is it a sin to masturbate

Well, this is an act that is very bad to do and is also an act that is not good to be seen in us as a human because it makes us feel no good taste of sex. It can also make one not find reasonable satisfaction in their partner, so if you want to stop such acts, then I have some tips that will help you to prevent it.“How do I overcome masturbation?” or “Is it a sin to masturbate.”

Is it a sin to masturbate?

See Masturbation as punishment.

I want you to bear in mind that masturbation is actually a natural urge, and as human beings, we will always have these sexual urges. Having these urges does not make you less of a person or less worthy than anyone. So don’t allow yourself to enter into this act because this is a waste of time. Time that you could have spent relinquishing yourself of the addiction, so take this as a step at a time and realize that there is help and you are not helpless against the situation.

Remove things that will tempt you to masturbate:

One of the major things that causes temptation to masturbate is pornography, so you have to stop it. It would be best if you tried to remove yourself and your immediate environment from anything like pornographic content. That is not all. Try to control your access to this content. Try to be very observant enough to know the times and instances you mostly get the urge to masturbate and try to get busy with any other things during those times. Some people may recommend you do exercise because this gives you a release of its own and leaves you exhausted not to do many things. If you masturbate frequently due to loneliness, then try to find ways to limit your solitude. It would be best to do those things you do alone, do it in public, and don’t try to lock yourself up indoors all day. “How do I overcome masturbation?“.



Remove things that will tempt to masturbate
Remove things that will tempt you to masturbate.

“is it a sin to masturbate?”

Find another place to spend your time and energy:

Change your life act and fill your life with engaging activities. Because of the excitement, you will have to do something different, and meeting set goals and objectives will surely help replace the urge to masturbate because you will have a lot more distractions that can keep your mind off it. I want you to know that the process of turning your sexual urges into creative output is something that monks and sages have mastered and called sublimation. It would be best if you tried to utilize this on a scale you can. You can do many things with your time and energy, like writing, learning to play an instrument, drawing, etc.

Find another place to spend your time and energy:
Find another place to spend your time and energy.

Try to be persistent and patient:

I want you to know that stopping masturbation is not something that can be done immediately. Instead, it is a process that will require commitment, and you may also fall into temptation and fall on some occasions. Don’t be hard on yourself when this happens. Because the real struggle is persevering, commit now so you won’t let mistakes stand in your way. You can also try to stop it in a fun way by setting up a reward system to reward yourself for good behavior and achievement in terms of how long you go without masturbating and also promise yourself more rewards if you maintain it. Doing this will make you keep a record of how long you have gone without masturbating, and this is a good step. Doing this will introduce you to a new motivation to help you reach the finish line. “How do I overcome masturbation?

Never admire yourself when you bathe, and do not stay long.

Try not to stay in the bath for more than five or six minutes. Just be fast when taking a bath, drying off, and dressing, and then leave the bathroom and go to a room where you will see other members of your family present.

Avoid associating with other people having the same problem.
Avoid associating with other people having the same problem.

“is it a sin to masturbate?”

Avoid associating with other people having the same problem.

Never think that the two of you will quit it together because you can never stop it like that. So you must get away from that person or group with the same problem. Being close to or with them will keep your problem in your mind every time. This is not good because the problem must be removed from your mind, and that is where it exists. Your mind and thinking should focus on other things because when you forget, it will help you stop it. “How do I overcome masturbation?



  • Avoid touching the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes.
  • Never read pornographic material.
  • Put your whole thoughts into exciting things.
  • Pray daily and ask for the gifts of the Spirit, which will strengthen you against temptation. However, don’t pray to stop temptation because doing so will make it remain in your mind as a problem.
  • Rise immediately from bed in the mornings; do not lie in bed awake, no matter the time of day.

“is it a sin to masturbate?”