I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

There are many occasions when we could tell someone “I love you” but we can’t do it since there’s no means to express it. I am always there for your messages can be used for messages, statuses or even on greeting cards to show your gratitude to anyone important to you.

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

I am always in You Quotes

  • I am missing your presence, but I’ll never forget our time spent together. Every moment we shared was memorable to me, and I will carry those moments with me all the time in my life. I will forever cherish you and know that you will always be there with me.
  • I am so in love with you and I would like to live my entire existence with you. In my absence, I’m not complete. I cherish making memories with you. The time that we’ve spent together for brief amounts of time go by way too quickly, and I’m excited to see when we can be together again.
  • My love for you is the same as my soul and heart and it will never end. It will be there to support you and I will never leave your side. My affection for you will always be present even when it gets cold and dark, and when the years pass by I’ll always feel the same way.
  • You are so important to me. You are my true love. I cannot imagine living my existence without you. You bring me joy I’ve never experienced before. My affection for you increases each day when we are spending more and more time with you!
  • It’s not always a fairytale however when I look at you, it brings me the sensation of being a princess.
  • I’ll never forget that you’re the greatest aspect of my existence. You’re so dear to me and I wouldn’t be able to survive without you. I love you to bits.
  • I’m not sure if are aware of how much I cherish you and how much you are the most wonderful thing that I’ve ever experienced and the only girl I have for myself… however, I do hope that you feel it through the miles.
  • I’m always with you, even when you are thousands of miles from me. I will keep you safe throughout the day with my whole heart. I cherish my wife and always will be there for her throughout the path of life.
  • I’m always with you even when I’m absent.
  • I’m always there for you regardless of when we’re separated. I am certain that at this point, you are never going to stop telling me that I love you because I’m not going to allow you to. And I’ll never forget to say it because each time I say it my heart beats faster and butterflies begin to fly out of me. I will always be yours and cherish you with all my heart.
  • I would like to assure you that I’m always with you. Even if I can’t say it or display it, I cherish you more than anything else in the world.
  • I’m right there in the early morning when you first awake and will be there for you all day, and will remain for you till it’s time to go to bed. Even when we’re not keep in mind that I’m always there for you.
  • You’re my ideal match. I treasure every minute we have together. Exploring fields of flowers as well as climbing trees, going on long walks, then returning to the basements of random restaurants and playing old-school Sega I love you to pieces and always will.
  • My affection towards you is wonderful that it goes to the top of the world and sinks into the oceans. Every time I look at your gorgeous face, I feel more. I am eager to be able to share our lives with you. Forever and always with you.
  • I’m always with you. Whatever you do, I’m there within your soul. The thoughts of your mind, the dreams and your expectations. You cannot escape me, no matter how much you want to.
  • I’m always with you on the inside, no matter when I’m away physically.
  • The love I have for you feels like the breeze, I can’t feel it, but I can feel it. Your love is a long journey that never ends and never ceases. It may be a while before we are in the same place, but no matter what distance we have between us my heart will be always by your side.
  • I am with you, I feel you, and I always cherish you. From a world, where time is not a thing in a place where distance has no significance, where human words are not heard… It is my pleasure to keep you in my heart. My spirit will be with you until we can be together once more.
  • I can’t imagine what I would be doing or where I’d be without you. The first time we met, my heart sped up and I was certain that one day we would be forever together. The most incredible woman in the world. You’re smart, funny and driven. You are ambitious, ambitious beautiful, attractive and much more! You’ve graduated from college and I am extremely proud of you. Without you, I would not have achieved anything in my life. Your love inspires me to have confidence and hope.
  • I will always cherish you. It is real. These words are nearby and I’ll not forget to tell you. It was difficult at first but after a few minutes, it became easy to understand.

