Healthy Tips For Peripheral Neuropathy Patients

Peripheral neuropathy has become a widespread condition recently. The human body has two types of nervous systems: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. As the name suggests, this disease affects how the peripheral nervous system works, mainly how it transports the signal from the central nerves to the body’s periphery, for example, legs and hands. People with this condition report issues with reflexes and muscles, like tingling or numbness. Although neuropathy has different kinds, some of which are not curable, you can ease your pain and manage the disease by following these three simple steps. 


  • Maintain Good Physical Health

This general advice applies to patients with neuropathy more than others. Good physical health establishes the foundation for smoother movements and overall well-being. Choose the type of exercise that you prefer and enjoy. Getting pleasure from the physical activity that you do is crucial in this case. If you can improve your mood, you will be able to cope with pain as the body would release corresponding hormones. Moreover, physical training, especially done in insoles for neuropathy, would help you cope with stress by turning on the production of hormones of happiness and pleasure. Also, when you exercise, your blood flows to your extremities and helps prevent additional damage to nerves. Finally, exercising keeps your muscles and blood vessels in shape, which helps control symptoms of this disease. 


  • Maintain Good Mental Health

Neuropathy damages nerves and affects the functioning of the nervous system, meaning that it would inevitably affect mental health. Hence, you can act backward: by treating the symptom, you can manage the condition. Mental health management starts with regular meditations and relaxation techniques. The more stressed you are, the more pressure you feel, the worse you will experience the damage to your nerves. Your goal should be to fill your everyday life with things that give you a sense of comfort and increase your energy and not the other way around. Practice deep meditation, focusing on breathing that helps you feel separated from everyday worries. Another option is to attend yoga classes. They can help you regain the feeling that everything in your life is under your control.

  • Manage Your Diet

This would go as a separate paragraph as dietary changes can positively and negatively influence neuropathy. For example, smoking and overconsumption of alcohol, as you can guess, would lead to worsened symptoms and more pain. Smoking affects blood vessels and circulation: these two are vital for patients with neuropathy. Alcohol directly interacts with the nervous system and can cause unwanted paresthesia (tingling), especially in your hands. Instead of smoking and drinking, aim for a healthy and fiber-rich diet. The latter is essential since neuropathy is mainly connected to diabetes, and fiber-rich food can control the sugar level. Avoid food rich in fats or processed with different syrups, often containing unnecessary sugar. Finally, include in your permanent shopping list fruits, nuts, and consult with your physician to get vitamins B and D. By implementing such dietary changes, you will help your body feel less pain and improve your motion and sensations.