Biggest Flaws In A Relationship

Every relationship have one problem or the other. There is no relationship in this world that is perfect without having any problem but there biggest flaws in a relationship that needs to be avoid because they are they ones that can easily lead to break up. So if the reason why you are here is to learn about those things, then relax for you are in the right place to learn about it all.

Biggest Flaws In A Relationship


  1. Lack of attention.

The absence of attention in a relationship is a flaw to that relationship for it contributes to the collapsing of a relationship.Attention in a relationship is very important, it gives room for play, jokes and improve the level of love in that relationship. “Biggest Flaws In A Relationship”

Attention promotes the sparking of a relationship for good. It makes the two partners to understand themselves more and it promotes the lasting of a relationship. For it’s when you rendered your attention to your family, it will give you room to know your partner well, it will help you to understand when and how to treat him or her. It helps in providing happiness in that relationship. It prevents an intruder or third party in entering into your lives.

Attention in a relationship doesn’t mean that you must spend, it means that you must sacrifice your time no matter how little. You must be around every time when you are needed to.


  1. Communication

This is another flaw in a relationship, because lack of communication can permanently damage a relationship.

Communication in a relationship is very important especially an effective communication and an effective communication include asking, telling, understanding, observation and persuading.

If your partner does not tell you his or her problems, but you observe that there is a problem, try a way to persuade him or her to tell you so that you two will work together and solve the problem. You can now see that the effective communication always works together. You must tell, you must ask, you must persuade, you must observe and you must understand, before you can achieve an effective communication.


  1. Love.

It is another flaw in a relationship, because a relationship that has no love in it, cannot last and it can easily be ruined by anybody.

Love in a relationship is very nice and it’s a nice foundation of every relationship for it’s the pillar of a relationship.

Love is when you understand that your partner’s weakness is also your own weaknesses and you two should work on it to patch it up.

Love is when you understand that age in a relationship is just a number, that once you are together that a woman is meant to be under a man and that a man is also meant to appreciate his partner no matter how old he is. “Biggest Flaws In A Relationship”

Love is when you understand that maturity is very important in a relationship, and you should apply it at any time.

Love is when you understand that your partner is your companion and you should cherish him or her no matter what.

Love is peace, Love is happiness, and love is a strong pillar of every relationship.

So if your relationship lacks love, note that it shall collapse at any time, you should build up and strengthens it. For it’s one of the biggest flaw in a relationship.


  1. Nonchalant attitude.

This is another biggest flaw in a relationship, for it contributes to the falling of that relationship. Nonchalant is an attitude which a person acts as if it doesn’t concern him/her.

For instance, your partner is in a bad mood due to some problems, you came in and noticed that something is wrong, but instead of you to show concern, you pretended as if nothing is wrong. Feeling of “I don’t care”, it kills relationship. Nonchalant attitude is never good in a relationship, it’s one of the biggest flaw in a relationship.


  1. Selfishness

This flaw is very common and dangerous to a relationship. A relationship is not meant to be one sided love. You must not only be concerned about yourself, a relationship should not be on one’s benefits. You must be willing to sacrifice when there’s need.

Selfishness is a biggest flaw to a relationship.


Having read all these, we believed that you are able to know the biggest flaws in a relationship.

Again, feel free to drop your comments if you have any.


“Biggest Flaws In A Relationship”