Is Masturbation A Sin? (Let’s hear you out)

Many of you have asked, “Is masturbation a sin?” First, let’s take a look at what defines masturbation and the heart of the issue.

What is Masturbation?

Masturbation is the experience of sexual orgasm produced by self-stimulation for sexual arousal and pleasure.

Is Masturbation A Sin

I am not a pastor, so I won’t be giving a direct answer on that lol. But let’s watch some videos from YouTube and see

You may also read; How To Stop Being Horny

After watching the videos above, kindly share your review in the comment section.

2 thoughts on “Is Masturbation A Sin? (Let’s hear you out)”

  1. Kasalanan yan ng kahalayan..Nasa Biblia yan: Ecclesiastico 23:16..Ang una’y ang nahirati sa sariling laman, hindi siya titigil hanggat di siya natutupok ng apoy na ito..

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