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

I am Always with You Quotes for the Best Friend

  • I am always there for you.
  • People move and disappear through my daily life but you’ll always be with me. You’ve been the best friend I’ve ever made. I am sure that regardless of what happens, you are always there to help me. I cannot thank you enough for being in my life for many years.
  • The most significant individual in my world. Thank you for being always with me and being there for me, regardless of the circumstances. I am in love with you from the bottom of my being… forever and always.
  • It’s hard to believe that we’ve been through so many things, but I’m still feeling as if I have everything I know about you…I truly love you!
  • I’m sorry that I didn’t have enough time in recent times to have dates with you or unwind with you. I’m sure we’ve been friends for nearly 6 years, but I’d like to show you how much I love you so much. You have been my life for the past 6 years.
  • I’ll be there for you, whenever you need me. Many love and so many kisses and hugs to you. I don’t know what could do without your lovely friendship. Remember that I’m always there. No matter what the issue or heartache Keep your head high because I’m right there and crying with you as well as laughing and singing along with you!
  • Always there for you. In the dark, in the storm. No matter where you are I’ll be there with you, my dear. I’m never far away to grab you in your arms or kiss your lips. You’ll never be lonely ever again, my sweetest heartfelt.
  • I would like to say to my dear friend that you are important to me. Thank you for supporting me, and thank you for being compassionate when I needed it most. Thank you for making a smile appear on my face whenever I’m feeling blue. Thank you are my greatest friend.
  • I am in love with you from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget you. When we’re not together, I’m sad to be without you. If we’re together, I want to be closer still…I’m more of a person in the presence of you. Your smile makes me giggle and make me smile without any reason at all…you hold the largest piece of my heart. I will keep it close.
  • The only thing that will ever be another girl like me Only you have my heart! I love you dearly my girl, you are very unique to me.
  • I love you to the end of the earth and beyond. I can’t even imagine the world without my love for you. You are so dear to me. Today, I reaffirm my gratitude to you and pledge to live my entire life with you.
  • You’re the most important person in my heart and my most trusted friend, and I love you every day. I wish you many years to come of adventure!
  • I’m always there for you, my dear. Although you aren’t able to see me. I am always watching over you and helping you navigate through your journey.
  • I would like to assure you that no matter where you travel, you’ll be right there. I’ll be there with you all the way. You are the person I cherish the most in the world and my very most beloved friend. We’ve shared many wonderful memories and I hope we can share more shortly. The only person that I am looking for and I wouldn’t want to spend my entire life with anyone else than you.
  • I cannot imagine my life without you. You’re my best friend as well as my rock. You are the most important person in my life. Your smile is the light of my life, and I wish you never forget that smile.
  • I’m always thinking about you. I think about you late at night. I’m wondering what you’re doing throughout the day. I can remember the first time we met and the amazing moment it was.
  • You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Your smile is a beacon of light for the entire room and your laughter will ease any sorrow I may feel and your touch makes the love in every inch of my body. I love you dearly and I don’t know what I’d do without you.
  • I am so grateful to have the person I have in my life. You are the most important person in me, the love of my greatest friend and the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. I am so blessed to be with you! My dreams wouldn’t be realized without your help. I am in love with you.

