List Of 80+ Best Questions To Ask A Guy 2023

Guys and girls are different…usually.

They act differently. They behave differently.

Effective communication is essential to any healthy relationship.

It would be great to ask a question and receive a straightforward answer.

It’s not as straightforward…

It would be best if you asked questions that are insightful and creative.

I am here to help.

Fifty questions to ask him. I divided the relationship into five stages. We’ll cover:

Let’s get started!

General Questions

Question to ask a man

  1. What are your goals? What was your childhood like?
    3. What causes you to be insecure?
    4. What are your expectations from a romantic relationship?
    5. What is the one thing that you cannot tolerate?
    6. What is it about a woman that you find attractive?
    7. What are your expectations of yourself?
    8. What was the most memorable birthday you’ve had?
    9. Have you ever worn girls’ clothing?
    What is your family or friends’ make-up?
    11. What type of music and places do you enjoy visiting in the city?
    12. What is the one thing that you cannot live without?
    13. What was your most hilarious memory from high school?
    14. What is it like to work for this company?
    15. What is one thing you recently checked off your bucket list?
    16. What would you call yourself if you had to describe yourself in one word?
    17. What is your favorite food?
    18. What was your favorite childhood character?
    19. What animal is your favorite?
    20. Which would you prefer: fishing or hiking
    21. Do you believe in God?

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First date

Question to ask a man

Men and women around the World are filled with excitement at the prospect of their first date.

You are intelligent, compassionate, and have a wicked sense of humor…

He only needs to get to you…

Expecting someone to get to know you completely after only one date is unrealistic.

There is still hope.

You don’t have to be a show-off to impress

Leave him curious and intrigued about you…

You can randomly ask these questions in the conversation…

  1. What is the one thing you dislike most about women?
  2. Are you a fan of online dating?
  3. Do you feel intimidated by women who make more money?
  4. When you were young, who was your childhood celebrity crush?
  5. Are you nervous about me?
  6. What do you think of me?
  7. You lie to girls to get them what you want?
  8. When you first saw me, what was your first thought?
  9. Would you prefer to win $1 million or fall in Love?
  10. Have you got any questions?
  11. What is your romantic spirit animal?

Trial Period

Question to ask a man

The future looks bright. You can tell he’s into you, and he loves you.


Lack of certainty causes anxiety…

You have found the perfect partner for dancing and…

Music can stop at any time.

Stop it!…

It’s time to get things moving.

It’s time to ask the right questions about your relationship to learn more.

If you ask him these questions, he will get the picture.

  1. Are your friends aware of me?
  2. Do you want me or other girls?
  3. Are you sure that you want to be my date?
  4. Would you be jealous if you caught me flirting with a different guy?
  5. Would you like to go out and hang out with my friends?
  6. Would you mind if I posted a picture of us on Instagram?
  7. Can you give a massage to me?
  8. How much would I miss you if we never spoke again?
  9. What did you think of me after our first date with each other?
  10. Are you still dating us?

These dad jokes will make you laugh.

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Honeymoon Phase

Question to ask a man

It’s different. You might be right. You believe he loves you.

You would like to know.

Your friends think you are crazy in Love. You don’t give a damn what your friends think.

It’s time to find out how real Love is.

Or is this the real thing? Is this real?

You can find the answer to these questions by asking them.

Please pay attention to the way he reacts and responds…

  1. Do you like to be with me?
  2. Do you know what your family knows about me?
  3. What would you do if I could take you anywhere in the World?
  4. Why did your previous relationship fail?
  5. Do you fear that I’ll break your heart?
  6. Would you like to have children? How many children would you like to have?
  7. Would you prefer to live in a luxurious condo in the city or on a farm in the country?
  8. Would you still love me when I become old and ugly?
  9. What have I done or said that has upset you in the past?
  10. Do you remember your dreams ever? What do they involve?

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Question to ask a man

Your Man and you are official.

He knows it. You know it. He knows it.

You don’t know how serious things are. You don’t know how serious things are.

Is he the Love of your life? Forever?

How do you know for sure?

He probably thinks the same thing…or does he?

It’s time to ask questions that reveal the truth…

Don’t scare him away.

Ask him these questions casually while you are enjoying an intimate moment…

  1. Do you want to have dinner at my parents’ house?
  2. What are your deepest secrets?
  3. Can you stand it if I love our children more than you?
  4. Would you like to break up with our relationship?
  5. Would you move with me if I had to relocate for school or work?
  6. Would you be faithful if we were in a relationship for a year?
  7. Do you realize that you will also marry my family if you marry me?
  8. Would you prefer to travel with me or your male friends?
  9. Do you mind if I have male friends?
  10. What would you expect from me if I were to marry?

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Together for Years

Question to ask a man

You have accomplished it all. You guys have been through it all.

You are still together.

It’s safe to say that you both are not going anywhere.

It is easy to assume the worst.

People do grow and change.

It is essential to ask questions at this stage.

By asking him these questions, you can discover what’s changed and stayed the same…

Where are you two headed?

  1. Do you feel satisfied with your relationship?
  2. Have you ever felt the urge to end our relationship over the years?
  3. What did you think our lives would look like ten years ago?
  4. Will you make a career change, even if that means changing your lifestyle?
  5. Have you ever considered moving to a different state or country?
  6. What’s still on your “bucket list”? Why haven’t you done it?
  7. Will you look after me if I become very ill? Will you send me away if I get sick?
  8. Are you still as attracted to me as you were when you first met?
  9. Are you still in Love with me for the same reasons, or are they different?
  10. Will you help me if my parents become very ill?

Bonus Questions / Random Things to Ask A Guy

What’s your bucket list?
What social media do you use most?
What is your favorite music, and where do you enjoy going out in the city?
What would you choose if you had to eat only one food for the remainder of your life?
What fictional character is the scariest to you and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your dream job? Where would you like to work, and what are your future ambitions?
Do you believe that God exists? What are your role models or idols?
What is the most important thing about a person’s appearance?
Where would you live if you could?
What was the most memorable event in your life?

Remember. Everyone has questions.

You deserve to ask your questions.

It is essential to ask THE RIGHT questions as well as YOUR questions.

He is just as curious as you are. Open communication will make your relationship with Men much easier.