known variations include Serio and Segreti. Serio.

73. Serra:

Serra is the term used to describe a ‘ridge’ or a chain of hills in Italian. It is possible to use it as a name for your daughter. The most popular variants include Serrano or Serrana.

74. Sica:

This popular last name originates from Sigi, which means ‘victory.’

75. Silvestri:

The last term is a modified form derived from Silva, which means ‘wood.’

76. Testa:

The word Teste is derived from Teste, which means head. The most well-known surname is accompanied by several other variants that you can select between Testi, Testini, Testoni, Testai, and Testani.

77. Villa:

The surname was originally used to refer to ‘anyone living in the community.’ The second definition of Villa is “house or estate.” Devilla, de Villa, and Villas are also frequently used variations.

78. Vitale:

Are you familiar with the acrobatic Tiger Vitale of the Madagascar series? This well-known surname originates from the Latin word Vitalis meaning “of life” or “vital’. Some other popular variations include Vitaly, Vitali, Vital, Vale, and Vidales.

79. Valentino:

A Roman name Valens is the word that stands as the root for this surname. It is a reference to ‘healthy and vigorous.’ It is a beautiful and exotic sound.

80. Vece:

The Italian surname originates in the Latin word Vicis meaning “change” or “alternation.” Similar meaning surnames are Cece, Vose, and Voce.

81. Verga:

This is a surname for work that is given to shepherds. Verga is Italian, meaning stick cane’ or shepherd the crook.’ Other variants are Varga, Verna, Perna and Veiga.

82. Vero:

Although it’s not a household name, however, it would make a charming nickname for your child prince. Vero means ‘real’ or ‘true’ in Italian.

83. Vinci:

Do you want your child to take on the world? Give this an alternative name for her since Vinci originates from Vincere, meaning ‘to conquer.’ Consider alternatives such as Vince and Viney for your little boy.

84. Vittori:

The name Robert Brown popularized in his book, Angels and Demons, is a reference to “conqueror.” We believe it’s a great name for your fierce little girl. Vettori, Vittor, Vettore, Vettorato, and Vittoria are the variants.

85. Zucca:

A surname that is used in the workplace for people who sell gourds. Zucca is a contraction of the word “squash” in Italian. It’s a great nickname for your son if you want him to be a grown-up and be a fan of eating all nutritious vegetables. There are other variations like Zecca, Zuccaro, and Zucco.

What is the origin of Italian last names originate from?

With over 350,000 surnames to choose from, Italy has the largest number. The majority of Italian surnames originate from first names, which is usually the name of the head of the household. Although the majority of Italian surnames originate from patronymics or occupations, however, some are also derived from geographic areas such as animals, birds, or

Is there a most popular surname in Italy?

The statistics show that”Rossi” is the most popular surname “Rossi” is the most popular surname in Italy.

What is the reason why Brazilians are blessed with Italian surnames?

The Italian government estimates that over 1.8 million Italians resided in Brazil during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is why many Brazilians are of Italian roots, as are people with Italian families with Italian names.

Surnames and last names can reveal the person’s background and family. Italian last names sound sophisticated and chic and contribute to the individual’s personality. Additionally, surnames could sometimes be difficult to allow an individual to look into one’s past because the meaning might not be clear enough. This list of Italian names for last names will help you to understand where they originate from, and you’ll be able to understand their cultural and historical roots effortlessly.