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

I’m Always My Love with You

  • I wanted you to be aware that I’m always there for you. Each kiss and every tender touch, I offer to you. I am yours. Yours forever. My heart isn’t mine my property however, it is a gift only to you.
  • I’m always thinking of you. You are always in my thoughts. You’re like the air I breathe. My soul and heart are yours!
  • I’m always there for you. When you get up in the morning, I’ll be there. Then I’ll get to bed with you and share beautiful dreams of us as you’re dreaming about us. I’ll make your life blissful and cherish every moment that will make us feel proud.
  • I love you, my dear. I hope this Valentine’s brings more love and happiness to our life. I will always be there for you and always will be.
  • What do I have to say about you that’s not been mentioned before? You are my love My rock and my joy. A day without you is a sigh of sadness for me. I cherish you to the core and wish to be with you forever.
  • The stars of the night sky appear stunning, but they are nothing without me close by. I cherish you more than those billions of sextillion specks of light.
  • I have had a deep love for you (your name) from the first moment I first met you. My heart was touched by your beautiful and charming personality right from the beginning. But, my love for you was heightened when I came to meet the person behind your stunning eyes. Our relationship has seen many ups and downs, however, we’ve remained strong thanks to three things: friendship compassion, love, and friendship. You are my most trusted companion and also my closest and most beloved.
  • I’ll be with you always, just be patient and wait. I’m always there for you, my dear. I am waiting for the day that we will be reunited. I will never forget you and won’t forget how much joy you bring me. You are my universe and everything I have.
  • I’ve been looking for an effective way to tell you I love you! But words don’t suffice. I’m always with you my love in my heart and my thoughts.
  • I will forever love you. I’ve already said it before and I’ll never get bored of repeating this. You are the most important thing to me, my dear. You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened in my life.
  • Life is much easier when you’re with me. I’d take any step to help you and I know it. You are the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced and I’m sure I feel the same way about myself. Every day we wake up with each other, and it’s an excellent way to start the day.
  • You are the shining light of my life, you are the breeze in my wings The sun that soothes me. I am overwhelmed with love that is a flood to all who are around me. My affection for you is unending. I’ll never get more than you. My everything!
  • I’m not sure if there are words to describe the love I have for you. My life is so beautiful thanks to you. I feel your affection all the time and it inspires me to be a better human being. I’d like to be with you. I cannot imagine getting up without you there alongside me. I am so grateful to you!
  • I’ve always worried about losing my dear friend, you. Today, I’d like to inform you that I feel that it is a difficult thing for me to do since I believe there are two of me on this earth the first being you my angel, and the other one is me, however, they are both identical.
  • I’m always there with you my beloved even when we’re separated. I know that you need your own space, and although it is difficult for me to be without it I am aware that it is necessary. I’d like to be there with you each day you let me know that you are feeling the same. Although we’re separated by miles, we are still one in spirit.
  • I would like to be with you. I’m not willing to leave your side. I want your presence in my world. You are mine forever.
  • We’re all in this together. I will always love you, my dear angel.
  • You might not be with me physically But you’re always close to me. A portion of me always feels lost when we’re not together. I’ll never be able to get used to it, and I don’t intend to. The times we’re not together are the most difficult for me. I am your complete and all I desire is to be with you.
  • I am so in love with you. I can’t express it enough. I’d like to remove all your sorrow and give you a life of pure happiness. I’d offer your coffee every day before you go to work along with chocolate, flowers and love. You are my tiny ray of sunshine, who soothes my heart with every opportunity. Every time we share a kiss, my heart gets a little tenser, and with each passing moment, I’m more and more in the love.
  • You are my most trusted partner, my best friend and my best friend. I am blessed for every moment we share. Every time I watch you smiling or hear your gorgeous laughter the beat of my body increases as I know that I’ve not been happier. You have made me an improved person and nothing can ever alter the fact that you are a better person.
  • The most significant one in my existence, and always will be. I am very grateful to have you as a part of my life, and I will take every chance to express how awesome you are. You’re a huge element in the making of me into my present self and I’m sure there’s no place else I’d rather be in than with you. Since we will always be in love be with us, and never forget that regardless of the circumstances, whether in this moment or on any other day, I will be there for you, my love.

