List Of 50+ Good Dares 2023

What do you do when your friends come over? You eat pizza, laugh, and tell embarrassing stories. At some point, everyone gets the idea of playing truth or dare. It’s a party staple, and it’s an excellent idea for having fun and breaking the ice.

After five rounds of dares, you and your friends will usually exhaust yourselves and find it challenging to come up with something interesting or entertaining.

We’ve created 50+ dares that both men and women can try the next time they play. I can assure you that the game will be super fun.

Did you know that the game truth or dare is derived from command games? It’s said that it comes from command games, like the ancient Greek Basilinda, described by Julius Pollux. “In which, we are told, a king elected by lottery ordered his comrades to perform.” Okay, I won’t bother you with the history. Let’s get into the dare questions.

List Of 50+ Good Dares

Men’s Dares

  1. You’ll make everyone laugh with your belly.
  2. Open the window and shout at the top of your voice how much you love her.
    (That’s embarrassing – especially if your crush is with you).
  3. Pay the pizza delivery man in small coins.
    You can’t tell the courier that it was just a dare.
  4. Take a potato raw.
    It’s good for you, don’t worry.
  5. You can ask the person to your right to take a picture of your double chin. Post it on Instagram and caption it, “I never leave home without my double chin .”
    (I hope that you have a double chin)
  6. Ask your crush if they will tolerate your feet smelling like rotten tomatoes.
    How are you going get out of that one?
  7. Let everyone in your group lick each other’s noses.
    (hopefully, in the end, your nose will be very slimy)
  8. You can put as much popcorn as you want in your mouth without chewing. Start chewing only when the popcorn is whole.
    (you’ll resemble a hamster).
  9. Hug five trees for 30 seconds each.
  10. Ask your neighbors if they will adopt you.
    Imagine if they agreed.
  11. Tell your group about the first time you kissed.
    If you have one, please use it
  12. Show off the color of your boxers.
  13. Follow the steps of the person to your right.
    You can’t be upset with them.
  14. Pick a group member, and tell them what you dislike about them. I hope they don’t get angry with you (and again)
  15. Tell an older woman on the street that you are her grandson.
    Imagine them being super excited.
  16. Brush the hair of the person in front of you until you are following.
  17. Tell a joke and wait until everyone laughs.
    If you’re not the humorous type, it could take a while. Or maybe try some dark humor here.
  18. Tell your mother, “You Know!”. Wait to see if it cracks her, and she will tell you the secret.
  19. Try to book a table at a restaurant under Jennifer Aniston’s name.
  20. Eat everything in your house.
    (pickles, ketchup, chocolate, and more).
  21. Tell the group how many days you went without showering.
    (and don’t lie!)
  22. Call a friend to pick a fight.
    (don’t say it was a dare)
  23. Grab something out of the garbage and hold it for the game.
  24. Bites a soap.
    Try not to throw up.
  25. The bottom of your shoes should be licked.
  26. Tell her you don’t want to be with her because your friends dislike her.
  27. Brush your teeth using your best friend’s brush.
  28. Tell someone on the street that their child is ugly.

List Of 50+ Good Dares

Good Dares For Girls

  1. Leave it on for the remainder of the game.
    They should be able to draw well.
  2. Hold still and throw an ice cube underneath your shirt.
    It must be not easy to do that.
  3. Show off your unshaven legs.
    They can’t forget what they’ve seen.
  4. Fill your mouth with water, and sing until someone in the group can guess the song.
  5. Break an egg raw on your forehead.
    You can do the cleaning later, I promise.
  6. Cite a poet without opening your mouth.
  7. Everyone should kiss your ear.
    You probably won’t be able to hear anything with that ear for a few days.
  8. Write a long, dramatic Facebook post about how you feel.
    You’ll be asked a lot of questions in the future.
  9. Tell your crush that you love them
    They’ll ask, “When were you under me?” (like Ross in Friends).
  10. You can call five people and speak to them with five different accents.
    (hopefully, they won’t assume you’ve suffered a stroke.)
  11. Don’t make faces, and eat half a lime.
    Don’t eat more; instead, consider your blood pressure.
  12. Talk to yourself as you walk alone down the street
    Make sure you don’t wear headphones.
  13. Set your crush’s photo as your Facebook profile picture.
  14. Display your search history from the last week.
  15. Take your clothes off in the other room and put them back on.
    You’ll hopefully get some laughs
  16. Ask for a penny on the street.
  17. Again, text your parents to let them know you are pregnant!
    If you have compassionate parents, it is best to skip this.
  18. Stick some gum at the ends of your locks.
    This is a girl’s worst fear.
  19. Ask someone in the group on a date
    Keep your promise to go and keep it.
  20. Delete your IG account and do not use it for five days.
  21. Cut bangs.
    (oh boy, oh boy)
  22. You can shave your eyebrows.
    They’ll grow back.
  23. Do 30 pushups.
  24. Remove your makeup before the next game, and enjoy your natural beauty.
  25. Lay down on the ground for the remainder of the game.
    You’ll thank yourself later for lying down on the floor. It is suitable for your spine.
  26. Take three large cups of water and do not stop.
  27. Continue to go back and forth beneath the table until you are given your turn.
  28. T pronounce “A” in 10 seconds by closing your mouth and nose.

Good Dares For Teens

Oh, wait! Why should the adults get all the fun? Here are some good dares for teens to try with their friends.

Then, lick the person’s feet 2 times.

You can do whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Continue talking for three minutes without stopping.

Wear your T-shirt after soaking it in water and putting it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Draw something on your face using a permanent marker.

You can exchange a piece of clothing with the player to your right.

 For 10 seconds, smell a dirty sock.

Give each tree in your yard a hug.

You can peel a banana using your feet.

Well, that’s all. What did you think of our dares list? Next time you invite some friends over, try playing truth or dare instead of watching a movie or being on your phone. You’ll appreciate the communication in the future.