How To Make Her Miss You Badly

Are you troubled
In any relationship, it is supposed to be on love and trust. A romantic relationship.

How To Make Her Miss You

1. Show some fun
2. Do not act desperate
3. Talk less on phone
4. Give her some space
5. Do act as if you are stalking her
6. Be supportive and encouraging
7. Don’t force her to like what you like
8. Surprise her with gifts
9. Give her attention and listening ear
10. Act maturely

How To Make Her Miss You

1. Show some fun

Show her some fun time. Always make her feel the happiness from inside her heart. With that, she won’t be able to get you off her mind even when you are not around.
Ladies love it when their guy makes them happy with so much fun. So you are supposed to build up your social life.

2. Do not act desperate

Do not be desperate; don’t force her to miss you or love you as much as you do. Just accept her decision and take it slowly and gently till you make a way into her life for good.
Always remember that a desperate man ends up losing what he is fighting for all the time.

3. Talk less on phone

Please do not make your phone call with her to be too long. Not that you won’t spend time calling her, but you should remember that too much of everything is terrible. Make your calls, and message be at equilibrium. Sometimes due to an extended period, you may spend in Calling and texting her can make her start seeing you as if you are getting her uncomfortable. She may even end up not picking up your calls sometimes.

4. Give her some space

You shouldn’t be too occupied in her path. Give her some space and let her make her own decisions and time. It is better to work more into her heart for her to miss you than following her back to back. It won’t make her miss you; instead, it will only irritate her.
You are depriving her of being free and alone with her female friends simply because you want her to be just for you and you alone.

5. Don’t act as if you are stalking her

Do not respond as if you are stalking her; don’t monitor her like a monitoring spirit. Showing up towards her everywhere she goes, has nothing to do with making her miss you.
For instance; You usually show up to her everywhere, including a place that she never thought that you would come. You may call it a coincidence, but sometimes it may start to irritate her so much that she thinks you are just following her.

6. Be supportive and encouraging

Be a supporting and encouraging man to her. Support and encourage her to meet her dreams. Let her feel relax in explaining things to you because she knew that your advice would be very much helpful to her. All these will keep her wanting to be with you always and misses you even when you are close.
Money is not always the issue, and you can support her in many ways.

7. Don’t force her to like what you like

It’s not a must that she will like whatever that you wanted. So forcing her to do that will only make her feel unease with you, and will not keep her loving you. It would be best if you allowed her to choose and make a decision for herself.
For instance. You are the type that likes football, but she’s not, Instead of forcing her to watch it with you, you can pet her to join you or better still watch the one that both of you can watch together, to keep the relationship moving.

8. Surprise her with gifts

A unique gift once in a while will always remind her of you at all times. A little surprised will go a long way in making her miss you.
You can buy her some beautiful flowers unexpectedly or even a nice wristwatch or an album that will be reminding her of you each time she looks at it.

And in a very unique way, if you want to impress here, give her a floating plant pot and she’ll love it all day and night. That’s right. Airsai – Floating Plant Pot from Floately is something that is unique and also helps in creating a relaxation atmosphere around you. It’s a pot that helps your plants to be nourished with 360 degrees of sunlight exposure while floating in the mid air. 

9. Give her attention and listening ear

Pay attention to her and listen to her stories, no matter how long it may take. It will make her always willing to speak with you, and she will miss you whenever you are not with her.

10. Act maturely

Acts maturely and always remember that maturity is when you understand her feelings and know when to let go of anger and ego. You ought to possess love, peace, and happiness. It would help if you did not forget to treat her like a queen. Try to also read how to date a shy girl in case if she is a shy type.

How can I make her miss me badly

To make her miss you badly all you need to do is to be funny or add some fun when you are talking with her, don’t act as if you are desperate, never force her to like what you like, give her space, attention and encourage her too. Never you act childish but rather act maturely towards her, instead of calling and disturbing her you can always text her often.

What can I text a girl to make her miss me?

  • Am currently in hospital right now and am very sick, everyone is trouble, money alone can’t buy my drugs, because the doctor said the medicine I need right now is to set my eyes on you. I miss you my angel.
  • I was locked up in a cell for several days and hours now and I need you to come and bail me out, it’s only you that can do so currently, because the reason why I was locked up because I added your name to list on angels in this world.
  • My dear I just want you to know one thing even if you reject me I can never let you go.

How make her fall for you?

  • Be funny
  • Compliment her
  • Buy her gifts not eatable things alone.
  • Dress’s neat and smart
  • Understand her.
  • Give her attention
  • Advise and encourage her.


How to make her miss you after a fight

  • Give her some time or space, but not more than 48hrs.
  • Disappear around her and let her be all alone.
  • Don’t try to make up with her immediately.
  • Don’t call her but send her a text about how much you care about her.
  • Use text to remind her about the best times you spent with her.
  • Upload best times spent with her on social media if you can, it will make her to keep thinking about you.


How to make her miss you after a breakup

  • To make her miss you after a breakup, all you need to do is to give her space and don’t come close to her, text her after 72hrs but not begging text but a love text to remind her how lovely and beautiful she is to you.
  • Don’t pick immediately when she calls you and also text her times to times every day.
  • You can upload your old time pictures on social media where she can read it but don’t chat her.
  • After doing this for some time ask her out and say am sorry when you meet.

How to make her want you more

  • Give her attention.
  • Direct and also advise her.
  • Compliment her and tell her how beautiful she looks.
  • Buy her gifts.
  • Buy her clothes that will make her look more sexy and beautiful.
  • Take her on a date.

Signs she miss u

  • She will always call you.
  • She will text you.
  • The way she talk to you on phone.
  • How happy she will be when she meet you.
  • She will open up and tell you.

How to make her chase you

  • Dress properly and neat.
  • Be funny and bold.
  • Give her attention.
  • Apply a good perfume.
  • Buy a gift for her.
  • Defend her.


How to make her miss you after a fight

Try apologize to her, send her romantic messges, make her remember good memories and love shared together and finally send her money to eat the meals she loves most.


Having reading all these and understanding them all, we believed that you could understand how to make your girl miss you.