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

I’m Always With Husband Quotes

  • I’m always there for you. Even as you read this, I’m watching your back and sending positive thoughts for healing to you. The cards I send you are proof that I am there and that I am in love with you, and that, no matter what, we’ll be together someday. I cherish you with all my heart.
  • I’m with you always in spirit even when we’re away. I wish you happiness. I wish you the best of luck and hope that your dreams come true…I cherish you!
  • You are the only person that I can’t be without. I would never wish to discover myself in a life without you. You are everything wonderful about this world which is why I feel so blessed that you have chosen me to be at your side. I am more in love with you each day and, no matter what life brings us, I’ll be there with you every step.
  • My husband, You are my real love. You are flawless in every way. Your smile makes my heart beat each time I see that gorgeous face of yours. I am blessed to be in your presence. I am so grateful to you. I will always pick you over all others because there isn’t anyone who can match the man you are. You are awe-inspiring and our relationship is.
  • A sweet love note to him with (Your name) If you provide me with more than joy and make me smile I’d say I am very fortunate. You are the person who can make my life worthwhile. Your life is my absolute. You transformed my life in ways that I could never have imagined. The love we share is truly amazing and it makes me wish to hug you often and not let go.
  • I love you, my darling husband. I pledge to remain with you regardless of what happens. Be careful of yourself and return home in peace. I’ll be waiting for your arrival with unwavering arms plenty of love and an empty bed. Enjoy your flight!
  • You’re the most handsome man I have ever met. I am so happy to be your wife. Everyone is in love with you immediately and since the moment we first were introduced, you’ve not stopped showing me your love. We’ve experienced so many things over the last seven years, and you’re always with me. You are my He-Man, and I am your princess. Our love lasts forever.
  • I’m always there for you. I keep watching for you while you move through your life. If strangers might be near be assured that I will be there. Through the years, we’ve been able to be silent and cherish each other. I am sorry for the hurt that you have experienced and wish you the joys you are entitled to. If I were a raindrop, I’d want rain just on your shoulders. Even though I’m not with you in physical form, remember that I’m right there with you in your heart.
  • I’ve always been there for you even before I even had the pleasure of meeting you. My thoughts always were with you. I think of you as well as how deeply I cherish you. You are always there even when I’m away from you. You’re a fantastic man, an amazing father and the best man a woman could ever have! I love you to the core!
  • I will always cherish you and always be forever with you.
  • I don’t care about where you are or what you’re up to. I am in love with you and will be with you forever.
  • I pledge to be with you. I am your rock and love and the person I’d like to have throughout my life. I wish for our love to continue to grow and blossom with a future that is as serene and stunning as it is now.
  • I will love you forever and always. I will never love anyone like I am in love with you. My life is yours, you are the only and only. You embrace me with your arms and gently lay me down to sleep every night. You will not let me leave you. I’ll be there with you everywhere you go!
  • I love you and will always do. Whatever happens to us during this life, I’ll be with you. I can assure you that, regardless of what happens my feelings for you will never change. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and I’d love to live my entire life with you.

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

Whatever the Situation I’m Always With You

  • I’m always at your by your side. In thick or thin. There are a lot of things I’d like to say to you. It’s too short to waste time. I have lots of love to share with you and so much I’d like to be able to share with you. Every time I look at your face, I can feel immense happiness. It makes me feel the butterflies seeing your gorgeous face. My life would be incomplete without you.
  • Thank you for being always here for me. I am so grateful to you and hope to be by your side every step of the way. We’re such a solid group regardless of what obstacles come our way, I’m sure we’ll manage it!
  • you have made my existence significantly more fascinating and beautiful through you being a part of my daily life.
  • Hey! I’m just trying to say, you’re the most amazing thing that’s ever been my experience. You are my life and I cannot think of my existence without you. It makes me feel happy and complete. I never imagined I could be so happy. You are my real soul mate and my best friend! Since the day we met, I adored you. You made me happier than anyone else has ever done before. I’m grateful to have an individual like yours in my world. I’m sure that I will.
  • Since the first time when I got to know you personally, everything was transformed. I was in love with small things, such as the way you smiled, your laughter and your voice. You also have stunning eyes. My love for you had no limits, no boundaries. You never cease to amaze me. I am closer to you each day.
  • You are my most trusted friend, and I cherish you very much. The thought of leaving you is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done and I’m sure you’ll be there regardless of what. There’s never a moment that passes that I don’t think of you.
  • If you move forward and speed up, but constantly look back at me. I am always there in the background. Stay with me I’m waiting for you to stay with me. I can’t find a better means to be close to you, however, this is so important to me. It’s the only way I can be close to you is to breathe. I am not me without you I’m with you. Make my life full or at the very least something I am happy about!!
  • I will be by you until the end.
  • I’m always there for you regardless of what. I am your best friend. I cherish you with all my heart. You’re my best friend, my lover, my life. If anything happened to you, I’d be dead. How can I tell I am in love with you?
  • I’m not sure what you did however, you somehow managed to make your hand into my heart. I’m hoping someday I will find the courage to be worthy of you. Whatever happens, you go through, I’ll be there for you, regardless of the circumstance we are facing.”
  • I will forever love you, baby boy. I will always be there for you whenever things get difficult. You are my rock. I cannot imagine my future without you.
  • I left everything in your hands, and my heart was difficult to find. If anyone else came along, I’d be blind, I just wanted to let you be aware. What am I supposed to leave if you remain with me because I am so in love with you”

