Things to do on a first date to Avoid Mistakes

What to do on a first date

Things to do on a first date. There are many necessary things to do when you are meeting someone for the first time. It is very important to understand what to do on a first date so that it can guide you for not to misbehave.

Here are the things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date

  1. Be fun to be with :


Don’t be that type of person that will always squeeze you face even when the person you are meeting is trying his best to make you smile. Feel free and play with him if he wants that unless you are naturally not that type. Remember don’t play much, always have a limit.


  1. Dress properly :


Your dressing alone is capable of upgrading or degrading you, so be conscious in what you put on as a dress and let it look attractive and smart.

“things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date”


  1. Be on an open place:


Do not accept to follow him home on a first date; always insist on staying on an open place to avoid any trouble and especially for security reasons. With that you will also be free from emotional blackmails.


  1. Be yourself:


Be real and never accept what you are not, no pretence and remove ego. Don’t be too fast to claim what you are not because one day the truth will surely come out and you will have yourself to be blame.


  1. Don’t be rude :


Always minimize your words and never use abusive words on him or her, show some regard and appreciate anything he can offer you, do not aim high because it will definitely increase your rudeness.


things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date”

  1. Don’t be in a hurry :


Do not be the type of girl or boy that is always in a hurry to rush into a relationship without taking time to examine him or her. At least on that first date there must be certain things that you will observe from her character or his character as well. Even if he asks you a simple question always take time to think and answer because whatever you give as an answer will be hold against you some day and you will have yourself to be blame.


  1. Hide yourself :


Hide yourself does not mean that you not be real you or give false information about yourself but hide yourself here is to know what to speak to a stranger. Don’t expose everything about yourself at a first  date, at least you will expose them gradually if the relationship start to improve. Speak less and reason more because a brilliant girl does not talk too much instead he or she takes time in thinking before speaking, don’t forget.

things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date
things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date
  1. Be a good listener:


Don’t be too fast to stop his speech instead give him to finish what he have and then pick some points from what he said and speak your own.   Give him that listening ear so as you do to girls too as a man, not only girls


  1. Ask questions:

Don’t be the type that will just concentrate on the drinks then forgotten what they came for. A date is a time to get to know at least some certain things from the person you are meeting, if you are clever enough you will understand when he is speaking the truth or not.

  1. Do not kiss or sex

On your first date I advice you as a lady not to give in to kiss or sex. I know you may be wondering what I meant by this. But the truth is that kissing and having sex with a guy on the first date will not make him like you. In fact to be plain to you, most men will take you to be a loose and a cheap girl. So for you not to be seen as such kind of person, avoid kissing or having sex with him on the first date. Especially if is the guy you want to have something serious with.


“things to do on a first date or what to do on a first date”