I Am Always With You Quotes And Messages For Loved Ones

I’m Always Here for You Quotes

  • I will always be available for you whenever you require me to be. I will do hard to become the first person you’d like to speak to. I’d risk my life for you. It is possible that I will not always be successful however, I’ll be willing to go extreme efforts to protect you. I cherish you with every ounce of my heart.
  • I am in love with you more than anything on earth. Everything I do is done with you in my mind. I’ll be there to be there for you in all ways. I would love nothing more than joy for you. You are the love of my life.
  • My affection for you isn’t the kind that is a storybook love, but it’s that kind of love poems are described in, the type of love that is only found in fairytales. I don’t have to tell you about the numerous ways I am in love with you. Your love for me developed due to your understanding of my character as well as a conviction that I would be for you whenever you needed me. Every day my commitment to you increases because your character is what makes me more attractive to you.
  • Although you’ve always been there for me I’ve never expressed my gratitude to you in enough ways. Without your love and support, I’m not sure what I would be doing here. I am grateful for the way that life brought us together.
  • Make time for the people that are important to you ……… since every minute spent with them is one minute of joy that you’ll never be able to recreate.
  • Thanks to you, I am alive for the first time. Things are new and never will ever be like it. My days are always brighter because of listening to the sound of your voice or getting a message from you.
  • My very best friend on the planet I want you to know how much I cherish you and take care of you. You are my only true love. I want to give you the most happiness and love in the world. You are the most important thing I have ever had in my life.
  • You are my life and my heart and soul. I cherish you more than everything else in the world. You are the only thing that completes me. An intimate love note
  • You are the most important person in my life. You bring me more happiness than I could ever imagine. I am so blessed to have you at my side and beside me every day. I am so grateful to you.
  • I am in love with you from the bottom of my heart. Wherever I am where I am, what I’m up to and who I’m with, or the number of miles or days we have between us, I promise you that my love for you will never cease.
  • I am awestruck by you I love you. I always have and will always do.
  • You’re my absolute friend. You’re the only one who understands me as no other person does and I am grateful for that. I feel so content that I can smile at everything that happens to me. I am so grateful that I met you when I did. My life is so much better due to my gratitude to you.
  • I love you much more than I did yesterday, and less than the day after tomorrow. I’ll forever be in love with you.
  • If I had one wish I would like to spend the remaining years of my life with you.
  • If you require anything, just contact me, I’m always there to help. I cherish being there for you more than anything else in the world. You’re such a wonderful and kind person and should be treated as royalty. You can be sure to call me for anything you require, and I’ll be there any time you need me.
  • I’m always there to support you, my love. If you’ve got to this point you’ve likely spent a lot of time looking for romantic phrases for him. If that’s the case it’s not likely to be wasted. I believe that the above quote is worth the effort, and I’m sure you will feel that as well – and that it turns out to be your most cherished quote.
  • I’m here to be there for you at all times. I’m always in your thoughts and my affection towards you has a radiance as deep as the sea. My heart is with you forever and forever.
  • I’m here to tell you that regardless of how things go, I’m available to help you.
  • While I might not be physically present but I will be there both mentally and emotionally. Whatever moment whether it’s day or night you can reach me to discuss your concerns or just listen. I am in love with you and cannot wait to share my entire life with you.
  • You are the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life. I cherish every moment we spend together! You are my most trusted friend and the one I would like to live my entire life I live with. I’d live in your kisses and hugs for the rest of my life If I could. I cherish you more than anything else!
  • Your love is more important to me than any other thing in the world. I will always be there for you and support you in life, particularly in the things you do. Your voice is a source of inspiration and an aid to get through my day. I am eager to find out how the next chapter unfolds for our generation. I’m sure it will exceed what we could ever imagine!

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